
Thursday 15 April 2021

Quilt Presentation at Holsworthy- Lynn F and Wendy F

Happy Thursday Everyone!!

It is always wonderful to know what a difference the Quilts and Laundry Bags make through letters of gratitude. Actually presenting them would be even more heartfelt. Thanks to Lynn F and Wendy F, here is a recount of a presentation they were privileged to be part of. 

Hope you enjoy.....


Late last year I wrote about the exciting occasion of being invited to Canberra to be part of the presentation of a quilt I had made and Wendy F had quilted.  This part of AHQs was something that I had never been part of before in the eight years of sewing for our recipients.

Imagine my delight when I was invited to represent all of AHQ at another presentation a little closer to home. The invitation to attend Holsworthy was issued by Brigadier Craig to both Wendy F and me once we had finished this quilt that he had requested for hanging at the entrance of the Special Forces Group.

We were met at the Pass Office gate by Major Nick and after the security check and issue of passes he took us to a vehicle where we began our interesting few hours.  Nick drove us to meet Craig and RSM Eric.  These three gentlemen then proceeded to escort us on a very interesting and enjoyable tour of the establishment.  Believe me when I tell you that it was an honour to have such marvellous tour guides.  We have both lived in the area of Holsworthy for over 45plus years and we had no idea just how extensive the area is.

When we got to one point of the tour we were introduced to another very enlightening, informative guide and after entering a lift were taken up to the top of a tower where various sections of interest and activities were pointed out to us.  Yes, it was drizzling with rain and a little breezy but we just didn’t find it distracting at all.  At this time, with a photographer in attendance, the quilt was unfurled and, with pride, we presented it to the Brigadier and RSM.  

Once the formalities were done we were escorted to the Officers Mess for a beautiful lunch.  What a perfect end to a marvellous couple of hours.

I must mention that as we approached to door of the lift of the tower a young soldier came up to us and told us that having heard some ladies from AHQ were coming onto base he was hoping to actually cross paths with us to thank ALL of AHQ in person for his quilt and laundry bag received while on recent deployment.  He asked that we let everyone know that the AHQ parcels delivered warmth and joy from home not just a quilt or LB, and each parcel opening was enjoyed by all those around.

The Brigadier presented both Wendy and myself with his coin as he was leaving for other commitments.  

I can honestly say that having been at two presentations within a few months of each it was such an  honour and certainly not anything that we expected. 

Lynn F & Wendy F


Many Thanks to Lynn F and Wendy F for their wonderful recount of such a special presentation.


  1. What a wonderful experience for you ladies....beautiful quilt...congratulations

  2. What a wonderful experience for you ladies...a beautiful quilt ...congratulations
