
Friday 4 May 2012

Sorting, folding, cutting and a thank you!

Not much time to sew today as I have been continuing the job of sorting through the fabric that has been donated.  Today I got on to the big pieces.  We received a donation from a lady whose elderly mother had passed away.  The mother used to be a dress maker, the daughter had no clue.  I suspect she would be pleased to know that the bulk of her fabrics are being used and not just sent to St Vinnies.  

I have been sorting and folding and cutting.  There are lots of backings available now and a few more laundry bag linings.  I decided to not to cut everything up yet.  Time is one factor, but also with some of the lengths I might use them for backings or laundry bags depending on the need.  Now that the lengths are all folded the same way it is easy to grab what I need, cut off the right amount and put the rest back.  

I am wondering if it is worth me posting some of the backings on the blog.  If there was anything that took your fancy you could send me a 500g post pack bag and I could send it to you for a quilt.  It would be cheaper than you having to go out and buy a backing fabric.  If anyone is interested let me know.

No photos today but a lovely thank you email to share with you.

This lady received a quilt from Caroline and sent this to say thank you.

Today I had the privilege of receiving one of your quilts and laundry bags, I am the envy of camp. I’m sorry to say that your quilt got a bit off track and has ended up being sent to Operation Mazurka in Sinai, Egypt. One other member also received a quilt, we plan to take some pictures and email them to you.

We are currently deployed on OP Mazurka as part of the Multinational Force and Observers. Unlike Afghanistan, here in the Sinai, Australia is a small contingent. The current strength of Australian soldiers is 25 in a large multinational force of approximately 2400 personnel. All the Australians are located at the main camp in the North of the Sinai Peninsula. This particular operation is considered a minor one but we do play an important role in supporting the MFO in monitoring the Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel.

I have been deployed here for 3 months and will be returning home to Victoria to spend some time with my family in August 2012 before I head back to my unit in Qld.   I have been very fortunate to have had this opportunity and as you have probably noticed in the news, Egypt is experiencing a very tumultuous time since the Revolution in Jan 2011. The MFO is supported by a number of other nations including the United States, Republic of Fiji, Canada, Colombia, New Zealand, France, Uruguay, Hungary and Italy. Being able to work alongside such a multicultural force has been an exceptional experience. I can now say hello and goodbye in several languages.

Once again I thank you for your beautiful quilt and laundry bag ( which already has laundry in it) the quilt takes pride of place in my room. Your gift lets us know that it not just our immediate family who thinks of us so far from home but lovely people like yourself and your fellow quilters.
Once again thank you for all the time and effort, the quilt is lovely and it’s really appreciated.  

Please let me know if you hear from any of your recipients and I would really love it if you would share any emails with me so I can post them for all to enjoy!

I am thinking of sending a box of laundry bags to Egypt, each with a not inviting the recipients to ask for a quilt.  I would like to send of 23 quilts but I am concerned that there might be more on their way already and I don't want to double up.  If the laundry bags are duplicated to some extent they can put some aside for their replacements.  

Not sure if I will be able to post tomorrow night.  Hubby and I have bravely (foolishly?) allowed Number 1 son to have 6 (yes, SIX) 16 year old friends over for a sleepover tonight.  I expect not much sleep is planned.  They are going to be playing X Box.  Our house is quite open plan so if they don't sleep then we are not likely to get much sleep.   Ahhhh, wish me luck and if not tomorrow I will be back on Sunday - after at least one good night's sleep!

Till next time.............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Lovely to read an email, thanks for sharing!

    Six 16 yos sleeping over?- well that's just asking for no sleep! Wonder if I'll be able to hear them from here, playing xbox can be extremely noisy!

    My 14yo is going to a bday party for a 16yo girl tomorrow night. Thankfully 16 yo girls are not romantically interested in 14yo boys...

  2. Ooh yes, lack of sleep I think. I have 2 grandsons, 5 and 6 yr olds sleeping over tomorrow night - I think we will get more sleep than at your house, but wait 10 years and it might be different.
    I will email you privately re the Egypt info above.

  3. Thanks for sharing that lovely email, it was fascinating to read about what "we" are doing in Egypt.
    Hope you survived the sleepover and imagine you might be having an early night tonight.
