
Tuesday 2 March 2021

Grati-Tuesday 2nd March 2021



It is always so humbling for me to read through these letters of appreciation that are sent after a member of our countries defence force has received a small token of appreciation for their efforts and their sacrifices. It is also amazing to hear why they have chosen certain themes. I will never tire from reading the gratitude letters and am excited for you to read through this weeks collection. 

Sit back, grab a cuppa, or whatever takes your fancy, and enjoy the read.



Good Morning Pennie,

I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know how much I appreciated your gift. As I'm sure you are aware, our ships are pretty grey and these laundry bags definitely bring a nice bit of colour to the spaces. I'm so grateful you took time out of your busy life to make these for us. Laundry is never a fun thing especially, in 2m seas, but these laundry bags will make it seem a little better.

I've served in the Navy for close to 20 years. I'm married with 3 wonderful kids. I still really enjoy my time in the Navy, but more often that not these days my thoughts are at home with my family. With the horribleness of the coronavirus it has kept us at home a little more over the past year and I've really appreciated the extra time with my family.

My eldest daughter who's 10 has recently taken a keen interest in sewing. I spent 3 gruelling hours with her in spotlight last weekend buying fabric, sewing thread and other bits and pieces and it is not at all cheap. I will take my laundry bag home and show her, she will be very interested in it. Her skills aren't quite there yet but she has made a few face masks (not sure they comply with medical standards) and hair scrunchies. Maybe one day she will be doing this too.

Thank you for taking the time to make this laundry bag and thank you for the work you do. 


Hi Pennie,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for my laundry bag! I was in desperate need of a new one, so it is much appreciated. I am really touched by receiving one.

I am amazed the time and effort you can put into creating such great bags. The mermaid is so beautifully done. Our whole crew is amazed by your work. 

I am from South Australia, and I miss it when I'm away. Beautiful beaches down your area though.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your words and bag, thank you Pennie!


Hello Bridget,

Thank you so very kindly for the quilt. It looks and feels amazing! Absolutely stoked. No words can express how happy I am. As it is winter here it has definitely been a great extra bit of warmth.

A little about myself; My life hasn't always been defence. I grew up in NSW. I left school in year 10 as I very much disliked school. However, I did go back and sit my year 10 certificate. I started my trade as a boilermaker at age 15. I completed my trade, receiving a cert III in heavy fabrication and engineering. I loved the hands on experience, working in smelters, mining, coal loaders, power plants and the workshop. I was lucky to be in a company so broad to get such a great experience. I extended my trade by doing a night course trade in Cert III in engineering - mechanical. By age 20, I was fully qualified dual traded fitter/welder. I spent the next 4 years as an open cut/underground production and maintenance supervisor before taking a redundancy in 2014. Also, the year I applied for defence. The next two years I spent as a diesel fitter whilst I awaited my enlistment into defence. I was finally accepted into defence in 2016 as a Metalsmith. I loved my time in defence and had many great experiences. I will be celebrating my 30th here on deployment. Pretty cool I know.

I am currently posted to Queensland and am very lucky to have a beautiful partner by my side to support me through all of this. She is a medical research officer currently upskilling to her masters degree to become a medical research analyst.

Aside from my work, I have a very productive lifestyle. I race a Yamaha R6 road bike for PMD racing team / factory Yamaha. I have won 3 championships to date in the Queensland state championship titles. I am looking at racing National level in 2022. My partner also rides road bikes and does track days.

Between the two of us we have three snakes, a 1 year old jungle python around 1m long. She will get to around 3m long and a male coastal python he is fully grown at 2.2m long. My partners snake is a rough scale python who is fully grown at just over a metre long.

Once again, thank you so much for the quilt Bridget. Sending my best of wishes to you and your family and may you have a better year than last. 



G'day Pennie,

Thank you so very much for the awesome laundry bag! I received a Marvel super hero one and it has caught the envious eye of some on the boat.

You say that we are heroes for what we do, but in my mind it is people like you who do the truly heroic things. The time that you have donated to make these creations have filled my world with just a little bit more colour and character.

Thanks again.



Thank you so much for the wonderful quilt. You made my day and have brought back so many memories for myself and my husband. We will cherish in the years to come.

Kind Regards.


Hi Aussie Quilt Heroes,

I am current serving member of the Royal Australian Navy. I currently serve on the ship HMAS Gascoyne. I felt very special and privileged by your kind gesture of my hand crafted laundry bag. I certainly appreciate the acknowledgement that my family and self have made serving, but it feels nice to know that there are people in Australia, also that appreciate the work we do.

Things like this, keep me going, so thank you.

Keep on doing, what you guys are doing, it's an amazing organisation and there isn't a Defence Member out there that doesn't appreciate the kind gestures from you guys.

To Pennie - Thank you for my laundry bag. I'm 100% sure that I got the best looking bag, as everyone is jealous of how good mine actually looks, that is a credit to you. I am a proud South Australian, so thank you for the special gift from home.

Your work is truly appreciated.

Most respected.


Hello Joy,

Greetings. How is everything going for you and your family? I hope everything is well and safe.

 I had just completed my deployment. The deployment was much tougher due to being in the frontline of COVID19 - yes much worse than Australia.

Thank you so much for the quilt. It looks beautiful. I love the Winnie the Pooh Characters, the camo colours, and the red skippy; actually just everything about it is perfect. My daughter loves Winnie the Pooh, hence when you designed it perfectly, it meant so much to me.

It must be hard work making 132+ quilts and 107+ laundry bags, and I am sure they are still counting. And, I am sure every recipient of a quilt, will treasure it a lot. To some outsiders, they may think, yeah it is just another quilt. But I can tell you, on deployment (especially away from family and in a war-like environment), when opening up the mailbox, and found out that received such a beautiful quilt. It meant so much, and was one of the happiest moments.

Take care and thank you very much for everything you do.

Best Regards.


Hi Pennie,

I am one of the many sailors on board HMAS Gascoyne. Thank you so much for the laundry bag, I absolutely love it! It came at the perfect time.

I have been a sailor in the Royal Australian Navy for almost seven years now as a Communications Informations System Sailor (CIS), specialising in tactical communications. I am currently in the process of transferring jobs within the military to become a Physical Training Instructor as health and fitness is a great passion of mine. 

When I am not at work, I enjoy playing sport such as netball and touch football as well as going to the beach and hiking. I also love to draw and paint as one of my hobbies.

I just want to thank you again, for all the hard work and finding time to make all these beautiful laundry bags for our crew.


Good Afternoon,

I just received my Octonaughts quilt and it is fantastic. I just wanted to say thank you very much.

Love your work.


Good Evening Pennie,

I was lucky enough to receive one of your laundry bags whilst being posted to HMAS Gascoyne. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your hard work and time you have taken to make such a beautiful laundry bag. I was really quite chuffed when I received it.

Your letter attached also shared some really thoughtful words and I thank you for those as well. Aussie Hero Quilts has a special place in my heart, as my Mum also makes laundry bags and quilts for them. It is definitely a way for her to stay connected and contribute to the work which makes those long deployments and minimal contact that little bit easier for both of us. We really do love these bags, and it makes such a difference to the individuals as well as the ship as a whole.

Firstly, thank you for all the amazing work you are doing. 

I hope you have a safe and enjoyable year.

Kind Regards


Hi Rita,

 Firstly, thank you very much for the laundry bag. I received it after returning from the Middle East.

I am a SGT and have been in the Air Force for 21 years, I am currently re-training in NSW to become a photographer. I was in HR, admin and finance for way too many years, so it was time to move on.

Thank you for the letter, again. 

All the best.


Hi Pennie,

Thanks very much for putting together my laundry bag. Very much appreciated.

Turns out you made me a rainbow lorikeet one which reminds me of my pet rainbow lorikeet I used to have so a very nice coincidence!

I also appreciate the work you do. 

The laundry bags have brought a nice touch of colour to our otherwise fairly tame cabin on board and also it actually stays together unlike the new dobby bag net things we get issued. Can't wait to show it off to the new recruits when I start my new path as a recruit instructor.

Thanks again and appreciate everything you do professionally and personally for us.

Have a great day and hope you keep finding time to help others around you.

Your caring for others is inspiring.



Good Afternoon Heather,

I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful letter, quilt and laundry bag. I feel honoured to have received 2 amazing pieces of work created by you from Aussie Hero Quilts. I feel very proud of the work you've done and know they will go amazingly with my 'sea sheets' which are covered in dinosaurs and have been with me since the start of my initial medic course, and previous sea posting and deployments.

I received both yesterday after visiting my family and assisting with COVID taskings.

I have seen the amazing work of all AHQ volunteers when my sister received her quilt prior to deploying to the Middle East in 2019.

Thank you for telling me about yourself, and your family and military history.

I have a twin sister in the RAAF and my father was in the Army Reserves. 

I hope you and your family have remained well despite COVID and the ever changing restrictions.

I can't thank you enough for your amazing work and all my family who I've sent photos to have loved them.

Kind Regards.


Hi Philomena,

Apologies for the delayed response, thank you very much for the lovely quilt!

I appreciate the time you took to sew this and I thank you for your continued support to all the Defence members.

Thanks again


Good Evening Pennie,

Thank you for the laundry bag! After seeing so many, I can appreciate how much time has gone into these.

Brings much needed colour to the places we sleep! Very pleasant surprise for those of us onboard.

Kind Regards.


Good Afternoon Pennie,

I am writing to thank you for the wonderful laundry bag you made for me. It was a pleasant surprise to not only receive one, but also that is pretty much perfectly suited to myself. As a clearance diver in the Navy, I not only spend a lot of time on the sea, but also in the sea, so the colours you have chosen to use are perfect.

I was fortunate to receive an Aussie Hero Quilt when I deployed to the Middle East in 2015/16 and still I proudly display that on my 'rack' (bed) on the ship and now (thanks to you). I have a matching laundry bag to go with it.

Thanks again.

Good Morning Sue,

Thank you so much for the quilt, I absolutely love it. There's a story behind it, a lot of people looked at it and were like chicken nuggets? Why?

Well we were at sea and my swain asked what I wanted on my quilt, and I was put on the spot, and had no idea but we were lining up for dinner and we were having chicken schnitzels, but on the boat we call them big chicken nuggets, so one of the boys said, 'get chicken nuggets', so I did. You have done an amazing job Sue!

I'm 19. I'm one of eight. 5 sisters and 2 brothers. I'm an aunty to a beautiful little girl and there's another boy or girl on their way hopefully I can get home to meet him or her in October when they are due.

Again, I am so thankful for the gift I received from you. Best of luck with everything.

Lots of Love.

Dear Sue,

I received your absolutely amazing gift of the quilt and laundry bag. I just wanted to let you know how appreciated the gift was - thank you so much! Both the quilt and laundry bag are incredible, and I will cherish both as a reminder of my time here and your generosity.

My smile, when I received them said everything - pretty sure I didn't stop for at least a few days!

Again, thank you. I believe people like you are the real heroes. 

Take care.


Firstly let me say thanks for the beautiful quilt that you made. The accompanying letter was mislaid and has only now been found again! I appreciate the incredible amount of effort that you put into it and making sure that it meets the intended 'theme'. 

Your interpretation of 'pink with Disney princesses' definitely exceeded expectations and I have shown it to anyone who comes into the office! It is a significant effort that you ladies make and on behalf of  the unit and myself, I would like to pass on that, they are truly appreciated.

Personally, I am married with three kids and hail from the ACT. The children are two boys, aged ten and eight and a little girl aged four. This is my fourth deployment since my first was born and unfortunately this means I have missed about two years of his life, but for my youngest, this is the first time I have been away. 

Your beautiful quilt was to remind me of her. I am sure it will see a lot of love over the coming years.

Once again - apologies for the delay in thanking you, but do know that your quilt is definitely appreciated.

All the best to you and yours, stay safe

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