
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Grati-Tuesday 28th May 2024


Happy Tuesday Friends!

We have some great messages today including some photo's showing how happy our quilts and laundry bags make people.  We always read it in their messages but its so great to see the happiness in an image.

So grab a cuppa, sit back and relax while you soak up some well deserved gratitude from all over the globe! 


Good morning Joy H,


Thank you so much for the quilt and laundry bag you made for me.

I’m so appreciative and at awe at the creation you’ve made.

You’ve captured all the details I could have wanted for the quilt and laundry bag.

I pray that your family is doing well and that many blessings come your way.


I’ll be heading to New Zealand in July for a 6 month exchange.

I will take the quilt and laundry bag with me and I’m sure it will keep me well-grounded with the aussie spirit.


Thank you once again and keep doing what you do. 


Kind regards,


Hi Hilary T

Thank you very much for your contribution to Aussie Hero Quilts.

Your dhoby bag made my day. The combined hues of the green and orange are my favourite. I’ve called Sydney home for the majority of my time in Navy. The double lining is of benefit (I do not need to explain what a week’s worth of laundry smells like) in a compartment that is a size of a small domestic bedroom. I do have one suggestion if you decide to create another one. Having the option of a tab so the bag can be hung closer to the hook would benefit the nose of the sailor who lives underneath.

Below is a picture of its new home. My rack/ pit/ bunkbed is the middle one. It is custom that every sailor competes for the most outrageous doona cover. Mine is a Lego dinosaur cover. And no, I didn’t win. Dora the explorer always wins. Having something colourful individualises the sailor as we wear the same clothes every day. Also why sailors never grow up: bunkbeds.

I agree with your letter in that family is very important. The photo stuck on my locker were my pets that I left behind when I joined Navy 21 years ago. Sandy the Palomino was broken in by Granddad who also ‘broke in’ horses for the Australian Army. She liked gymkhanas as much as me. The western bend was our favourite. The dogs were named Tim (Border Collie x Kelpie) and Max (Border Collie x German Shepherd). Today, I call Sydney home with my wife and 13 year old son.

Once again thank you for your contribution.


Good Morning Colleen S,


I trust you and yours are well! I am the father of 5 children and family truly is a blessing.


Thank you so much for the Dhobey Bag you made for me, your craftsmanship is exceptional – I absolutely love it!


I too served in the Army Reserve before transferring to the RAN full-time in 2021 and like you, I have many fond memories on my service in green. 


Fair winds and following seas …


Thanks again,


Hi Beverley C,

Thank you so much for your letter and of course my beautiful quilt. It certainly makes things brighter here amongst all the sand! You've truly done a beautiful job. It's a work of art and I really appreciate having something so special handmade by such a caring person and organisation, thank you

You sound like a very busy lady with all those animals, I believe it takes a special person to dedicate so much of their time to such selfless activities. As a retired primary school teacher I guess you've been caring for others for a very long time...thank you for your service.

I love that you have so many dogs - I can just imagine your pup getting into all sorts of trouble but happily haha. l have a two year old Cavoodle named Miles who is currently living with my parents and getting spoilt rotten. Not that he's not spoilt with me anyway. He's as cheeky as can be and treats their place like he owns it apparently - he knows he's cute enough to get away with everything I think and he's so cuddly and sweet when he wants to be. My mum has never allowed dogs on furniture and Miles is currently sleeping in their bed with them! Madness really but it makes being away from him a little easier knowing he's well loved.

I have served in the Air Force for almost 23 years (in July) and this isn't my first deptoyment but it is my first quilt. I'm in Logistics and therefore needed everywhere which has been a blessing for my career as I have been able to undertake many different roles and have seen many places I wouldn't have otherwise.

Thank you again for taking the time to make this beautiful quilt for me and I wish you all the best with the dogs, chickens and all the wildlife you're caring for, I have no doubt they're in the best hands.

Take care!


Dear Ruth S

I have just received the beautiful laundry bag you made for me!! Thank you so much. It is gorgeous! 

I look forward to using it in the future. 

I am one of the chefs on board HMAS Broome. I like to think we eat pretty well! We are set to go back to sea in a couple of weeks. Where it will be all hands on deck and busy doing what we do. 

Thanks for supporting us and showing me a little bit of love. 

Kind regards 


Good morning Anne H,


I received your Quilt today, and you’re right it is ORANGE! It looks fantastic. I was particularly impressed with the MFO logo – that is a real treat. Thank you for the Tim Tams, I’m going to share them with some of my coalition partners this morning (I don’t have a huge sweet tooth, so will only have one).


It’s great to hear you like Tasmania, I have often considered buying a place there for the day I discharge (not on the immediate horizon) but have always been warned that you don’t know you like Tassie until you’ve survived two winters there – is this true? Of course there are other parts of Australia that appeal to me but just something away from the big cities, land to grow some things and some water is all I’d really need.


The operation over here is going well, its certainly made complex by the Israeli/Hamas war going on not too far from here but mostly we have time to get away from work and go to the gym (I’m also studying, which takes up my nights). There was certainly a vibe once upon a time that this operation was considered one of the more ‘comfortable’ operations. That said, I’m here for thirteen months and missing my two young kids (2 and 4) as well as my wife immensely – I’ll see them in August!


Thank you again, I’d of written a longer email but I need to dart out to a helicopter to visit some of my team to the North.


Kindest regards,


Quilt by Anne H - I was curious as to how orange so I thought I would include it as I am sure others were as well. LOL


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday's would be so totally boring without them!

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