
Tuesday 7 May 2024

Grati-Tuesday 7th May 2024


Happy Tuesday Friends!

I hope your week is going well.  For those of us on the East Coast of the country it's been nothing but rain, rain and more rain and another weekend of it to come.  It may be annoying but it does give a great excuse to stay inside, keep dry and warm and sew, sew, sew!

Please enjoy todays messages and photos while you grab a cuppa, sit back and soak up some well deserved gratitude! 


Dear Lyn R,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The quilt is fantastic and I love it! I think it’s a great compliment of the orange and the pink! I was explaining to a Canadian over here what Aussie Hero Quilts does and how these quilts are not only for morale on deployment but are also a great summary of the memories on deployment for the future. I’m sure I’ll look at this quilt for years to come and be reminded of my time in Egypt. It sounds like no other country does this for their deployed forces and I think it’s a fantastic organisation and really brings us joy  thank you!

I have driven through your home town a few times when visiting Tasmania. What a beautiful place and what a fantastic way to spend summer! Tasmania is so beautiful and to have that peace at your fishing shack sounds brilliant.

Your quilting is so impressive, your expertise definitely shows. I love that you are putting humour into them too, there is nothing like the Aussie sense of humour and I’m sure you make a few soldiers laugh!

There is a Norwegian Major here who doesn’t understand Australian humour, so our goal has been to make him laugh. I tried the joke: Why does the Norwegian Navy have barcodes on their ships? Answer: To Scandinavian (scan-da-navy-in). He took it incredibly literally and responded: ‘of course, it would be more efficient’ not even a chuckle! Don’t worry, we’ll wear him down. The other day I got a smile for a joke so I think a laugh will come.

Another coffee fiend! That’s something we’ve been struggling with here. The coffee on base is made to American standard so is either really sweet or really weak. The Australians have resorted to buying coffee in Australia and mailing it to ourselves. Fortunately, an Aussie a few contingents ago couldn’t stand it anymore and bought a coffee machine so we’re living the good life.  I enjoy going to physical training in the morning and coming back and having a coffee while looking at the ships pass in the Straits of Tiran. On a clear day you can see to Saudi Arabia which makes you a lot more aware of how close everyone else lives than in Australia.

A little about me, I have now served in the Army for 12 years and work in the Transport Corps. This is my first deployment. In my current job I work with the liaison cell to ensure that the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO – we have a website, please google us) can work within Egypt. It can be rewarding but can also be incredibly frustrating as the bureaucratic system is very different to Australia. I’m learning patience and to always ensure that there are multiple plans in case a few of them fail. I’m looking forward to coming back to Australia later this year and doing two things: seeing grass and going out for brunch with friends. Neither brunch nor grass seem to exist in Egypt.

My parents live in Victoria and are taking care of my dog, Kevin. I’m a bit worried about how much he has been spoilt over the last few months, apparently he now has a love of hot chips and expects a piece of toast with jam in the mornings – neither of these were known foods to him before. Mum says it’s cute: dad will make a coffee and toast for himself and then toast for Kev and they’ll sit outside together for breakfast. This dog has high standards that I don’t think will be maintained. 

I have two siblings in London, fortunately for my 2 weeks of leave I can go and visit them, which is fantastic as it’s been about 2 years since we last caught up. My other sister lives in NSW so I’ll get to see her first when I come back to Australia in August. I’m looking forward to seeing them all again.

Thank you so much for the quilt Lyn, this quilt has already brought so much joy. I am humbled by the support we receive from Australians and am proud that I am representing you over here.

My best wishes


Hello Susan G and family,


Thank you very much for making my laundry bag (Dhobey bag) that’s what we call them on the Ship.


I am currently posted to HMAS Toowoomba. I have been married to my wife for 10 years now and we have 3 children aged 14, 7, and 4 and a Golden Retriever who's 7.  I have been in the Navy for 18 years now. I am in charge of a small department (of around 12 people). We conduct various duties on-board such as Seamanship Boat evolutions (Driving boats), Watch-keeping (steering the Ship), Weapons management and practices. Each Ship is different and even sometimes I get lost, especially on HMAS Canberra. I have been lucky to work on various Ship platforms from ANZAC Class Frigates, Auxiliary Oilers, Landing Ships and Patrol Boats, a few of those have now De-Commissioned.


Again, thank you and your Family very much for the hard work you all did in making my Dhobey bag, much appreciated.


Kind regards,


Dear Bobbie S
Let me thank you and your hard working team on the effort to make the blocks into the quilt.
I joined the Navy in January at the age of 17 years.
It is pure luck you survive your service.
Today I am 98 and will have my birthday in May for 99 years old

Many thanks

(The recipient daughter-in-law sent a thank you as well)

Hi Bobbie S and the Mystery BOMers, Joan B, Philomena H, Jan-Maree B and the Garage Girls, 

I wanted to pass on my father-in-law's thanks for the beautiful quilt you made for him.   

He turns ninety-nine later this month and along with my mother-in-law have been on holiday with us from Melbourne for the last month so he was able to participate in the National Anzac Day March in Canberra for the first time.  After the ceremony our son (an fellow AHQ recipient) presented him with the quilt.  He was delighted!

Thank you so much for your respective contributions to this wonderful surprise.

Below is a photo taken at the Australian War Memorial on Anzac Day with his son and grandson.   Unfortunately the great grandson wasn't there!  



Good Afternoon Jacqui D,

I just wanted to reach out and say a massive thank you for the card, letter, Tim-tams and most importantly the laundry bag that you went out of your way to sew and then post while we were deployed on Operation Kudu. It is very thoughtful and I am truly grateful. 

A bit like yourself, my family have also served in the RAAF. My mums father was posted to Papua New Guinea and various locations throughout Australia while my dad’s father was a navigator in the Canberra bombers during the Vietnam war. 

 It’s great that you found yourself in Nambucca, we would often stop by there on our way to Byron Bay and love the laid back lifestyle there. 

Thank you again for your kindness and sorry I got to you so late, the parcel was delivered at the end of my three month rotation and has only just made it back to RAAF Base Williamtown.


All the best.


Kind Regards,


Hi Joan Hubb

I love the laundry bag, it's so beautiful and made with so much love.

The Gold Coast would be so lovely living there especially having your family close by. Sounds like you have a beautiful family.

I am from Goulburn NSW, and posted to Townsville. I am one of four kids. I love going home to my family. Every year for as long as I can remember we have been renting a beach house with my family and my cousins.  Its great. We have big dinners with family friends visiting. Such good memories.

I think the work you do brings so much joy into peoples lives. I was so happy when I got my bag.  I showed my friends and family. Such a thoughtful and practical gift. I think its amazing you're in two groups, bringing so much joy to people. I know we all think they are amazing.

Thank you so much for the beautiful bag and inside into your life and gorgeous family.  I hope you all stay happy and healthy.



Dear Bev L,


First off, can I thank you for your beautiful quilt that you have created for me? I am thrilled with it, it is better than I had imagined it would be (Please pass on my thanks to Philomena H too for the work she did). It will certainly take pride of place at home when I get back later this year.

The Aussie Hero Quilt initiative is a fantastic one, and I can tell you the soldiers, sailors and aviators that receive them could not be happier when they arrive. They certainly are a little bit of instant morale when you get to open the package and see them for the first time.

I’m in my 23rd year in the Royal Australian Artillery, and have had a very fortunate career, being posted over a lot of Australia, and even to the UK for three years. My most outstanding achievement thus far though has been convincing my wife to marry me. We’ve been married 21 years, and she has followed me everywhere supporting me and raising our two boys. They are also adults now and still at home.

Life here on Operations is pretty good at the moment to be honest (I have been in worse places). The guys and girls we have here are all doing an amazing job, and are certainly a credit to the ADF in their professionalism and work ethic. I am very fortunate to be in a position where I assist in leading these men and women, and I couldn’t be prouder of them every day.

Having just conducted ANZAC Day on Operations was especially moving, and we had people in three separate locations all doing great work to suitably observe what is a very solemn day in the ADF.

I thank you again for the quilt, but also for your kind wishes. I am sure that the remainder of the deployment will go well, and I will be back home with my wife in no time.


Good afternoon Jan-Maree.


I hope that you and your lovely team are well.


I am pleased to advise that three quilts were presented as per the attached images. 

The recipients were very grateful for their beautiful quilts.

Quilt made by Joy H

Cover by Kirsten (Bindy) O. Quilted by Philomena H

Quilt by Sue N


Good Afternoon Ma’am (Gayle W),

I am sending you an email to provide my sincere thanks to you for creating such a masterpiece of a quilt! I have told the vast majority of the contingent that mine is, in fact, 'the best quilt ever’ and I am extremely appreciative of your time and hard work that you have put into completing it.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your letter, especially about the land you live on. I am from a sheep farm in Western Victoria where I spent most of my life before joining the Army, I know the peace and tranquility that comes with the land, and I am very much looking forward to returning home when I can.

 I am very much enjoying my deployment with the Multinational Force and Observers, it is a peacekeeping operation that has been ongoing for the last 40 years helping to maintain the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.

We have had many different physical challenges and sporting competitions while over here and they have all been fantastic, I have tried to compete in the majority of them. The most entertaining was undoubtedly the ‘Australian vs New Zealand team sports competition’, as you can imagine, we are highly competitive when playing against each other and we played games of touch football, volleyball and basketball. Despite our best efforts, the Kiwi’s were the winning contingent.

 Games/ sporting competitions aside, we shared a special ANZAC Day Dawn Service where we stood alongside the Kiwi’s and remembered those who came before us, it was an excellent commemorative day and the most special ANZAC Day Service that I have had the privilege of attending in my almost 10 years of service.

In the upcoming few weeks, I have my leave period where I will be visiting the United Kingdom with my partner for two weeks. We have scheduled a tour to see what we can of the UK in 10 days, and although it will be a quick trip, I hope to see as much as we can in our travels, before returning to work for around two months before returning to Australia on completion of the deployment.

 I give you my most sincere thanks for your hard work on the quilt you designed for me - it is absolutely perfect.

Thank you for your continued service and support, I wish you all the best on your trip to Papua New Guinea in June.

Kind Regards,


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday's would be so totally boring without them!

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