
Tuesday 22 December 2020

Grati-Tuesday 22nd December 2020

Christmas week already! Eek! Hope you have done all your shopping and are ready for the fun that is Christmas.

For those of us who can't have family home for Christmas, I hope you are able to connect in someway. 

Have a safe and happy week friends.

Enjoy these gorgeous posts!



Thank you so much for the coordination of this gift! I wasn't expecting it until early next year however, I am glad I get to travel on my next posting with it rather than have it chase me around the globe.

I will write to Beverley seperately, however, I just want to say that when I unwrapped my parcel, my family and I were blown away with the thought and talent Beverley displayed, we spent a good amount of time deciphering all the different flowers and I couldn't believe that she embroidered the Sydney Harbour Bridge as well. It is a super special item that will have pride of place in my new apartment and I am sure Japanese and Australian visitors will enjoy looking at all aspects of the quilt as well when they see it!

Thank you so much again for your special gift.


Dear Jan-Maree,

The purpose of this email is to show my appreciation for the quilt I received for the service I gave to my country, made by Robyn.

Was received with great honour, and is now hanging in pride of place in my unit.

With kind regards


Hello Tamsin and Peter,

I am currently deployed to WA as part of COVID19 Assist. I would like to say a huge thank you for the laundry bag. My kids love all the marvel characters since watching all of the films over the last few years so when they see the bag they will think it's awesome.

Some information about myself, I live in Queensland and work as an Aircraft technician. I am married with 4 kids; 2 boys and 2 girls, ranging from 14 to 2 years old.

I have been in WA for a few months now, and my earliest expected return to the family is in the new year, so i will miss 2 of the kids' birthdays and Christmas Day.

Having people who spend time to create the quilts and bags show us that civilians care about Defence personnel and that they understand the sacrifice that we make as part of being a defence member.

Aussie hero quilts has been able to supply around 100 bags to our group here in WA and we are so thankful for your donation.

I hope you have a great Christmas and once again, thank you so much for the bag and your support.

Yours sincerely.


Hello Lisa,

I just wanted to let you know that I received a beautiful ANZAC Tribute quilt from Sue P.

I will write directly to Sue to thank her personally. Thank you to you and the network of wonderful volunteers. It means the world to us to know that others are thinking of us and have taken the time to craft such special gifts. 

These quilts, and your quilters, will be treasured for a lifetime.



Dear Aussie Hero Quilts,

I received my beautiful quilt in the mail this afternoon when I returned home and I was so overwhelmed by how beautiful and thoughtful it was.

Coincidently I also received my long service medal just the other days also.

Thank you Diana for this beautiful artwork and the hours of work you have put into making it.

Thank you so much for this generous gift which I will treasure for my hopefully many more years of service and beyond.



Dear Bronwyn,

Thank you and Cathie very much for the 'Africa Army' quilt. I absolutely love it. Even though it's hot all the time here, I can assure you it is being well utilised as my doona under the aircon - along with my room mates 'power rangers' quilt.

I am currently deployed to the UN Mission in Africa and am working as a military staff officer in headquartes along with another 20 or so Australians. The mission has around 16,000 peacekeeping troops from all over the world so we Aussies are only a very small part! The fact we are hear in Africa is why I thought the theme for the quilt would be fun. It's been a very popular design - some of my new British and Canadian friends were quite envious when I showed them. However, I am yet to see an elephant. Normally, it would be possible to take a few days off to visit other countries, however with COVID that probably won't be happening.

I grew up in ACT and joined the Army out of school almost 12 years ago. I remember growing up in cold winters and always needing a quilt when sitting in front of the TV at night - some of my Queensland counterparts here have far less quilt use experience! I know I will get many years of good use from this one, and it will always remind me of my experiences here.

I have lived in Queensland and Northern Territory, with work, but currently live in NSW with my fiance who is a veterinarian and my 2 year old dog who are both missing me dearly. I'll hopefully be back by mid next year.

Once again thank you and Cathie so much for the very special and very practical gift. When it arrived I was about 5 days into a bad head-cold and was feeling a bit down, but it really made my day.

Have a Merry Christmas. 



Good Afternoon,

I would just like to inform you that I have received my beautiful quilt from Heather. I look forward to writing her a letter this weekend, to thank her for her kindness and generosity.

Thank you for what you do for us. We appreciate it so much!

Warmest Regards


Hi Pennie,

It has been a busy couple of months over here in the Middle East, in particular the last few weeks, so I was extremely pleased to see my quilt/laundry bag had arrived today. It's always great knowing that there are people back home thinking of us overseas.

I'm currently working over here as an explosive ordnance specialist and have been loving the opportunity to serve the nation overseas on operations. I am actually from South Australia. My uncle, cousin and brother are all ex-serving so we have a strong connection to Defence. 

The quilt and laundry bag have come at the perfect time. Not only did I need a little bit of a pick me up, but believe it or not it is starting to get a little cold over here now - so the extra blanket will definitely come in handy. As for the laundry system here - you were right in choosing the more colourful materials as it can be a nightmare trying to identify what laundry is yours. 

Please keep up the sewing because it does make a world of difference to morale over here and puts a big smile on everyone's faces. Wishing you and your family a safe and Happy Christmas and New Year.

Thanks again


Dear Sue,

Thank you very much for the lovely laundry bag, I love it!

I'm currently an electronic technician in the Army and I find gadgets very interesting.

What a crazy year it has been with COVID. I currently live in NSW, but luckily being in the ADF we had nothing to fear in regards to losing our job and I actually was part of the initial response and helped out State Police during the first lockdown. This was a different role to normally working with electronics but a good experience and one of the reasons I joined the Army to do more than just my trade. I'm very thankful the future of COVID in Australia is looking almost done as I have one sister in QLD, one in ACT and my parents in Tasmania, so it's been a while since I last saw them all.

I'm currently employed here working with electronic counter measures, it's been good fun to work with all the advanced equipment we have here and it's super busy which has been a nice change compared to back home. Unfortunately, we've been limited in what we can repair back home due to electronics mostly being replaceable now and also warranties and so on. In Australia, I work in a workshop, so this means I mostly work on communications equipment but I hope to specialise in biomedical electronics in the near future and work in the military medical centres. If not, I will have opportunities to work with a large range of electronics depending on where I end up posting too which is great as I enjoy learning about new equipment. 

Thanks again, for the laundry bag, I have really appreciated it.

Apologies for the delay in my response, I've simply been flat out and wanted to send you more than just a mundane reply to try and show my appreciation.

I hope you have a lovely Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Clarissa and team.

Thank you so much for the care packages. We really appreciate them.

Your thoughtfulness and kindness is overwhelming as we are away from our friends and family for Christmas.

Thank you again.

Hey Shirley,

My son received one of the laundry bags. Thank you so much it is beautiful and will come in handy. I also love sewing and i'm just about to learn how to quilt. This is something I have always wanted to do but not had the time. Now my kids are all grown up and i'm on the grandkid stage, perfect timing.

Thank you again, and have a great day and continue creating great things for great causes.

Kind Regards

Good Afternoon Kathy and Ruth,

I have no words to explain how very greatful I am. My quilt and laundry bag are just beautiful.

You guys made my day. Made me feel special and I am so greatful for the love and thought. I will definitely reply to the lovely ladies and thank them individually as well when I get home.

Many thanks to you all and I absolutely love my gifts.

Please send my love and thanks to the team.

Thank you again.


Hey Toni,

Thank you for the lovely laundry bag. Receiving your package today with the goodies inside really made my day. I also want to thank you for the work you have done for us veterans.

I hope the holidays brings you joy and best wishes to you and your family.

Kind Regards


Hi Ruth,

I am emailing you to say thank you for my laundry bag. I was blown away at how good it looks and how talented you are!

Back home, I have a beautiful fiance and 16 month old daughter. We like to have plenty of colour and excitement in our home. It's safe to say that being surrounded by the dreary white walls, white bed sheets, and white laundry bag in my current accommodation, is very different to what I am used to. I have since added a new bed cover I've added plenty of photos to my walls and now.. a brand spanking new laundry bag! 

Thank you again, it just makes this place feel much brighter and a little more like home.

According to your letter, my laundry bag, was your 684th bag which for me is unfathomable amount of effort. I know that the people I have spoken to absolutely appreciate your work. When a new laundry bag arrives, the first thing that happens it is paraded around for everyone to admire. The boys (and girls) here really appreciate your effort. 

Thank you again Ruth, I hope you have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year!


Dear Joy,

Thank you so much for the quilt you made for me. I absolutely love it!

I was hoping to hand write a letter but time was getting away from me so please accept my apology for my slow reply and typed letter.


Good Morning friends of Aussie Hero Quilts,

You are all amazing in making time and effort sending over Aussie Quilts to us serving overseas on deployment.

Thank you so much for thinking of us, and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas with family and all the very best for 2021!

Dear Wendy,

Thank you so much for taking the time to make my amazing Aussie Heroes quilt. I really love it, it made my day! It was wonderful surprise receiving the parcel yesterday with a treasured keepsake to use whilst I'm deployed proudly on my bed and to take home to show my family.

I am married to a wonderful and very supportive husband, and we have three children, a daughter, 16, and sons, 14 and 13. They are my world and I miss them terribly but they understand that I have a job to do and they are proud of me.

My over 25 years service career began in the Royal Australian Navy as a Gunner sailor, which didn't really suit me, so I re-mustered to a Hydrographic Surveyor which I throughly enjoyed. I was away a lot at sea, travelling all over the world discovering new ports surveying the waters to help charts for all sea going vessels. I met my husband in the Navy, and we both transferred services to the Air Force due to having a family and wanting to spend quality time with them. I didn't want to leave the Defence, they really look after their members and are like a second family. I feel honoured to serve my country. This is my first Air Force deployment away from my family and as a mum.

I miss the Australian bush, it's only brown sandy dessert over here, so it is very different. 

I was born in Victoria, so my parents and sister with her family still live there, whereas I live in Queensland with my family. I must admit, they love coming to visit with the Theme Parks! I was concerned for them during COVID lockdown but everything has been relaxed now and they all message and call me often to keep me posted.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family and all the very best for New Year 2021!

Dear Sonya,

I am writing to you to show my sincere appreciation for the laundry bag which you have crafted for me. It was such a pleasant surprise to receive the bag and the kind letter accompanying it. Your thoughtful words within the letter mean a great deal to myself and the many other deployed personnel.
I have immediately commenced using my laundry bag, as have many others who I serve with, though I must say, my bag is the subject of great envy amongst my colleagues owing to the groovy patterns you have sewn in.
I can wholeheartedly say that it means a lot.  
Many thanks to you and your family and wishing you a safe Christmas break.

Yours Sincerely.

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