Saturday 8 June 2024

VALE Private Bert Sutton

 In June 2022 World War 2 veteran, Private Bertram (Bert) Sutton, was presented with an Aussie Hero Quilt made by Lorraine and presented by staff from the School of Armour at his home in Numurkah, Victoria.

In 1941, as a 20-year-old, Private Sutton embarked on the ship Tarooma bound for Port Moresby.

He followed in the footsteps of his dad by signing up to the Army. HIs father served in France during World War 1.

Even at 101 years old, Mr Sutton could vividly recall details of his own service with 58/59 Battalion in the arduous conditions of New Guinea.

“I was lucky to come through it,” Mr Sutton said. “I lost a few of my mates. I wouldn’t like to go through it again, but we just had to keep going.”

On his return to Australia, Private Sutton discharged from the Army and took over the family farm from his father.

You can read the full story of the presentation here.

His niece told me that Bert loved his quilt and used it at home and in hospital.  Bert's beloved wife, Lorus wanted us to know how special his quilt was to Bert and his family. The nurses and staff used to share their stories of loved ones war experiences when they saw the quilt, which the family appreciated. 

This photo was taken on 24 April after an ANZAC Service at his nursing home. As it was so cold he was not able to attend any events but he watched the coverage. 

At the end of May Private Bertram Charles Sutton passed away. At the funeral Bert's quilt was draped over a table at the front of the church.  What an honour for us. 

Rest in Peace Bert. 

Lest We Forget. 

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