
Tuesday 27 April 2021

Grati -Tuesday 27th April 2021


Hope you've had a great weekend. I've been housesitting on the Northern Beaches since last week and the struggle was real to head home to my usual place, waking up to the sight of the beach from bed and literally as I opened the front gate is hard to go back from. But alas, home is home right!

Being home is made a little easier with the delightful letters below, how could I not be happy!

Sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy this weeks collection.


Good afternoon Lynn and Wendy,

I wanted to send you and email expressing my absolute thanks for providing me a wonderful quilt reminding me of my time on deployment in Afghanistan as well as a nice reminder of home with the inclusion of the Aussie animals and flowers.
I received your quilt about a week ago and couldn’t wait to open it and see how much hard work and dedication both yourselves and your team of workers have put into this quilt. It amazes me the colours and designs of every quilt that you guys create for each individual.
I wanted to share with Wendy that the inclusion of the red crescent is a very similar “icon” to the Red Cross here in the middle eastern region. It represents all that is medical!

I wanted to let you know how much of a small world it really can be. One of the other medics here with me on deployment, his aunty is an artist and is the original artist of both the kookaburra and platypus that have been included in my quilt. It makes it just that little bit more special for me.
One of the green squares also matches a fellow member here on deployment with me. It’s a perfect piece of her quilt that you lovely ladies also created.

Once again thank you so much for your beautiful creations!


Good Morning Marianne,

I am writing to you today to thank you for the Aussie Hero Quilt I received in the amil yesterday. This is my first operational deployment and to be honest I was looking forward to my hero quilt more than the meds we get at the end. The time and effort that has gone into it is certainly appreciated.

I am currently in a lock down but once I am out on missions again, I will try and get a photo of me and my quilt.

Please pass on my thanks and gratitude to the rest of the Garage Girls that worked on my quilt.



Good Morning / Evening Gayle,

Thank you for your kind amazing 'Aussie Beach' themed hero quilt. I think you absolutely nailed it. I loved the inclusions for the 'ocker' aspect as it suits me to a tee.

I wasn't much for sailing growing up, however, I did spend a lot of time on the coast jumping the school fence trying to catch a good wave. On the weekends me and my mates would always do something at the beach which would eventually lead to feeding the seagulls and running around like lunatics on the dunes.

I have been around the country a fair bit with my job. I have done some years in the ACT, South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. Not to mention running around and doing exercises in pretty much every state except Western Australia. I have been pretty lucky and have done courses in the US mainland, Hawaii and even Europe.

Thank you again for your efforts with the quilt. It is definitely a highlight for my time over here. 

Kind Regards

Hello Heather,

I received the amazing quilt you made for me in February, it is absolutely awesome, hits the mark perfectly and brightens my room up nicely.

I will give you a bit of a run down on who I am and what I do; I was born in Victoria in 1973, the second eldest of four. I moved around a bit with my parents until we started school.

We settled in Victoria, where we lived on a small farm with mainly dairy goats and some other animals. I played Aussie rules and didn't have much time for anything else.

I joined the Army in 1989 as a Class Fitter and Turner Apprentice. I then went on to become an  armourer which means I maintain weapons.

I conducted two years of training in New South Wales, then did a year in Queensland and another in NSW to finish my apprenticeship.

I met my wife while posted to Northern Territory and we have 2 children, daughter (22) and son (19) who both live in Victoria.

We moved all over the place every 2/3 years until we spent 8 years in Victoria, which was great for the kids to finish school.

Our daughter works in one of the big shopping centres and our son, lives with my parents and works as a farm hand on one of the bigger farms.

My wife and I moved to Queensland at the start of last year and are hoping to move back to Victoria at the end of the year. She works at Bunnings but has a passion selling things.

I am currently in the Middle East for a few more months, where I am the Senior Equipment Maintenance Supervisor.

Once again, thank you very much for the quilt and we all appreciate the work you and the other ladies/gents do with the laundry bag and quilts.


Hello Beverley,

I am finally getting around to sending you a very special thank you for the absolutely beautiful quilt and laundry bag you made for me. I can't tell you how much I love them both and the joy they have given to me. My mum makes quilts, so I understand the amount of love and effort that goes into making them and simply can't thank you enough.

I will complete 32 years in the RAAF this year, and feel very grateful for the opportunities I have afforded during my career. I am due for a posting at the end of the year and hope to remain in location in Victoria; however, if that can't be achieved, then I am hoping to secure a posting to Queensland - another beautiful part of our lucky country.

I have two children - a son, 19 - who enlisted into the Air Force last year and is currently posted and a daughter, 18, who works full time after completing her HSC last year. She's uncertain of what she'd like to do, so has decided to take a leap year to give her some time to decide on what career path she'd like to follow.

I am looking forward to doing lots of traveling when I retire, hopefully when I reach 55, in five years time. I certainly appreciate our beautiful country now more than ever, and plan to see as much as I can. 

Once again, thanks again for taking the time to make such a beautiful quilt and laundry bag for me, it really means so much and I'll be forever grateful.

Best wishes.

Dear Bev,

Unsure what happened but my parcel arrived last week, just in time for me to head home.

Firstly, OMG this is amazing, thank you so much. This will be hung up on our new cafe, that looks to be opening in May.

Should you ever find yourself our way, please call in.

My wife and I have been married 22 years this year, we have 3 children; two daughters and a son. I have a 27 year old son and 24 year old daughter from a previous marriage as well. They both have a son giving us 2 grandchildren as well. My wife has services 26 years both full and part time and I'm about to hit 28 years this year, full and part time.

I arrive in Australia soon. Once the quilt has been mounted I will send photos to share as well.

I can't thank you enough for this.

Warm Regards.

Good Evening Thelma,

I am writing to introduce myself as the recipient of an Aussie Hero Quilt Laundry bag you lovingly created and was given to me earlier today.

I chose your bag because of it's maritime colours (aqua and navy blue) and the delightful embroidered camping scene (letter C) on the front. My three children and I are avid campers and I was attracted by the bag's connection to the activities I love (camping and the ocean).

Thank you also for the work you do to support members of the ADF, it is so very gratefully appreciated. I'd also be grateful if you could pass on my thanks to Clare and Dot for their needlework.

I have long aspired to owning an Aussie Hero Laundry bag or quilt, as I embarked on my very first deployment. I am excited and honored to have received your laundry bag.

With thanks

Good Afternoon,

I received the quilt today. It is fantastic. Very well made and the theme is fantastic!

Especially the little details. I'll keep this forever, thank you again and please pass on my happiness!


Dear Cath,

Firstly, a great big g'day from Africa. I hope you are well and keeping out of trouble.

I just wanted to let you know that your special gift arrived safe and sound about 2 weeks ago. I do apologise for the delay in my response. We have been extremely busy dealing with COVID and a few other things and I did have to read your wonderful letter over a few installments.

With regards to your beautiful quilt (and matching laundry bag), you have far exceeded my expectations of what I was anticipating. I never been one to place decorative items on my bed etc, however, I am so proud of the work you have done, it is now part of my morning ritual to lay the quilt out over my freshly made bed. I can't thank you enough for the effort and love that you have put into your work that you have gifted me. The personalised label was also a special touch and warmly appreciated.

I have a few months of my tour left and can't wait to get back home to my three young girls. They are 12, 10 and 6. It has been an especially long time for me because I was locked down working in Victoria for 6 months before I deployed and now have been away for another 6 months. I can't wait to see them later this year, and see how much they have grown.

You should be very proud of the work that you and the team at Aussie Quilts do to support our troops when we are away. It is such a great concept and each gift is so unique and is treasured by their new owners, not only for their deployment, but for years afterwards. 

Please pass on my gratitude to Keryn for her wonderful work in completing the process.

I wish you all for the best reminder of the year. Please know that your selfless efforts make a huge difference and please continue your fantastic work.

Kind Regards

Good Afternoon Anne,

Firstly, let me say, reading you letter made me a little nostalgic for home. I actually grew up in Tasmania, and my family still resides there. I try to get back there every year, however, with COVID and being deployed it has been a little longer between trips.

The quilt is absolutely amazing, I am completely blown away with it, and the colour scheme you have chosen is fantastic. The black patches on the quilt actually resemble very closely my German Shepherd waiting for me at home with my partner.

I have been a member of Defence (Army) for 15 years now and although I have been on multiple deployments, this is the first where I heard about Aussie Hero Quilts. Which might I add, think is a marvelous volunteer organisation idea. 

When I am back in Australia, I live with my partner, she is a firefighter for Queensland Fire and Rescue. We enjoy all things outdoors and physical. She is very motivated and a successful powerlifter. I enjoy Brazilian jiu jitsu and all things martial arts, and our dog enjoys going for walks daily, eating Woolworths roast chicken (when she has been good) and snuggling on the lounge.

The package arrived to me a little over two weeks ago. I do apologise for the delay in getting back to you. It was a busy period. The quilt came at the perfect time as I am now back in Australia and very much looking forward to being reunited with my partner and doggo. I can't thank you enough for the wonderful quilt, it will be cherished forever.

Good Afternoon Clarissa,

I want to provide my thanks for your amazing laundry bag that you made for me. I can finally get rid of the old broken plastic basket that is in my room to put my washing in. It will be something along with my quilt that will remind me of where I was and what I was doing in the first 5 months of my daughters life.

We are currently going through a COVID outbreak, so confined to our rooms most of the day, so receiving your parcel was a welcome boost to morale. 

Thanks again and please pass on my gratitude to the rest of the group that provide quilts and laundry bags to people like me.


Hi Pennie,

Thank you so much for the quilt and laundry bag. They look amazing!

I love the detail of the dragon on both, in truth, I didn't really have an idea of what type of dragon I wanted when I asked. I didn't realise there were so many types of dragons either!

I went to Tasmania for Easter to catch up with my brother and his family, who I hadn't seen for ages and was able to meet my little niece and nephew. I grew up in South Australia, and still go back to visit my parents.

Thank you again, and I wish you all the best!

Kind Regards.


Good Morning,

I am in the Navy and I have just received a Quilt and Laundry bag from Lyn. 

Words cannot express how amazing they are and how much it has touched my heart that someone has taken time out of there day to make such beautiful things for me.

I have seen a lot of quilts and laundry bags on the Navy ships and have always admired them from a far, now I have my very own and could not be happier.

Keep up the great work!

Kind Regards

Full of warm and fuzzies! I hope you have enjoyed the read and have a great rest of the week!

Till next week.

Happy Sewing Everyone!!!

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