
Tuesday 6 April 2021

Grati -Tuesday 6th April 2021


We hope you have all had an amazing long weekend!! It is so nice to see so many families and friends out and about enjoying this beautiful place we call home, wherever in Australia you may be. The weather has been amazing here in my little part of paradise.

Easter is a time for celebration and the following letters certainly are cause for more celebration. There are so many nice stories to read and it is always a privilege to know that what we do is never unappreciated.

Please, sit back, relax and enjoy....

Till next week.


Dear Hilary,

Thank you so very much for my wonderful laundry bag, I love to sew myself so I know how much time and joy is put into it. As you can see by our photo below I am over the moon with happiness.

I grew up on a farm with my parents and three siblings in Victoria, my mum and dad worked very hard for our family to receive all that we needed. I had no aspirations to join the military as a teenager but joined up as a fully qualified Dental Assistant in my early 20’s and haven’t looked back. Although as I am sure you are well aware military life can be very challenging but can also be extremely rewarding, I have had a wonderful career of eight years with so many amazing opportunities, this trip being a major highlight.

I soon hope to find a nice gentleman and settle down with a family of my own, on a little bit of land would be lovely of course. Hopefully I can sew for Aussie Hero’s one day too, thank you again so much for my beautiful laundry bag and your amazing story.

Kindest regards


Hello Jan-Maree,

Just thought I’d let you know I dropped the beautiful quilt of this afternoon and she was a little overcome and so appreciative of the beautiful work and kind thoughts that went in to sewing it. She was very emotional. 

Thank you once again for your amazing work.

G’day Helen,

Thank you very much for the wonderful laundry bag that you kindly made for defence personnel assigned to covid assist. I am 32 and currently posted to Canberra and have been in the RAAF for just over 8 years. The laundry bag was incredibly useful during that time, I completed a 9 week stint from the October and over that time I met many returning travellers coming from all parts of the world, considering the months they had to wait to return home, the majority were polite, receptive and appreciative of our help which was one of the highlights of my time on the operation.

I was lucky enough to travel to Queensland over Christmas and visit my family for 1.5 weeks. 2020 was a terrible year for so many including myself and here’s hoping 2021 will be much better for all and I especially would like to wish you and your whole family a safe and very happy 2021.

I hope you haven’t been affected by the floods that are currently occurring, it seems to be one thing after the other at the moment but the one thing I love about our great country is that we all come together in times of need!!

Thanks once again for your magnificent laundry bag, it has been and will be greatly utilised and is much appreciated.

All the very best.

Hi Clarissa,

I received the laundry bag you made me recently and just wanted to say a massive thank you. I felt a great deal of pride opening it and was very humbled to read your kind words.

Thank you for all you continue to do - it is appreciated by every deployed member that receives something from Aussie Hero Quilts


G’day Heather,

Thank you so much for the quilt, laundry bag and letter. I really appreciated the time and effort it would have taken you to design and sew the quilt and laundry bag, especially the incorporation of the Navy emblem and White Ensign!!

I am currently serving in the Middle East Region as a Planner and Gender Advisor in the HQ. As this is my first trip to the Middle East, it has definitely been an eye opener and a really steep learning curve, but none the less enjoyable. COVID has restricted a lot of activities such as R&R, though that was to be expected. Back home my normal day to day job is as an Aviation Engineer. I have just completed two years as the deputy Engineer on the ‘ROMEO’ helicopter. My next job after deployment will be in the ACT in a project role, which I am looking forward to as it allows me to move back home with my wife and kids.

I have been in the Navy for nearly 18 years. I initially joined as an Electronics Technician where I served on  Ships which ran out of HMAS Cairns. After three or so years of that I applied for university and was lucky enough to be selected and I completed an Electrical Engineering degree. On completion I posted to ‘Officer School’.  I have been lucky to have been posted the span of the east coast of Australia and getting to experience the different lifestyles and cultures.

As mentioned, my family resides in the ACT where they have settled for the last five years. My wife and I choose for them to stay in the one location so the kids could get settled at school and my wife could pursue her career. They have built up a nice network of friends and support. My three children are growing up very fast. I was just on the phone to my wife where she was outlining the social activities they have on the weekend… it doesn’t seem to end.
My kids love swimming and my wife has fond memories from her childhood being in the swim club in QLD.

Thank you again, it is truly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Bobbie!

Thank you so much for the laundry bag I received from you!

The bag is amazing!! And will definitely make laundry time more pleasant for me :).

Kind regards,

Hello Ruth,

Just want to say a massive thank you for my laundry bag you created!

I was lucky enough to be your receiver and I absolutely love it, I couldn’t have imagined anything better! So thank you.

I am returning home in 2 days and can’t wait to finally come home after 6 months.

Thank you for all the support and gratitude you show us all over here, your efforts really are appreciated. A lot of changes in 6 months, it’s going to be good to finally come home.

Kind regards,

Good evening Ruth,

Thank you so much for your beautiful laundry bag! It certainly did brighten my day!.

All of us here really appreciate the time and effort you go to in making these for us. The fact that someone sits at home and thinks about what we do and then wants to contribute makes what we do that much more meaningful and  worthwhile. Your family are very lucky indeed to have someone that cares for others as much as you.

I really love it.


G’day Ellen,

I am writing to express my thanks for the laundry bag you made. I selected it as it reminded me of my ARMY days (now in the NAVY). It has a classic look, reminding me where I started as a digger.

I have never in my 16 years of service had a decent laundry bag up until now. I thank you greatly for this.

I am currently serving in WA and will deploy up north for the good part of the remainder of the year very soon. I will make very good use of the laundry bag, it will definitely enhance what is a regular routine.

I recall my army days where putting a fresh uniform on during a field deployment was as good as a visit to the day spa. The clean feeling never lasted long though. Nowadays I call a ship home and clean domesticated living is one of the positive comparisons I often draw between Navy and Army life.

 I am a registered Paramedic and Nurse. I have been a Medic within Defence my whole career. I am currently the Petty Officer Medic onboard HMAS Ballarat and enjoy my role greatly.

Once again thanks for the laundry bag. I tried to purchase one online at the beginning of last year from e-bay and neglected to read about the product. When I received it in the mail, I was shocked to see that it was about half the size of the one you have created and not particularly useful. I’ll be staying away from e-bay for a while. I will let my wife take care of the shopping from now on. 

Kindest Regards,

Dear Bridget, Jan-Maree and all the quilting ladies,

Thank you so much for my quilt, I love it and truly appreciate the fantastic work by the team.  It will be a great momento of my service that can be passed to my family.

Kind Regards 

Hi Bev and Geoff

I just wanted to send a short email to say thank you.

I have received the quilt that you made and am in awe - it is absolutely stunning.

The quilt, which captures a middle east theme ANZAC backdrop, looks remarkable and makes me very proud to be representing Australia.

Having been in the Middle East several times throughout my career, this quilt has particular meaning to me and something that I will cherish.

Thank you for what you do - it is special and it is appreciated.

Best Regards


Dear Toni

Thank you so much for the laundry Bag and your letter. It is gorgeous and reminds me of my dream home I am building in QLD. 

I am in love with the Rooster pattern and the rich red throughout. I am honoured to receive it and I will be honest, probably wont destroy it with my dirty laundry !!

I love art and try to design where I can but I am not very experienced.  I have been in the Navy since I was 17. I live with my partner on a good sized property in the NT however I have not had a chance to plant  foster growth of veggies. – going to Sea breaks pretty regularly so you have to kind of put your life on hold for a while..

But that is how it is and we have an opportunity at a break now which is good – I am not going to sea for another 2 years and have a job on shore. We are starting to try for our little family so fingers crossed !!

I recently bought a property for our forever home in QLD. The area has had so much rain so it is pretty overgrown but once the dry season starts we should get it under control.. Our lawn up here is a bit of work but I really enjoy jumping on the mower and listening to a podcast – I find it soothing.

  I have a Singer sewing machine( not sure what year)  that a good friend of ours is helping to restore. I had to pull apart the table as the wood was unsalvageable however the legs are still in good nic so need to make a nice wooden table top and I am hoping to get the sewing machine working again. If not it will still be part of the table.. I am a keen sewer, knitter and cross stitcher. I am getting back in projects now that my routine is a bit more stable and of course with a bit more of a ‘baby” focus.

Otherwise I grew up a musician and if I hadn’t joined the Navy I probably would have followed that path however no regrets !! I am still able to do heaps of music in the Navy and I try to volunteer where I can. I’m thinking of joining the orchestra up here but need to get my cello playing back up to scratch first. I also play piano and wanted to tutor students like my Grandmother.

Again I can't thank you enough for this beautiful gift ! It will be a companion for me in my future deployments and most likely for my partner as well. 

Kindest Regards

Hi Pennie,

I just received the quilt you so kindly sewed for me. This quilt is more then I expected and I’m over the moon with it!

It’s been a tough trip and I’m looking forward to coming home to loved ones. I’m currently in the Middle East, I’m due home soon and can’t wait to knock the froth off a few cold ones.

I can’t thank you enough for what you do for us who are deployed, it really does bring moral to us knowing that true blue Aussies like you and your husband and back home thinking of us.

Best of luck with everything and thanks again for the time you have taken for me.

Kind Regards

Hi Clarissa,

I just received the laundry bag you have kindly sewn for me, I wanted to write back to say it is fantastic and I look forward to using it.

I’m currently in the Middle east and have been for the last few months, I look forward to return home sometime soon.

Thanks again for everything you do for our deployed troops and thanks for the time you have given in order to make this awesome Laundry bag.

Kind regards

 Good morning Shirley,
 I cannot begin to express my gratitude and excitement in receiving my Laundry bag you created for me! It is beautiful and I've been showing/ telling everyone and anyone.
 I wish I could say I was a country girl but I am an Army kid who joined the Air Force. I had lived in 14 different houses by the time I was 17 but honestly I wouldn't have changed a thing as I got to see so much of this great country in the process. I've been  overseas for a month now and it's been such an experience already, my dad was here 7 years ago and I feel so privileged to be able to somewhat follow in his footsteps ( just with a way cooler job 😄) My job is to work with cargo airlift aircraft and I love  it. It has taken me all over the world in my short 3 year career.
 Work beckons me now but again thank you so much for my laundry bag, it's so much more than I could ever have imagined.
 Thank you for your loving support
 Kindest Regards

Ms Toni,

I loved the Laundry bag you sent me ! It has already been put to good use.

What people like you do is truly inspirational and I would like you to know that we all appreciate all that you do for us.

Where we are in the Middle East is not always the happiest place to be and receiving gifts like this, with so much thought and effort put into it raises our spirits so high and brings such a smile to our faces.!

I have worked as medic in the Army for the past 5 years now. Over here Covid is not good. We test a lot of people every day. I had to go into quarantine but thankfully I have not contracted this myself.

I am currently living in the NT. I have been married for 5 months now, however I have only seen my wife for 2 weeks of that time due to this deployment. Unfortunately none of our family could attend due to Covid, however we had a private online event so they thru parties/celebrations at their houses and watched it over the television. Honestly I think I preferred it over the big luxurious wedding we initially planned as there was a lot less stress more private and saved us money.

I grew up in a small town in Southern WA and my family own a beef and dairy farm where I spent the majority of my holidays and weekend working. I haven’t been back in 2 years unfortunately and it is likely to be 3 years by the time I do get down there again due to Covid.

Thank you for everything you do. I am extremely appreciative of your efforts.

Kind regards

Dear Shirley,

Thank you for the laundry bag. Every bit of colour and art can make such a difference to how a room feels- which I guess you would be aware.

When I am not using the bag, I hang it up and it brightens the room.

It is great that the impacts of Covid are easing a little where you live. 

We recently celebrated Australia Day, we set up a pretend “Bunnings” to have a BBQ at.

Thank you again for the bag.

Thank you to all of you that have made all the above possible. We can't do this as individuals, but as a team, we are amazing and should feel so proud that we are able to bring such joy to our troops!!

Thank You!!!

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