
Saturday 5 May 2012

One of our Wounded Warrior Quilts has made it to Afghanistan and is now on standby until it is needed.  I suspect there was a small communication dysfunction somewhere along the line as this chaplain did not realize that this quilt had been sent over for this exact purpose but that has been cleared up now.   I have let him know that two more WWQs are on their way and he has promised to pass my details to the Aeromedical Staff so that they can advise me when they need another quilt sent over.  I have 

My name is XXXXXXX and I am one of the Chaplains with the Australian Army in the Middle East.
I just thought you might like to know what is happening with a particular quilt that we have been sent.
Sometimes an Australian is so seriously wounded that we have to fly them to Germany for treatment. Naturally this happens so quickly that they do not have much personal gear with them. An Australian nurse will accompany them and be able to buy whatever necessities are needed (like shaving gear and clothes)

This quilt has been set aside to give to such a wounded Australian. He will be able to have it with him and take it home when he returns to Australia. I think that this is a good one for such a purpose because of the Australian motifs on it.
 You may know who made this quilt and might like to pass on to them these details of its intended use.
Thank you so much for your efforts to support the troops over here. It is very much appreciated.  
So, a big well done to Claire who made the quilt top and Caroline who quilted it and bound it.

I don't know about you but this also motivates me to get on and get sewing another WWQ so I have another one on hand.

Till next time.............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, after hearing the news yesterday it seems this quilt probably wont be waiting in the standby pile for very long and may already be in use.
