
Thursday 24 December 2020

Mery Christmas from my family to the Aussie Hero Quilts family.

G'day everyone,

I wanted to take a few minutes to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. This will be a different Christmas for many of you this year as COVID restricts our movements around the state and the country but I hope you can still find something to celebrate and have someone to share your day with.

Please spare a thought for all of  our troops on duty all over the world, far from home. We have ships at sea, aircraft on task and soldiers on duty - all of them missing out on spending their Christmas with their loved ones. 

We have troops from all three services on Op COVID Assist, on quarantine duty and fullfilling other related tasks.  

To all of them, and to their families, a heartfelt thank you for your service and the sacrifice that service is asking of you. 

From my family to yours, wherever you are, here's wishing you a Merry Christmas.  

Lots of love from myself and my family. 

Jan-Maree xx


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