
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Things people say when they request our goodies

Lots more requests coming in - can you help?

Sorry, no photos tonight - important Aussie Hero Stuff to discuss.

XXXXX has passed on you name to me with regard to Quilts and laundry bags. I am very much interested in getting a quilt and laundry bag.   I had a look on the website and think they are fantastic. I think it would be something special to take with me on future deployments, a little bit of home whilst I am away. 

Good morning.  I really don't like asking for anything, but your kind offer has prompted me to do so on this occasion. It would be a wonderful reminder and memento of my time away from my loved ones, both family and friends.

Whilst I am not one of the 'true' heroes serving in Afghanistan I have the privilege of supporting our operations and in my role I have the need to go 'in-country' several times during my deployment. Having already been there and experienced life at Tarin Kot and Kandahar Airfield, I have a lot of respect for those who are spending their entire rotations there, and the work they are doing, let alone those who are working at our patrol bases beyond the main compounds.

Your offer of a free quilt and laundry bag is a magnificent gesture, and very much appreciated, and I would really be grateful to receive them. It is nice to know that there are people supporting all of us who are contributing in some way to the peace and freedom of the people of Afghanistan. I know I am extremely proud to be supporting those who are really doing it tough and putting their lives on the line.

Hopefully no more lives will be lost whilst we are there.
With kind regards and best wishes,

I am currently serving in the Middle east on deployment and would be honoured to receive an Aussie quilt.   Thank you so much for your kind thoughts it means a lot to us over here as we miss home terribly and to know we are thought of by many back home keeps us going stronger every day.

These are just some of the requests I have received today

  The word is out that our quilts are now available and so far today I have had 9 requests for quilts today.  All but the last 3 have been allocated a quilt or a quilt maker.    Of the three that are left two are female so here is your chance to make a girly quilt if you want to. 

Now, having said that I want to stress - actually no,  I don't want to stress, 
I have a strict no stress rule!

Whilst I would love it if someone could put their hand up and say pick me to do one of those quilts, or it three someones could put their hands up, I know that there are lots of quilts underway at the moment and a lot of them are already allocated. 

Like I said I refuse to stress.  If we can't fulfill all the requests immediately so be it.  
We can only do as much as we can and whatever we do today is way more than was being done in the past before Aussie Heroes was created.  

I will start a waiting list if need be and see how we go.  If the list gets beyond what I think we can manage then I will refuse to accept more requests until numbers ease.  I counted up tonight and there are 21 quilts either under construction or promised including the three above.  

If you are quietly beavering away on a quilt but it is not allocated to anyone you might like to let me know.  I have some people on the list that are not coming home for quite a while so there is no mad rush to complete their quilt urgently.  You might like to put your name down for one of those.

Remember - NO STRESS.  We can only do what we can and no more.  We all have lives, some of us have families, some have jobs, everyone has issues.  Aussie Heroes should be a joy to be part of - not an added pressure.  

Till next time.......keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Oh - soon I will be destressing and I hope that my machine doesn't miss me too much - lol.

  2. Good morning Jan Maree.I will email my friend Edith as I know she has a top completed,I asked her if she had contacted you last week as of then she had not she was waiting to post a couple I think,so I will move her along today lol..another little note I have received some lovely thank you letters for the last lot of Care Packages so wonderful to know they are appreciated and we are slowly getting another 25 ready for August.Hopefully many hands will go up for your requests.Blessings Carole

  3. I would love to make a girly quilt, pretty please, pick me!!!

    If no-one else can manage, I'll make two girly quilts. I have so much girly fabric I should be embarassed! Fortunately I'm not.

    I'm just finishing off 12 blocks for May's BOM. One I need to unpick as I've managed to get a snippet of the selvegde in, the others just need pressing. They should be in the mail today or tomorrow at the latest.

    PS, just updated my blog with a pic of the quilt I finally finished after 6 months in the making.

  4. I have a girlie one here ready to send
