
Thursday 12 September 2024

Quilts and laundry bags for display

Hey folks, 

Not long now til out Annual Thank You Dinner. 

With around six weeks to go it is tine for me to think about quilts to display. Every year I ask volunteers to make a quilt that can be brought along to the weekend. We display the quilts and bags on the Saturday night at the dinner and then volunteers reclaim their quilts and bags in readiness for posting them off the following week.

If you can bring a quilt or a bag then I will ask you to deliver the quilt to us on the Friday night.  Again this year, Cath Harper will take custody of all of the display quilts and bags and will curate the display on the Saturday night. 

It is important to know that we have enough quilt frames to display a maximum of 23 quilts but this is only possible if we can display them in a single row. This is never possible but we won't know until the display is set up exactly how many quilts can be displayed. The goal will be to display as many of YOUR quilts and bag as possible but I always have a few quilts and bags on hand just in case. 

Can you please consider this when picking your next quilt to make.  Can it be posted AFTER the dinner. If you are not sure, simply check with me when you take it on.

If you are going to bring us a quilt or bag to display, and I really need everyone to jump on board with this, please can you let me know. For planning and identification purposes I need a photo of your quilt or bag.   

Please let me know if you think you can bring a quilt or bag for display. 

Till next time... keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  

Jan-Maree xx

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