
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Oh My Goodness on 3 days left to post!

3 posting days to go
Just a reminder that although the posting dates go till the 15th of April, of course the 15th is a Sunday so Saturday is the last day you can post.  

Tomorrow morning I am going to be sending out my first email to the volunteers who have offered to make quilts on request.  Just in case you haven't heard - the word is being passed around that Aussie Heroes exists and some soldiers are being invited to email me if they would like a quilt of their own.  When I get those emails I will be emailing the AHQ sewers who have volunteered to be put on the mailing list to see if anyone is interested in making a quilt for that particular soldier.  Usually you will have about two weeks to get a quilt made and into the mail.  The soldiers can't tell us how much longer they have over there but we work on the assumption that they have at least six weeks to go - that allows two weeks to get the quilt made and mailed and then four to get it over there.  

Just because you are on the list doesn't mean you have to put your hand up when you get an email.  You need to look at your commitments at the time and decide if you can manage it.  generally I will wait till 24 hours after I send out the request and will then let you know who the sewer will be.  

These quilts do not have to be fancy or more time consuming that others.  Simple strips quilts will do.  It will be up to the sewer to decide.  Occasionally we might get some sort of specific request that will guide us is a certain direction, sometimes not.  I will not reveal the name or address of the recipient to anyone but the person who is making the quilt.  The less information spread around the better for the soldier's security.   I may be over cautious in that regard but that never hurt anyone.

So, if there is anyone who would still like me to put their name on the volunteer mailing list just leave a comment or send me an email and I will add you in.

Now tonight I can share with you some of the quilts that the Singleton Quilters have been making.  There is local lad serving in Afghanistan and they have set a goal to make 60 quilts to send one to each member of his team.  Don't you bet he has become pretty popular!

Here are five pictures that I have been sent of their wonderful quilts. 

 I am really hoping that I will get pictures of the other 55 in good time too.

Till next time................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

1 comment:

  1. These quilts are lovely and what a great way to support their local lad.

    Jan-maree, please add me to the list of request makers and we will see what happens.

