
Tuesday 19 January 2021

Grati-Tuesday 19th January 2021


It is that time of the week again and I am feeling very pleased to be able to bring you some wonderful letters that have been received by those that have received a quilt or laundry bag. There are some great stories to explain why theme's have been chosen, some wonderful insights into the sacrifices our service personnel make without a second thought and sheer appreciation for the fact that they are supported and appreciated by us all. 

It makes it all worth while to know how appreciative the recipients of quilts and laundry bags are.

Grab a cuppa and sit back, relax and enjoy!!



Good Morning Catherine and Bev,

I am very happy to let you know that my Aussie Hero Quilt has arrived. It's fantastic with all the motorbikes and I really appreciate the time you put into it. Thank you so much for all your effort.

I can tell you from our end of things, it really lifts everyone's spirits when we receive the quilts. 

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Kind Regards.


Hi Rita,

I am the very lucky recipient of the laundry bag (Auburn with black cats) you kindly made. 

Thank you so much and Merry Christmas! I was lucky enough to be able to FaceTime back home this morning to see my two kids; 4 and 2 years old and my wife to open their presents. It's great we can do that these days.

I have been in the Army for 14 years now and have spent most of my time in NSW. I am an Infantry Corps Officer by category, but have been doing lots of different things for the past 7 years or so years. I'll be over in the Middle East till mid year it looks like, so hopefully the time goes fast! I have spent quite a bit of time here and over the last 7 years so I am fairly settled into it now.

82 quilts! WOW! That's an incredible effort! My mum has actually just started making Aussie Hero Quilts also, I think she's made a couple of bags and has just finished her first quilt!

So why Auburn.. We'll I'm a huge American Football fan (college specifically) and I am fortunately posted to an area close by a few years back. So I was able to spend time in the town and go to the games... It's a great place, I really loved it there.

My laundry bag is going to make it's first trip to the laundry in a couple of days, I'm sure the Auburn symbol and Australian Flags will confuse some Americans! It was certainly a challenge with lots of different components and you definitely nailed it! I know there's quite a few people here with quilts coming here soon and everyone is very excited. Good timing as well cause it's getting very cold!!

Thanks so much again for the bag Rita!


Hello Anne,

Thank you so much for the quilt! It's absolutely fantastic! Green is my favourite colour and the patterns used are awesome! I've had it on my bed since it arrived and it helps keep me warm and cozy at night.

The boxing kangaroo is very cute! I really appreciate the effort you must've put in to applique him yourself. I wasn't sure if something like that was achievable but when we were submitting ideas one of our corporals told us to be as specific as possible to help inspire whoever was making them. You've certainly surpassed my expectations! If you ever have contact with the lady who embroidered symbols, please pass on my appreciation to her also.

Wow it's incredible that you have made so many quilts in just 4 years! There are 44 other soldiers out there who have been lucky enough to receive some of your work. I wasn't aware of AHQ until the corporal told us she was sending in requests on my unit's behalf. It's such a generous organisation and I know all of us here are very grateful for volunteers such as yourself.

I have been a Unit Supply Operator in the Army since 2018 and am very fortunate to be on my first deployment and so early in my career. Overseas, I am working in a large warehouse helping to get equipment from Australia to other countries for various operations. I just turned 21 over here and it was certainly the furthest apart from my twin I have ever been on our birthdays so I am excited to visit her upon my return to Australia.

I am originally from Victoria  and some of my family is still living there, however some are in Victoria and Queensland now. Before I enlisted, I spent my spare time doing taekwondo, dancing, playing the drums, Girl Guides and volunteering at the RSPCA. Since posting to QLD, I have been working on my fitness at the gym, and started learning how to dance salsa.

It seems restrictions are easing in most areas of Australia now. Hopefully it isn't too long before restrictions ease world wide.

Although, we are unable to take leave to return home or travel during our tour, we have been lucky enough to leave base a couple of times a month. Under many restrictions, of course, but we are very grateful to have the opportunity to get out and relax for a few hours.

Thank you so much for dedicating your time and effort to volunteering and creating something very special that soldiers like myself can keep in memory of our tour forever. Your generosity is very greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards.


Dear Fran,

Thank you so very much for my amazing quilt. I absolutely love it. You managed to incorporate my request into something so beautiful and I will forever be showing it off to friends and family that visit my home back in the ACT.

I have been in the Navy for nearly 12 years now and this is my first deployment to the Middle East. I was so excited to learn when I arrived here that I could request a quilt from Aussie Hero Quilts as I have always admired the great work you guys do. Words can't describe how much we appreciate it.

I have had the pleasure to meet your lovely husband. I couldn't wait to tell him about receiving a quilt from you.

I would like to say once again, that I am extremely grateful for the wonderful quilt you made for me. Please keep your talents flowing and providing smiles to those that deploy.

All the best.

Hello Ellen,

I was the lucky person who graciously received your beautiful laundry bag with your letter inside. I think when I saw your bag it must of spoke to me as I did enjoy reading your letter.

A little about me; I joined the Navy in 1989 and am still serving. Currently, a WO Marine Technician in NSW and tasked to COVID-19 Assist where I was able to pick your laundry bag. I must say that in the 30 odd years in the Defence Force this is the first time I have received a special gift and was greatly appreciated.

I am thankful that there are caring people out there appreciating what we do. So thank you again, it is greatly appreciated.

I spent most of my time deployed in the top end conducting illegal fishing patrols and Border protection duties. I have enjoyed my time and I think I will see out my time in the Navy unless my wife thinks otherwise. I am married, for almost 19 years and have 2 children. Our eldest has completed year 12 this year which has been quite a difficult year for them. Our youngest is in year 8. 

It was great to read your letter. Thanks again and trust you and your family had a lovely Christmas and New Years.


Hi Georgina,

Firstly I would like to apologise for taking forever to write to you, I wanted to send the quilt home and get some photos of the little man with it.

Secondly, thank you so much for the awesome quilt and thoughtful letter, please thank your sons for their input. You did an amazing job. My family love it. Our son and partner are still relatively new to the Defence lifestyle and challenges it can bring. This is the first time I've been away from them for more than a week, so he is struggling to process me being away. 

I hope you and the family have a great holiday season. Stay safe and Merry Christmas.

Thank you again.

Dear Philomena,

I am the very happy recipient of the amazing work that you created below. In this incredible quilt you have cleverly depicted my love of travel, photography, cooking and the Navy, of which I have belonged for more than 41 years. 

This is a very special momento. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I very much enjoyed reading about you and your past and I would like to share my story with you sometime, but I will save that for another day. Both my wife and I retired last week, and with Christmas preparations in full swing, we have a few things to sort out.

For now, thank you again, I wish you and your family a very happy, and safe Christmas.

All the best for now.

Dear Beverley,

Thank you so much for your quilt. As you can see we have hung it up on our wall for everyone to see. 

My wife and I hope that you have a very happy and safe Christmas filled with love and laughter.

All the best.


Good Morning Bridget,

I received your quilt today (the wildcats one). It is perfect. I was expecting perhaps just a basketball one, but the Wildcats logo was very unexpected and very well made. I am a big fan of it.

Thank you so much for it and your letter. I enjoyed reading it. The laundry bag was also a great surprise.

I hope you keep making them, they will make a lot of people happy.

Thank you again.


Good Morning Clarissa,

I am writing this as a thank you for the Hero Quilt laundry bag that you sent me. I absolutely adore it! Thank you so much for putting in the time to create that for me. I very much enjoyed reading the small snippet about your life and what your family has been up to. It gives me a chance to get my mind away from this place and back home to Australia.

As this is my first deployment overseas, your bag will hold a special place in my heart. It brings me such great comfort to know that even though I am thousands of kilometres away from home, there are people who I have never met that care so much about myself and my mates.

I will say that this has been a uniquely trying time for myself. My time here has been the longest two months of my life, but your letter and love that you have put into the bag has helped to ease a great deal of pain, so once again, thank you so much for your gift. Words cannot describe what it means to me.

I hope that you and your family stay healthy and that you had a wonderful holiday season.

Yours kindly.


Good Afternoon Ruth,

I am emailing to say thanks heaps for the awesome laundry bag with the sharks on it. The blue really brought some colour to the pretty bland environment we were in and really reminded me of home.

The laundry bag really made doing laundry in the shared laundry easier, it was also the envy of the coalition nations there, the US guys in particular.

Apologies for the late email, it was a very busy deployment. 

Thanks again.

Dear Beverley,

Thank you so much for the amazing quilt and for opening up to tell me about your family. It really meant so much more to me reading about you. 

I have been in the RAN for 24 years and intend to stay until retirement. I have traveled to many places overseas, and most of which have not been through the Navy but I have also traveled to some places I wouldn't have if it wasn't for my service. I've also traveled to many places around Australia and also circumnavigated it with the RAN.

Thank you again for your hard work with my quilt and I wish you the best for your future.

Kind Regards.

Good Morning Clarissa,

I apologise that it's taken me this long to send you an email. 

I wanted to thank you so much for the laundry bag that you put your time and effort into making for me! I really appreciate it and like it so much I can't bring myself to put anything dirty in it. Instead, I use it as my 'clean uniform' bag and place my neatly folded uniforms in it.

Also, I wanted to say that you are right, a lot of us really do look forward to the parcels that come to us from home while we are deployed. We're not always in the nicest places and things like the laundry bags and quilts go such a long way to bring us excitement and enjoyment, helping us to look past whatever place we are in and what could potentially be a trying time into something a lot nicer.

A little about myself; I am 30 years old and have been a surveyor in the Australian Defence Force (Army) for almost 7 years now. I live with my wife in NSW. For 8 years now, my wife has been a teacher and is currently looking after grade one. Originally, we lived in Victoria, but after enlisting we moved to QLD for a few years and have now been in NSW since 2019. We are looking at purchasing a house in Victoria to eventually move into permanently after the ADF career has run it's course.

With COVID running rampant this year, it has been extremely difficult and I sincerely hope that you and your family haven't been affected too badly by it. My parents are in their early 70's and have had to change how they live their life so they don't catch it or pass it to others. 2020 hasn't been a great year, here's hoping 2021 will make up for it.

Thank you again, for what you have done for me, my wife and I sincerely appreciate it and wish you and your family all the best for the future.

Kindest Regards.

Good Morning Ruth,

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for sending me a lovely laundry bag, it has been so handy for  my deployment and I just love the country Australia theme of it!

Thanks for all the time and effort you go to, to send us these gifts that we will cherish for years to come. I hope you know how appreciated they are! Hope you are having a lovely week.

Thanks again.

Good Afternoon Ruth,

I hope this email finds you well and surrounded by family over the Christmas period.

I received a surprise parcel during our weekly mail delivery day this week and was thrilled to open it and discover the laundry bag that you made for me. 

I was not expecting it as I had not put my name down for a quilt or a laundry bag as this is not my first deployment to the Middle East.

I must say that you nailed it perfectly. I am proud to be an Australian soldier and am a huge fan of the Star Wars series (although seeing as I grew up in the 70's and 80's for the first three movies are still my favourite of the franchise).

To give you some context as to who I am and what I do, I am a 48 year old Warrant Officer Class Two.
I joined the Army in 1991 and spent 10 years as a rifleman in the Army Reserve before transferring to the regular Army in 2001. When I initially transferred to the regulars, I was an Armoured Vehicle Crewman for a period of 5 1/2 years.

I moved over to my current role in the Communications field in 2006/07. My current role is the Information Systems (Computer Networks) Manager for the entire Middle East region. 
I have deployed on operations in this area a few times since 2008. 

I normally am based in Queensland and live there with my wife, and our three teenage kids (2 girls, 19 and 17, and a son, 15). I am also spending my 20th wedding anniversary away from home.

We really appreciate the time and effort that people back in Australia devote to making the quilts and laundry bags and the support shown to us during our deployment.

In closing, I wish you and all of your family a very merry Christmas and hope the time brings happiness and enjoyment to you and your loved ones.

Kindest Regards.


Hi Cath,

Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt and laundry bag. I love the colours! I can't tell you how grateful I am for all the work you put into them. I will cherish them always.

I love animals so much, I really miss my fur kids. I hung my laundry bag over my chair in my room so I'm always looking at the possums- they are so cute! I have 2 kids as well as my fur kids. My boy is 7 and is such a sweetheart, we always have hugs and kisses at bed time and tell each other about our day. I really miss that.

My beautiful little girl is 5 and very independent and strong willed. She started school this year and loves it. She just lost her first tooth- I missed it but i'm glad I can video chat with them often.

My husband is in the RAAF also, this is his first time having me away- he is doing so good.

My fur kids are both 10 years old. A minpin cross and a Springer cross cocker spaniel, she is a big baby!

We also adopted a kitten this year, it was good that we spent so much time at home I guess. He is a very cheeky and playful little boy. He fits in perfectly with our family. We all adore him.

We live in QLD- we moved there in January this year. Before that we spent 3 years in regional NSW and 9 years in suburban NSW. We enjoyed our time there and chose a beautiful spot to get married.

Thank you also for all the goodies you sent. I took them treats to work and shared them with my team- we have all enjoyed them.

Please pass on my thanks to Keryn also- the pattern "Feathers a la mode" is beautiful. I really can't believe how amazing they look!!

I wish you a safe and wonderful Christmas and New Year.

I will think of you often and hope you are doing well.

Thank you again for making me these wonderful keepsakes.


Thank you Sonia for your thoughtful gift.
It's always nice to know our efforts are appreciated, makes it all worth it.
PS- love the material choice, it definitely brightens up my day.


Hello Sonia,

I would like to thank you for your time and effort in creating this laundry bag which I have graciously received. It is my first laundry bag, on my first deployment and I am very happy to have it. It surely did bring a smile to my face and that of the others that had received theirs.

I am currently serving in the Army and I am enjoying every moment of it.

Again, I would like to thank you and your family for the laundry bag and for all the support given. It is truly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely....


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