
Tuesday 16 February 2021

Grati-Tuesday 16th February 2021



                                                Hope you're having a wonderful week. I'm wrapping up the last few weeks of work before I start a new gig so things are a little crazy busy but that's ok. It's probably the calm before the storm right!! 

This week brings a flurry of delight from both local with the laundry bags for Operation COVID and all the way from the Middle East. Regardless, of where in teh world your beautiful creations have made it to, you can be assured they are appreciated and bring so much joy. Thank you for letting me share in that with these fabulous notes and photos.

G'day Ellen,

Thank you for the wonderful laundry bag. Up until now I've been using whatever flimsy bag they provide us with. No longer shall I suffer the burden of mediocrity when it comes to laundry time.

I'm currently posted to one of the Navy's destroyers working as an ET 'Greenie' meaning that I fix electronic equipment.

Keep up the good work with those bags. They really do make a difference.

Best regards


Hi Sheena,

Thank you so much for my quilt and laundry bag! I love them and they suit my Queensland girl background. My husband (also Army) and I live in the ACT but are both from QLD and I miss the beach and warm weather quite a bit! 
I made it home to ACT late last year ready for a break, however in true 2020 style on I was given some health news and now at the end of January will be undergoing surgery and treatment, so your quilt is well timed for some hospital stays.

Once again, thank you so much for my amazing quilt and laundry bag. It's lovely to know there are people back in Australia like you and the other volunteers helping deployed personnel and making our time away easier!

Thank you


Hi Ellen,

I am in the Air Force Reserve, and recently deployed to NSW to assist with border control duties for COVID19 Task Force.

I spent 10 weeks away from home. I am from South Australia and was lucky enough to receive your beautiful bag - it made my time away feel a bit like home. I used it everyday to store my laundry and I cannot thank you enough for making it.

My partner and I also love going away and we try and spend a lot of our long weekends away camping. We very much enjoy visiting and staying in National Parks around our state and can't wait to visit more, especially in other states.

We were lucky enough to go away for Christmas and New Years recently and very much enjoyed sightseeing, camping, 4x4ing and eating!

We spend a lot of time renovating our house. We also have a 2 year old cattle dog x border collie who keeps us very busy when we aren't working.

Many thanks again for the laundry bag and for the wonderful work you do for Aussie Hero Quilts.

Warm Regards.


From the Facebook page:

Hello, my son is a Sargent posted in the Middle East for 6 months, and has just received a quilt. Can I please offer my heartfelt thanks and gratitide, this quilt has made his day. As a mother, it warms my heart that people care enough to put time, effort and money into these amazing quilts.



Dear Jenny, 

I recently received the amazing quilt and laundry bag that you made for me. To say I love them both would be an understatement, the nautical theme and colours you used will brighten up my cabin on-board no end.

I have been married to my wonderful wife now for almost 24 years and also have two adult children. A daughter, 19 years old and son, 24. At this stage, there are no grandchildren, but I am in no rush. 

After meeting my wife in Western Australia, (I am originally from South Australia), we moved to Northern Territory in 2002 and have lived here ever since. My wife, is a primary school teacher and as an amateur sewer was in awe of the quality and colours you used and in particular loved the personal touch of including my initials.

Thanks again Jenny, I truly appreciate the quilt and laundry bag and will show them off with pride every chance I get.


Dear Shirley,

Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt I love it. This is my second deployment to the Middle East and my second Christmas here. Just in a different location of the Middle East.

My deployment is 7 months long, and I look forward to getting home to my family and friends who I miss dearly. Home base for me is Queensland. My husband and I own our home and have 3 adult daughters who all live on their own homes and have young families. We have 5 grandchildren and we often visit when work and life permits. 

Thank you again and Best Wishes

Dear Susan, Jan-Maree and Aussie Hero Ladies and Gentleman,

What an incredible week I've had. I really have been 'blown away' by the magnificent quilt I was given by Arthur and Lynn, and am still speechless.

Then on Tuesday, I was given a certificate of thanks from the Red Cross Blood Service for 450 donations, which was wonderful to receive and increased my speechlessness. Then this week, I received the most perfect laundry bag from Susan along with a crocheted poppy which has almost pushed me over the edge.

I really have run out of superlatives. I took my daughter, and her young children school bag shopping this week, my older granddaughter wanted a 'Young Yoda' from Star Wars, school bag, which she loves and the other two have a bag each from Smiggle, which they love. My 8.5 year old granddaughter hugged me, and said 'Grandpa, I have no words', which really does sum up how I feel with a generous gift from you.

Thank you so much for all you do. 

I am so excited about the gradual reduction in restrictions and pray we don't have a third wave. We really are amazingly blessed when we compare what's happened here with the rest of the world. And the numbers wishing to return to Australia, won't be reducing any time soon. I have a good friend from Africa whose brother died in the US late 2020 and is heading home for the funeral, where funerals have been banned until now. I pray he will be able to return to Australia soon COVID free. And there are thousands in similiar positions.

My prayer is that 2021 will be far less eventful for all of us, but please keep sending the laundry bags. As you know, I tell everyone every bag is made with a huge measure of love and appreciation for what they're doing.

Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart. You are my Aussie Heroes!

Continually your's with humble gratitude. The even more than most grateful chaplain in the Australian Army.

Dear Marianne,

I cannot even begin to explain how much I love the quilt. As soon as I opened it, I was in awe. I did not expect anything quite like it. The colours and the way you have put it together is just magnificent. The stitching is just beautiful. You definitely have put a big smile on my face that's for sure. It brightens up my room so much! Also now I love walking to the laundry room with my new laundry bag and showing it off to everyone.

Thank you so much for your kind and caring heart to produce such a beauitful item that I will cherish for a very long time. It is somethign with a story to it and something that I will pass down to generations. It is such a wonderful thing to know that there are people such as yourself that support the ADF. However, we are very lucky to have people like you supporting us. You have spoilt so many of us with your quilts and laundry bags. It is quite hard to believe that something so beautiful could just be given to us. It is not just myself that is so happy with my quilt, but also my peers, each and every one of them that has received a quilt absolutely loves it. It is so nice to see the excitement of receiving it in the mail and the joy of opening it. We all get so excited showing each other our quilt designs.

My brother and his fiance have had a little baby girl and due to COVID I haven't been able to get home to see her.

I am 22 years old and grew up in Queensland on some acreage with my family. My brother is in the Army, however both our parents are not in the military. We take after our Pop who was in the Air Force. We are very proud of our Pop and very lucky to continue his legacy.

I dare say this letter will find you after Christmas, so I wish you all the happiness for the New Year and a little less COVID. Thank you again, I absolutely love them.

All the best for you and your family.

Dear Marianne,

Thank you so much for the quilt and laundry bag - they have both been put to good use!

We all appreciate the work and effort that goes into all the quilts and laundry bags sent from the Aussie Hero Quilts group. Wishing you and your family a fantastic Christmas and all the best for 2021.

Best wishes.


Well what a beautiful surprise for my husband this morning. He received an Aussie Hero quilt 15 year quilt... I wish I had a video on his face when the parcel post arrived with the AHQ label addressed to him!

It's a stunning quilt, and he couldn't be happier, me too!! Huge thanks to Lynn for the design and making. Wendy for the beautiful quilting and Inge for the crest and details.

You are all awesome.

He's a wonderful support to my quilting for AHQ and so deserves his own Aussie Hero Quilt, and now he fully understands how it feels to receive one. Thank yuo again ladies and thank you to all who sew and support AHQ.


Dear Georgina,

I returned from leave this week to a suspicious parcel addressed to me. The sly grin on my wife's face meant she knew what it contained. 

I was overjoyed to find an Aussie Hero Quilt, planned/requested by her and executed by you and your team! It is spectacular, the colour scheme is fantastic and I agree; the detail in the RAAF crest is awesome. 

Sincerely, thank you.

This year I celebrate 30 years in the RAAF and have been fortunate to deploy four times. I am familiar with the work AHQ do, but have not seen one up close.

I am Air Traffic Controller, but as you can see, I now control a desk here in ACT. My wife was in the Aif Force too, as a nurse, and seperated several years ago, working in health in a civilian capacity.

All the best, thank you again for your support.


Hi Pennie,

Firstly, I must express my absolute gratitude for your extreme effort in making each member of my crew a personalised laundry bag. I handed them out last Friday, and honestly, the reaction from the team was fantastic! They simply could not believe a single person would do such a thing for a complete stranger without expecting anything in return. Your kindness and support to our defence personnel clearly shines through in every bag/quilt that you make.

I fear your amazing efforts have already been mentioned to the crews of the other three mine hunters and there is a hint of jealousy in the air.. this may see further requests come your way... 

Gascoyne has a busy year ahead with almost 200 days at sea. This equals many loads of washing for my crew of 45+, so your bags will see plenty of use and hopefully avoid any missing laundry sagas.

I have been in the Navy for 15 years this year and have loved every minute of it. 

I wish you all the best for 2021. 

Very many thanks.


Hi Aussie Quilt Heroes,

I am currently sering member in the Royal Australian Navy. I currently serve on the ship HMAS Gascoyne, I felt very special and priviledged by your kind gesture of my hand crafted laundry bag. I certainly appreciate the acknowledgement that my family and self have made serving, but it feels nice to know that there are people in Australia who also appreciae the work we do. Things like this keep me going, so thank you.

Keep on doing what you guys are doing, it's an amazing organisation and there isn't a Defence member out there that doesn't appreciate the kind gestures from you guys.

To Pennie, 

Thank you for my laundry bag. I am 100% sure that I got the best looking bag. As everyone is jealous of how good mine actually looks. That is a credit to you.

I come from South Australia, so thank you for a special gift from home!

Your work is greatly appreciated.


Dear Pennie,

I am writing to you to thank you for the fantastic laundry bag I received last week. Whilst there were many fine designs amongst the crew, I think mine was a favourite. 

We sailed recently with about a 16 hour transit each way and it was my intent to write to you then but.. as we sailed out of NSW we were met by a gale force south easterly which made our trip quite unpleasant and then on our return it had swung around to the east and made us roll heavily, whilst we achieved our aim, it was an uncomfortable trip and we were all running on only a few hours sleep and were glad to be back on solid land!

I have been in the Navy for 34 years so I guess I'm in it for life! I have been on HMAS Gascoyne for just over a year now and am the Senior Technical Officer, meaning I lead the electrical and mechanical personnel on board to make sure our power generation, propulsion, navigation and complex mine hunting systems are doing their job. This is the first time I have been on a mine hunter and I joined the shop and took her into a major maintenance period including dry docking (with some of the key personnel away on courses) and then took the shop back into operational service and all this time trying to work around the changing COVID issues. 

As you can imagine, a mine hunter is not a large ship and they have made use of every bit of real estate to fit all the systems that go into making a small city work along with all the systems to hunt mines and therefore trying to manage the crew and contractors to ensure we were social distancing as best we could was a challenge and like a lot of Australian's, everyday was business as usual and not isolating at home but still glad to have a job. It was an interesting year as I'm sure you can attest to as well!

I have previously spent most of my career on larger ships, and then I spent three years as the High voltage manager on an amphibious ship. On board, I had a cabin and ensuite to myself that is larger than what the CO has on this ship, so my posting here has been a downgrade in living standards but the lifestyle and my position make it worthwhile. 

Pennie, I would like to thank you for my laundry bag. It is well made and I'm sure will last until the end of my career. Thank you for donating your time to make this special gift.

Kind Regards.


Hello Beverley,

Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful momento for my time here on deployment. I am so grateful to you for taking the time to make it. I absolutely love it and have it proudly on display in my cabin.

My deployment is going well so far. I am not far away from hitting halfway mark. I have mates to spend time with and have good food and the gym to keep me fed and fit. I don't really need anything else. Skype keeps me connected with back home which is such a bonus. On my previous deployments we only had the phone (for 15 mins once a week) and written letters. I feel blessed to be able to see my wife and sons while talking to them. Technology can be a wonderful thing at times.


Dear Bridget,

Thank you for my laundry bag, it came in the amil today and was a great surprise. I really appreciate the effort you went to in making it for me.

This is my first time being deployed overseas in my 7 years in the Army, it is a great experience, but you also definitely miss being at home. I spent 4 years in Northern Territory before moving to NSW and have been here just ovder 2 years before coming over here. I am originally from Western Australia, so I am hoping my family and I will be able to move back and settle there for good in the near future.

I have a 1 year old son at home, so it is hard missing him growing up for 6 months, as I'm sure you know they grow so fast and so much changes in a short space of time. My fiance keeps me updated with lots of photos and videos though, which is great.

Thank you again, for the laundry bag, it is something I will keep and treasure for a long time. My father and brother, are also both military and have deployed numerous times, so I'm glad now I have my own bag to show off after they both have their own.

I hope your family are well and you remain happy and healthy.

Thank you again, this mail has made my day.


I hope you enjoyed the read, and don't forget to like, comment and share to help spread the word. Alex :)

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