
Wednesday 27 June 2012

You guys are the Best!!

Today's word of advice!

Do not start something like Aussie Heroes if you are afraid of Public Speaking! LOL

I started my morning with a radio interview with a lovely fellow from 5RM in Renmark SA. Naomi had emailed (or Facebook messaged) him yesterday in an effort to get the word out about Aussie Heroes in her area but she wasn't expecting him to get back to her so soon and she wasn't available when he tried to call her this morning! So, he called me. He was a great guy, did his homework before the interview and it made it much easier coz I knew fairly well what area we were covering and so did he so it all went smoothly.

Then this afternoon I found out that we rated a very brief mention in an ABC news story available here by Kathy McLeish. They were talking about people who sent things to the groups and they mentioned a group called Hero Quilts and it took a minute to realize they were talking about us - guess we are making an impression by now. 

Way to go Aussie heroes!

Of course we know we are making an impression with the people that matter. Last night's final tally was 11 requests for quilts and I am so proud to say that you all rose to the challenge and as of this afternoon all requests have been allocated to an Aussie Hero Friend. 
You all just make me so darn proud.

Every time I think this is getting too big and maybe I have bitten off more than I can chew, you guys always remind me that I am not in this alone and that you are all behind me!!! Honestly! Aussie Hero Friends are the best!

And talking about lovely things...

Kathy received a lovely email this week which she forwarded to me....

Thank you so very much for the lovely laundry bag you made. 

My name is XXXXXX and I received the laundry bag (and goodies inside) that you sent while I was located in Tarin Kowt (TK for short) in Afghanistan in late April/early May. Its funny how things have a way of working out, because it came to me at the most convenient time. I'll tell it to you like a story:

Well, I in TK I was sharing a room with 3 other girls. I mentioned to Axxxx (whose bed was beside mine) one morning that my laundry bag had a split down the side of it. I was quite sad because it was the laundry bag I was issued at recruiting.   It had both my maiden name, and in recent years, also my married name on it and also held a lot of memories in it for me.

I didn't think too much more about it and continued on with my day.

That afternoon (Yes, the exact same day!), the Padre came to visit me and had a box in his arms. After some chit chat, he asked me "Hey XXXXX, do you need a laundry bag?". Now, I can tell you, I gave him a very weird look and said "Yes, but how do you know" and was already starting to wonder which of my roommates had told him.

Anyway, he then told me that a lady and sent over some handmade laundry bags, that some of them were made out of 'girlie' material and would I like one!

As you can imagine, I jumped at it. I picked the lovely brown one with pictures of patched brown denim and pretty pink flowers all over it.

Afghanistan is a very bleak place, so its really nice to have something girlie in a place like that.

I have to honestly say that although I have never met you, every time I do my laundry I do think of your kindness.

I do believe that what goes around comes around, and you have a lot of good coming your way! 

Talking of laundry bags here are two that Maria sent me today - the first using one of the lovely tea towels that were donated earlier in the year by Rodriquez The Tea Towel People
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!  Footrot Flats!  How cool is this!   No need for a name patch on this one.  This is truly one of a kind!!  Big thanks to the lady that gave Maria this material.

So much is happening at the moment  - heaven only knows what is around the corner.

Till next time..............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. What a great email!! ... And congratulations on you first radio interview - that's fantastic!

  2. you'll are great girls and i for one am proud of all of you
