
Tuesday 16 March 2021

Grati -Tuesday 16th March 2021


Hearing from all the recipients about how their quilts and laundry bags bring them so much joy and exceed their expectations is an amazing gift to all of us. It brings a splash of colour, literally and figuratively, to their lives which has far reaching effects. 
I don't think we can ever underestimate the feeling of someone receiving a gift from a complete stranger that has so much thought, love, skill and imagination involved in the making of it. They give us themes, but we give them something beyond what they had envisaged. 
This is the true essence of what we do and why we do it. The sacrifice that is made by these men and women can never be underestimated, but the thought that they are truly appreciated makes it seem worthwhile.

Please enjoy reading these gratitude letters. 



Dear Janis,

I love both the laundry bag and the quilt. They are so well made and fit perfectly with what I wanted. It brings a smile to my face every-time I look at them. I am really glad you enjoyed making them, the characters look amazing.
I learned of Aussie Hero's when my best friend returned home from her deployment. I think the work from everyone involved is absolutely awesome. It's a bright splash of colour personalised for us. The mystery package that arrives unexpectedly containing something made with such care is so special. I was having a busy and stressful week when the quilt arrived and I was so excited. Then a week later, during one of my biggest days yet, I got back to my room and the laundry bag had arrived. the arrival of each package lifted my spirits.
I think it's awesome you get to enjoy your hobby and in the process bring so much joy to others. Thank you.
I spent some time in Vic in 2017 while I was there for my trade training. I enjoyed it although QLD is my favourite place to be in Australia.
I am currently living in QLD with my 2 best friends. My family also reside in QLD, but further south. My Mum and Step-Dad have an awesome home that we all lovingly call a retreat. It's so beautiful there, so many trees and greenery. My Mum and Step-Dad have lots of hobbies and Mum sells her items in a local environmentally friendly market. Whenever I visit they always have a list of projects to do and I find it relaxing and fun. 
I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers ranging in ages from studying in university through to the youngest still being in high school. 
I'm definitely dealing well with all the unexpected changes with both Covid and the deployment. I agree, completely strange year.
I love my job. It was the best career choice I've ever made. Ammunition Supply within the Army has given me many opportunities that are so different to other jobs. I'm excited to continue and grow in my career and enhance my job knowledge on my return. So far 2021 has been pretty good to me, it'll be interesting to see how this year turns out and all the changes that are likely to happen.
Thank you so much for everything! My quilt and laundry bag are going to be following me around every time I go away from home now. 
I wish you and your family all the very best in 2021 and the years to come.
Kindest Regards...

Dear Bridget,

Thank you so much for the quilt and laundry bag.
You've really outdone yourself.
A little bit about myself. I'm an Able Seaman maritime logistics supply chain sailor currently serving on HMAS Bathurst. My core role is looking after the management and organisation of accountable and non-account stores. I didn't like school very much and left to pursue a career in the Royal Australian Navy at the end of year 11.
"I hope I have fulfilled your request and that you like it." You have done a lot more than that. I will cherish this for the rest of my life. I hope you know that your work doesn't go unrecognised and that what you do for others has an amazing impact on them.

Again Thank you so much,


Good Morning Chloe and Sue,

Just wanted to let you know that my surprise package arrived the other day. Thank you so much, Sue you have done a magnificent job.
I will treasure the quilt as it will be a reminder for all the Operations I have been on throughout my Career. 
Thank you both to the wonderful and generous service you provide.

Kind Regards,

Dear Aussie Hero Quilts,

Today I received a personalised laundry bag with significant meaning to me accompanying me on my life journeys, I am very grateful for this and it will be used and treasured wherever my future ship sails. Special thanks to Clarissa for making it. I would also like to thank all the people who make these special laundry bags and quilts, I have no doubt it is appreciated by all recipients.

Kindest Regards,


Hello Chloe,

I picked up my beautiful quilt today, and I am so delighted. The colours of blue, red and burnt orange are my favourites. Thank you so much for this wonderful initiative.
Even opening the parcel at home made me feel overwhelmed with pride and gratitude for the generosity extended by the ladies who designed and made my quilt. 
I shall be writing to the Garage Girls to thank them for the quilt, which I will treasure always.

Thank you.

Hi Philomena, 


I received one of your quilts the other day and I wanted to send you an email to say Thank you! 

The quilt is absolutely amazing and I know my 1 year old son is going to love having something so bright and colourful in his room once I get to take it home. 

Thank you so much for going to all the effort of making that quilt I will treasure it for a long time. This is my first deployment and my first quilt so I was very excited to receive it. 


Thank you again I really appreciate all the effort you went to. 


Kind regards, 


G’day Sally, the Blockateers, the Garage Girls and the WPH girls, 

Thank you very much for the Sydney Roosters Quilt, I love it! 

This is my 7th deployment overseas and I am always extremely grateful for the support we get from back home.

I have wonderful wife and 3 terrors ones back home (13, 10 and 6) who are counting down the days until I am home, again. Despite being AFL-crazy, the Sydney Roosters quilt was a special request from my wife because apparently we have too much Port Adelaide Power stuff in the house – I lost the argument!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the Aussie summer. I can’t wait to see the beach again, or even water for that matter!!

Again, thank you very much the quilt and for supporting deployed ADF troops.



Dear Bridget and Kerry, 

Mail arrived today and it was amazing to receive the wonderful quilt and laundry bag.  I’d asked for a Vizsla breed of dog to be included in the design if possible and the results are fantastic. I’ve included a photo of the quilt. 

This is my third deployment to the Middle East but the first time I’ve applied for one of your quilts. I remember when I was onboard HMAS Toowoomba is 2013 and the quilts were delivered. The morale of the ship was lifted as crew members received a reminder and link with home that made the separation from loved ones more manageable. 

A few years later and a shore based deployment back to the same area, I find myself the lucky recipient of one of your amazing quilts and laundry bags. I’m delighted with it and feel very grateful for your kind and thoughtful gesture. 



Hi Veronica,

The beautiful quilt and laundry bag Beverley made for me arrived in the mail last week. It is far more than I could ever expect. It is absolutely beautiful – I love it.

It has brought so much happiness and joy to my room and brightens my day. I am over the moon.

Many thanks for your generosity and kindness.

Hope you all have a great week.

Good afternoon Jenny :)

I received the laundry bag and absolutely love it. I use it for my weekly washing (sometimes fortnightly if I am a bit lazy) where I drag my laundry over to the laundry block and leave the bag folded on top of the machine to claim my territory. I love the pattern you have chosen for the bag and the subtle travel theme. I am glad I got to use it on my first deployment which is now close to wrapping up (I leave in the next two weeks!).

My degree is in Mechatronics Engineering (which is half electrical, half mechanical) and I majored in Robotics and Programming. I do none of that in Defence though and work in the communications field instead. So I am an Engineering Officer with the RAAF, recently promoted to Flight Lieutenant as of August last year. The next milestone will be Squadron Leader which is a little way away. I am working over here with the Theatre Communications Element. We look after all the computers and phones which make the Middle East Region go round. My job is specifically focussed on the RAAF side of the house and I help organise some of the outlying nodes in the smaller locations. I usually live in QLD, which is my home town. I will be posting down to the ACT when I get back this year, so I am super excited to continue the Defence life and keep moving around. I am not used to being in a very cold environment though but keen to get onto the slopes and go snowboarding during the winter.

I have a partner in Defence and a lot of very good friends. I never thought I would want to stay in for life but every new job brings new challenges and more good experiences, I don’t think I will be leaving anytime soon. Really, I should be the one thanking you for your service. Perhaps I can make you a laundry bag one day? I used to sew as a child and have been meaning to get back into it.

I really appreciate the hard work that went into the laundry bag and I hope you are staying safe in these COVID times. Thank you for your support :)

Kindest Regards

Good day Cath,

I received your Quilt and surprise Laundry bag about a month ago just before sailing. It is absolutely brilliant. Thank you so very much, it brought a huge smile to my face.

I am proud to be a sailor and of course I love cats and Hello Kitty. I did not expect something as awesome as what you made me. You made everything perfectly fit together and I still show it around the boat to the others.

I absolutely adore how you have paw prints in the stitching, I find myself sitting at my desk just looking at the quilt on my bed and admiring it.

This is the first time in my 14yr career that I have gone through Aussie Hero Quilts so again, I am the happiest sailor.

Again thank you for what you and the team do for the ADF. It is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Dear Marilyn,

I requested the quilt as a surprise and he was very surprised and grateful for the wonderful quilt.  The quilt will always be a memento of his service career.  Thank you again and you and the other ladies of the quilting family are amazing.

Kindest Regards  


I received the quilt you made for me recently and it's fantastic. You have done an incredible job with the work overall; the Saints logo and the Fleur De Lis look awesome. 

Last time I was overseas I felt somewhat disinterested in getting a hero quilt, I did not think it was important while on a busy deployment.  This time around I knew to make the most of this opportunity, and thanks to your craft skills Sheena I now have a brilliant quilt.

It's still quite cold over here at night and I've made immediate use of the quilt on my bed.

I have a 3 year old Staffy at home and I know it's inevitable this quilt will become his at some point so I'll enjoy it to myself while I can ;)

Thanks again for your beautiful work and all the best to you and your family.
Hello Jenni,

Thank you so munch for your efforts and the amazing work you have produced.
This is a fantastic program and we all really appreciate your contribution.
The additional morale this brings is so valuable and it is very humbling.

It has been a long trip which fortunately for me is coming to an end now. I
get to return home to my wife and four children.

I hope this finds you well.

Thank you again.



Thank you very much I just recently received your quilt, what an amazing job you did. It is good to see that Tassie is getting some warm weather although because it’s a dry heat, 30 degrees is quite hot for most people.

I was born in Tassie, my parents still live there, it was always my goal to move back and settle down there, start a family. However I married a NSW girl and that’s that, life goes on. 
I have been in the Army for 21 years, and this is 2nd deployment to the Middle East. I previously have done multiple trips to other parts of the Middle East. My job here is different to anything I have previously done in my career, its mainly conducting meetings and advising high ranking officers on training.

Once again thank you for your hard work.


Dear Toni, 

Firstly, I just wanted to say how grateful that I am for the laundry bag you have made for me and how much it means to me given how personalised it is with my initials, deployment operation and Corps. The colours are amazing and it’s a joy every time it catches my eye in my wardrobe.  I also extend my appreciation to the Australian Hero’s volunteers for taking the time out of your lives and making these laundry bags. 

Both my parents are of Maltese heritage, my Dad enjoys his gardening. Not sure if you have ever been to Malta but I have been fortunate to have travelled there a few times across my life.  It is a very beautiful small island and the country’s history is amazing. My Mum loves her sewing, knitting and quilting. When I moved out of their home a while back now my old bedroom was converted into my Mum’s hobby room so she could continue her passion for sewing and knitting.  Every time I go back and visit my parent’s home, I can see my Mum continually adding to her collection of wool and fabrics. Unfortunately, my Mum’s arthritis limits the time now she spends on her hobbies.  At one stage I did take sewing lessons but I am certainly not as skilled as my Mum is.

Outside my civilian job as an accountant and part-time service my main passions are watching my AFL team the Hawthorn Hawks play, fitness and travelling. Travelling has been put on hold due to the pandemic but I am looking forward in a couple weeks to watching the Hawks play at the MCG. 

Once again, I just wanted to say a big thank you for the laundry bag and all the best for the future. 


Dear Lynn,

So many thanks for the wonderful quilt you have so generously made for me. It was such a special moment when I received it in front of so many of my shipmates. It means so much to me and I can’t thank you enough.

Yours Aye,
Thank you.


I have received my quilt, and I love it. Please pass on my thanks to your team. 
It means a lot to me. I am going to hang it on the wall in my study.

Kind regards

We trust you have enjoyed this weeks gratitude letters. Hope the rest of your week is good to you.

Till next week......

👋 👋 👋

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