
Thursday 12 April 2012

2 days to go....

Only 2 more days left to post. 
Friday and Saturday.  EEEK!
Did anyone make it today?
I managed to talk one of my sons into coming with me today to help me get my ten boxes in the mail today. don't think that was easy - he is nearly 16 - during the holidays showers are optional (apparently) and so is getting out of your PJ's!  So, I was very glad to have his help.  I can't see me getting anything else in the mail  in the next two days.   How about you?

Stephanie D sent me these pictures of her two quilts today.
 These are so simple yet so effective.
This is a top by Maria that I finished off and it was one of the quilts posted off today.
 As was this top by Sue N which I also finished off and got in the mail today.  
And on the receiving end...

We received  a lovely donation of money from the 
Melton Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia.
Thanks so much to all of them.  I expect to save it towards a big purchase like a roll of batting!

And Gail dropped in a wonderful bag full of goodies yesterday while I was out.  
nine patches
 a few lengths of fabric for backings that I didn't photo graph as I think the blocks are more interesting to look at

and a gorgeous quilt top that I am just showing you a sneak peak of.  Those tiny nine patches are three inches finished!  Love them!  Gail is also making mini pinwheels and has promised another quilt top when she has made enough of those - woo hoo - can't wait - lucky soldiers!
I have spent as much time as possible sewing today.  I had to do some Cherry Red sewing (that's my other blog) and then I got straight on to this quilt.  Not sure if I have shown you this one.  I told you about a few nights ago about a request from R asking for a quilt to hang on the wall in their Headquarters.  Well this will be it but you just get a sneak peak tonight.  More when it is quilted.
I have received some more pictures from The Singleton Quilters - they will be in tomorrow night's post.

Till next time............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

1 comment:

  1. If you are buying batting let me know as I can order wholesale from victorian textiles
