
Tuesday 26 January 2021

Grati-Tuesday 26th January 2021


We hope that everyone is enjoying this special day. The weather has been extremely hot and I am sure many of you have been seeking out the AC. For those that are unable to enjoy this day with family of friends, we hope that hearing from those who have received a Quilt or Laundry bag will bring you joy.

There are many letters to read about how grateful the recipients are to receive such personalised gifts to thank them for their service and their sacrifices. Their gifts are well deserved.

Please enjoy.........



Hi Clarissa,

Just wanted to send you a quick email and say thanks to you and your team at Aussie Hero Quilts for dedicating your own time and resources towards making quilts and laundry bags and also thanks on behalf of all the other members deployed that you have sewn for previously and into the future. It really makes a difference knowing that people back at home are thinking of ADF members deployed abroad!

Thanks again for sewing together my laundry bag. This was my fourth trip and I only just found out about Aussie Hero Quilts!
Stay safe during the holiday period and I hope you get to spend time with all your family.



Dear Lyn,

Thank you for your wonderful quilt and laundry bag set. They arrived safe and sound the other day and we all spent some time admiring the handiwork on mine and some of the others that arrived at the same time.

I greatly appreciate the amount of work and detail that has gone into my items and I'm really excited to have them as a keepsake of my deployment. To be honest, it was one of the things I was most looking forward to when I came over, as I have seen lots of wonderful quilts and bags others have received over the years and always wanted to be able to have my very own. I'm also very keen to show my family (particularly my Mum and Nan). as I'm sure they'll love it!

My Mum works in an aged care facility in Queensland and I know that a lot of the local groups spend time knitting and crocheting blankets and other accessories for the people in the facility and they always bring such joy. 

I am originally from Tasmania, and there are quite a lot of great sights to see down there. I hope to go back one day on a holiday and take my partner as he has never been there. I think I have a much better appreciation for all it has to offer now that I have been away so long. I know the first time someone asked me about what there was to see and do in Tassie I surprised myself with how long the list was and how much I wanted to go back and see it all as a (semi) tourist. It's funny though, I still don't really acclimatise to warm weather that well - I think I'll always be a cold weather girl. The weather here has been surprisingly wonderful. The first few weeks were much hotter than I would have liked but it has certainly calmed down a lot - I even wore a jacket last night. Luckily, I packed jeans, track pants, jacket and warm socks otherwise I might be in trouble I didn't think I would really need them but I always figure better to be safe than sorry.

I wish you well. Thank you again.


Dear Aussie Hero Ladies,

What an incredible year it has been! I trust you are having or have had a very healthy, holy and blessed Christmas and the new year will bring far fewer challenges than 2020 has had.

May I say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Since COVID-19 began you've sent me over 3,100 laundry bags which I have had the most amazing privilege of handing out to our ADF members who are going out to serve the Australian community in this COVID response. Saturday before last I even had one specifically made by Jan-Maree which I presented to the Governor-General at our Sydney Uni Regiment 120th birthday dinner.

Unfortunately, the COVID response is not slowing down yet and while our soldiers, sailors and air men and women are taking care of the airport and motels, they may have to return to the borders if the infection rate doesn't fall. We are very thankful to be living in Australia where the infection and death rates have been so low, but our prayers are with those who have lost loved ones and those in nursing homes and are otherwise forced to isolate.

I truly wish I could show you how delighted our people are when they receive their own personalised laundry bag. Most of them come with the expectation that this is just another task from ADF, but to be told they're loved, valued and appreciated by you all, really puts a wonderful smile on their faces. The message is, they're appreciated as true 'Aussie Heroes'. 

Your efforts truly are deeply appreciated.

As I write holidays and family reunions outside of New South Wales have had to be cancelled, which includes many of our military personnel. I have had some soldiers who haven't been home to other states since last Christmas and for some of them they'll have to wait even longer. 

Please continue to pray with me for those who are unwell, as well as those who were not able to be with at this most special time. As human beings, we all need hugs, especially from those we love, and as good as the phone and Skype are, nothing replaces real human contact.

Please also continue to pray for our Army, Navy and Air Force members as they continue the long journey, and hopefully we won't have the fires, floods and storms of last summer, but we know they will respond to whatever challenges come our way.

I have encouraged photos and a note to be sent to you. Unfortunately, our culture has moved away from saying 'thank you', so please take my thanks as from them and know the many hours you've spent cutting, sewing, embroidering and so on have been and continue to be deeply appreciated. Please keep sending me these bags and the looks of delight on the faces of those who receive them will continue. A few good people have even said, they can't use the bags for laundry, because 'they're too good'.

Thank you so much. God bless you and your families over this Christmas season and I pray you'll enjoy every blessing in 2021 and in the years ahead. 

Yours faithfully.


Happy New Year Ruth,

Thank you kindly for the laundry bag.. 

I love it and it definitely brightened my day!! 

Apparently it took a trip to the Africa before it arrived here. 

Congratulations and WOW, 680 bags and 680 grateful service members. I am with the Air Load Team here in the Middle East. Next year I will be posting to South Australia.

Wishing you and your family, lots of love and laughter.

Kind Regards.


Good Afternoon Ruth,

First of all, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY LAUNDRY BAG!! Thank you for your time and effort for creating such a beautiful piece. It instantly brought a smile to my face. 

It really brings some colour to my room and brightens it up. I love the colours you have used. I will definitely be using this when I return home as well, not just for the deployment. 

Thank you again so much.


Good Afternoon Susan,

I am writing to notify of the receipt with my great thanks for my AHQ. I have written and sent you a thank you letter but I suspect that it will not reach you for several weeks and wanted to thank you now.

The quilt is currently on my bed and kept me warm last night, where it is getting down to -11 here now in the Middle East winter.

From a more personal source, I trust my letter will reach you without overlong delay.

Deepest thanks and Happy New Year.


Dear Jan-Maree,

I was given one of your organisation's quilts a month ago and only now have got around to say thank you. Unfortunately, there was no letter from the volunteer that created my quilt, thus my email to you.

I think what your organisation is doing by providing these quilts are very worthwhile and I will value it, in the knowledge that someone has spent their own time and energy making it for a total stranger and thus it is coming from the heart.

I wish your organisation all the best for the future and to do you and your many volunteers a Merry Christmas and safe and happy New Year.

Thank you

Hey Ruth, 

Today I received my laundry bag! I would just like to thank you for taking your time to make something special for me.
it's more than I could have asked for and definitely something I will cherish and be able to look back on my time here deployed.



Good Afternoon Sue,

This week I received my parcel from you captaining my beautiful laundry bag. Thank you so much. It is very much appreciated.

I am 26, from Queensland, and have two brothers, one older and one younger. I have a beagle x cocker spaniel, she's very loving but a nightmare on the lead!

I had a dog growing up that hated other dogs and we always had to change paths and walking routes if we bumped into others! He was such a human friendly dog and so gentle but we rescued from a farm where he lived with a nasty Jack Russell that would snap at him all the time.

We managed to have a wonderful Christmas and despite being away from home and I am hoping that this year will be a lovely change and things will start to improve around the world.

Thank you ever so much again for my parcel, it brings the morale up so much and it is such a kind and generous thing for you to do.

I hope you have a fantastic year full of joy and happiness!

Kindest Regards


Hi Beverly,

I am the lucky recipient of the incredible quilt you made! Thank you very much for the work that went into it, I think you got all the components just right! And thanks for the advice on how to look after it, I will be very careful come wash time!

I am deployed in the Middle East at the moment, and still have quite a few months to go over here! I'm definitely missing my wife and kids and very much looking forward to getting home!

Lots of people here put quilt and laundry bag orders in and they are slowly starting to arrive. Everyone is very appreciative of the work that goes into them and excellent support we receive from back home.

Thanks again Beverly. I really appreciate your work to support deployed ADF members.


This message is for Bridget, who made me a quilt and laundry bag. I would like to say a massive thank you to her as I was gifted with them today and so happy to receive an awesome design. 

Thank you for all that you do!


Hello Shirley,

Thank you so much for the laundry bag! I absolutely loved it! Turtles are my favourite animal and the fabric used makes them look incredible! I've used it constantly since it arrived.

I have been a Unit Supply Operator in the Army since 2018 and am very fortunate to be on my first deployment so early in my career. Overseas, I am working in a large warehouse helping to get equipment from Australia to other countries for various operations. I just turned 21 over here and it was certainly the furthest from my twin I have ever been on our birthdays, so I'm excited to see her on my return to Australia.

I am originally from Victoria and some of my family is still living there, however some are in Queensland now. Before I enlisted I spent my spare time doing taekwondo, dancing, playing the drums, girl guides and volunteering at the RSPCA. Since posting to Queensland, I have been working on my fitness at the gym, and started learning how to dance salsa.

I hear that COVID restrictions are easing in most areas back home.

Thank you so much for dedicating your time and effort to volunteering and helping to bring some love and joy from home to deployments like mine. Your generosity is very greatly appreciated.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Kind Regards

Good Afternoon Catherine,

I am happy to inform you that I have just received my Aussie Hero Quilt. I am extremely happy with the end result and love to thank you and all the others at Aussie Hero Quilts for the amazing job you do.

Please give my thanks to all the members for all their efforts and support.

Kind Regards.

Aussie Hero Quilts,

I have been informed that my quilt has arrived at my home location today. I am still deployed so will send another note once I return and have physically seen the quilt.

Thank you for the important work you do.


Dear Aussie Hero Quilt Team,

Thank you very much for the effort that went into the quilt and laundry bag. I wish cherish them both.

Special thanks to Pennie for accomodating my design requests.

All the best.


Hi Ellen,

Firstly thank you for the beautiful quilt I received. Being an avid runner, the running girl is perfect.

I hope you had a lovely New Year and all is well with you and the family.

It's winter here in the Middle East and it snowed on Boxing Day, so the quilt has come in good use on my bed and makes the room a little more home like, which is nice when coming back to my room after a long day.

I am currently deployed as part of a 6 man team. We train, advise, and assist (TAA), the local Army and Police personnel who are apart of the Joint Command. They are responsible for the planning and coordination of the security operations of the country. It is a rewarding job and the people here are lovely and great to work with.


Hi Jenny,

Firstly, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Secondly, THANK YOU. I received the laundry bag you made for me and it was stunning! I loved all the beautiful colours and how much work was put into the design. My Mum quilts so I know now how much time and finesse goes into making something like that. I really appreciate that wonderful people like you do this just to bring a smile to a soldier’s face. 
A little bit about me, I’m 29, been in the Army for 8 years and I have been a “mover” for all 8. Mostly logistics and making sure our deployed troops get where they need to and also get home (the most important part). That will be me soon!
Again Thank you

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