
Wednesday 17 March 2021

Aussie Hero Quilts - COVID Safe Plan

Greetings all,

Like most organisations around Australia we need to operate in a way that keeps our volunteers as safe as possible from the risk of contracting COVID-19.  Whilst most of our volunteers work as individuals, we do have some groups that get together. For everyone's benefit we have created the AHQ COVID Safe Plan and Social Distancing Requirements as follows :

AHQ COVID Safe Plan and Social Distancing Requirements

All AHQ gatherings must comply with the current COVID restrictions and social distancing guidelines of the State or Territory in which they are gathering.


It is imperative that all quilters attending an AHQ gathering adhere to the square meter (sqm) guidelines for gatherings in their State or Territory. 


The square meter rules change from time to time, thus quilters should regularly check





 or the relevant website for their State or Territory to ensure compliance with the guidelines.

 Quilters attending AHQ gatherings must practice the following COVID Safe protocols:

1. Hand sanitizer to be used on arrival.

2. Practice good hygiene whilst at an AHQ gathering including:

    a. Cover nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing

    b. Avoid touching face or shaking hands / touching other quilters

3. Do not attend an AHQ quilting gathering if you are unwell

4. Sign in on arrival and record your name, phone number, time of arrival and time of departure.

5. Masks need to be worn if the State or Territory COVID guidelines at the time of the gathering recommend wearing a mask at indoor gatherings.

6. Masks must be worn if a quilter is in contact with Jan-Maree or another quilter who is immune compromised/classified as vulnerable with regards to COVID.

7. At least 1.5m distance between quilters must be maintained at all times.

 8. If a volunteer has been identified as a close contact with a person who has COVID or has visited a COVID hotspot, they are not to attend a quilting gathering for a period of at least 14 days.

 9. The total SQM of the sewing space at AHQ Headquarters is 30.25sqm.  Please ensure you are aware of the SQM of the venue in which you are gathering and comply with your State and Territory SQM requirements. 

Till next time... happy stitching and stay COVID Safe!

Jan-Maree xxx 

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