
Wednesday 10 February 2021

December 2020 - A ‘leaving gift’ presentation


A special note for the week and one I truly enjoyed being able to share with you all.                                

It almost feels like I was there reading this beautiful recount by Lynn F. Thank you for sharing the experience of making this special tribute, the joy of being able to present and the emotion of the day. Alex x


Towards the end of 2020, we were contacted and asked to make a quilt for a 'leaving gift' presentation. I had the pleasure of getting the job of designing and making the top as the main request outline was to have a blank section on the front of the quilt for members of the Unit to sign.

Once I completed the sewing the top, I passed it to Wendy F for her to do to the quilting and binding.

The next thing that happened was that I was contacted and was asked if Wendy and I would be able to present on the day to be part of the presentation of the quilt. This was such a marvellous opportunity as it is something I have never had the pleasure of experiencing over the years of sewing for Aussie Hero Quilts. It took very little time for us to make the decision to accept the invite.

Wendy and I set off very early, for a rather special day and travelled down to Headquarters 1st Joint Movement Unit (HQ, 1JMU), which is co-located within Headquarters Joint Command (HQJOC). We were made so welcome by all and we were told that they expected there was the likelihood of tears when the quilt was revealed. 

We experienced a morning of award presentations, promotions and also the Hand Over of Command ceremony. Having never been part of such an occasion, we both found it rather interesting, notwithstanding the acronyms which flew thick and fast - some we were able to interpret but others not so much. That did not lessen our enjoyment and appreciation of the event.

At the completion of the official speeches, and to the complete surprise of the Commander of the Unit who was moving on in their military journey, Wendy and I were then invited to present the quilt. Yes, there were tears!!

We then spent an enjoyable hour or so of morning tea, chatting to so many of the members of the Unit who made a point of meeting us. I was so moved by the large number of people who came up to thank us for the work done by AHQ. Almost without fail, each one had a story to tell of how appropriate the themes of the laundry bags and quilt were, how items turned up at 'just the perfect time', the repeat usage of the bags and quilts in other postings or even stories of family members, particularly children, who have tried to take ownership as they continue to deal with their parent being posted in subsequent times. It was so heartwarming to hear them and to see the smile on their face, and in their eyes, as they talked so fondly of everything that we do.

This day was a first for Wendy and I, and I hope that we get to experience other opportunities like this again. 

Never doubt the power of a bit of fabric sewn with love, care and an Aussie Hero Quilt label.