
Tuesday 12 January 2021

Grati-Tuesday 12th January 2021

                                                                           Happy Tuesday Friends

I've started back at work after a great break off, and now I'm ready for another (hopefully) short break, and wrapping up the last blog for a little while from me.. Catherine has been a trooper training up our new girls, which will be an incredible help for back up support, and I have the blessing of being able to write to you all and check-in.

So tell me, how was your break? Did you have one? Are you planning anything exciting for the weeks and months ahead!?! I need some inspiration for things to do when I have some time on my hands for when my contract ends in a few months.. Providing of course, we are in a state of 'normality'... 

Well enough of my ramblings for this week.. I look forward to hearing what has been keeping you busy lately, or what you have coming up that you'll be looking forward to.

Enjoy the read :)


Good Morning Clarissa,

I apologise that it's taken me this long to send you an email. A nice downpour of rain and a hole in my rooms roof basically wiped out my laptop and mobile for the last month of my deployment but since getting back to Australia, I've been able to replace them while I sit in Quarantine. 

I wanted to thank you so much for the laundry bag that you put your time and effort into make for me! I really appreciate it and like it so much that I can't bring myself to put anything dirty in it. Instead, I use it as my 'clean uniform' bag and place my neatly folded uniforms in it.

Also, I wanted to say a lot of us really do look forward to the parcels that come to us from home while we are deployed. We're not always in the nicest of places and things like the laundry bags and quilts go such a long way to bring us excitement and enjoyment, helping us to look past whatever we are in and turn what could be potentially a trying time into something nice.

A little about myself; I am 30 years old and have been a surveyor in the Australian Defence Force (Army) for almost 7 years now. I currently live with my wife in NSW. For 8 years, my wife has been a teacher and currently looks after grade one students. We originally lived/grew up in Victoria. After enlisting we moved to QLD for  a few years and now been living in NSW since 2019. We're looking at purchasing a house in the outer suburbs of Victoria to eventually move into permanently after the ADF career has run its course.

With COVID running rampant this year, it has been extremely difficult and I sincerely hope that you and your family haven't been affected too badly by it. My parents are in their early 70's and have had to significantly change how they live to make sure they don't catch it or pass it onto others. 2020 hasn't been a great year, here's hoping 2021 will make up for it!

Again, thank you so much for what you have done for me. My wife and I sincerely appreciate it, and wish you and your family all the best for the future.

Kindest Regards.


Good Morning Susan,

First of all I would love to say thank you so much for my laundry bag. I am so in love with it! 

I just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

I would really like to write you a letter so I will be sending you one soon. 

Thank you again and enjoy the holidays.


Hi there

My son is in the Navy and received your laundry bag on his last deployment to Asia. He has just arrived home for a short visit for Christmas. 

He has shown me the bag and your letter. I think it's amazing what you do for the ADF. Our biggest thanks for everything you do. 

It means so much to him and our family, that people do these amazing things to boost their spirit.

Thank you from all of us in Tasmania.

All out love and hope you had a Merry Christmas.


Hi Ellen,

Thank you so much for the quilt! I really appreciate the time you've spent putting it together and for all the other ADF members you have sewn quilts for previously. It really makes a difference knowing people back at home are thinking of ADF members deployed overseas.

A little about myself; I enlisted in 2011 in the Australian Army and was based mainly along the East Coast of Australia for most of my career. I've been deployed to Middle East four times. Definitely kept me busy over the years. I discharged at end of 2017, however continued serving in the reserves in Victoria and ended up deploying for my second time to the Middle East this year (which worked out well since Covid really did a number on Victoria, and I got out just before the full lockdown took effect). My grandfather and two great uncles all served in WW2 with one of them getting shot down over Germany and becoming a POW.

I hope your 2020 was positive and you were able to spend it still seeing your family and friends!

Once again, I just wanted to say thanks for the quilt and your continued support to deployed ADF members. I actually had no idea about Aussie Hero Quilts until my forth deployment. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay safe during the holiday period.



Hey Heather,

I was the lucky recipient of one of your beautiful quilts over here in the Middle East!

I just wanted to write to you to first say a big THANK YOU for my quilt. The quilt sits on the end of my bed to brighten up my room. 

I'm glad my quilt request appealed to you. I thought someone might find the combination of blue and pineapples a bit strange. Did you know pineapples are the symbol for friendship? This is why I like them.  I value my friends very highly and I only have a handful of very close friends that I have met throughout my adventures both in high school and after.

It has been a tough year but I think we will make it through the other end and appreciate the freedoms we have a little more. I am looking forward to what 2021 has to bring as are a lot of people I think!!

So a little about me; I am a Logistics Officer in RAAF. I have been in for nearly 3 years and at my 3 year mark I will be promoted from Flying Officer to Flight Lieutenant. That happens early next year while I am still over in the Middle East. So that is pretty cool. Before I left home I was posted in NSW, which was my first and only posting. When I get home mid next year, I will be relocating to Queensland to start a new posting and move in with my partner. We met while we were posted apart, so I am finally getting to move in with him and his two lovely boys. I can't wait for us all to be together in the same location!

I grew up in NSW and my family still live in the area. 

Heather, thank you again for your kind words and generosity. It means the world to us over here to know that the Australian public appreciate what we do to protect our nation. Australia is such a beautiful place and we want to ensure it remains that way. 

I will be sure to spend time over the phone with my loved ones on Christmas Day and I hope you get to spend some quality time with your loved ones over Christmas and New Years too.

Warmest Regards and Happiest of Wishes.


Good Afternoon Georgina,

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for the package. The quilt is amazing, it's wonderful knowing your family had such input into making it.

I apologise for not responding to your letter sooner, it was quite a busy time for us. Thankfully, I am back home now. It was my 3rd deployment and I was based in the Middle East. I had previously deployed here in 2007 and 2013.

My position is a Quartermaster - I manage equipment (weapons, vehicles, communications equipment etc), freight, and distribution of supplies for the troops that I am attached to.

I am from QLD originally, and most of my family are there. However, I am currently living in NSW with my partner. We have an amazing little apartment on the beach, and I am very excited to get back to it.

Thanks again for the package and letter, we really appreciate the work and effort that goes into everything you do.

I hope you are safe and well and enjoy a great Christmas with your family.

Kind Regards.

Dear Jenny,

Thank you so much for my laundry bag. I absolutely love it. It definitely brightens up my day.

A little about myself; I live in NSW. I am a Loadmaster on C130 Hercules. I have been in the RAAF for two years now, but before this I was a Kindergarten teacher in Queensland. Never in a million years I thought I'd be doing this, but I love it very much.

Makes me appreciate home a lot more. I have been here for a few months, only a few to go.

Wishing you a bright, beautiful bucket full of happiness and joy.

Kind Regards.

Good Afternoon Bridget,

I am emailing to say thanks heaps for the Aussie Hero Quilt with the sharks on it! We all really appreciate you and your family for taking the time out of your day to make these awesome quilts and laundry bags for us!

I know this year has been wild due to COVID and it has brought us comfort to have just a nice quilt to brighten our rooms.

Apologies for the late email, it was a very busy deployment. While I make my way home, I thought it would be a good time to email my thanks. I am looking forward to spending time with my family.

Thanks again.

Thank you Georgina for the blanket. 

It has my favourite dinosaur on it. My favourite dinosaur is Velociraptor. This is my favourite blanket because it reminds me of my dad.

We hope you and your family have had a very merry Christmas. xx

Dear Georgina,

Thank you so much for the effort and detail you and your family put into planning and making this blanket.

It was so nice to read your personal story and it resonated with me.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Good Evening Ellen,

I received one of your beautiful laundry bags.

I'm 19 from New South Wales and joined the Navy this year. The transition coming straight from school has been challenging to say the least however this year considering everything that's been happening has been by far one of the best years of my life.

I'm working over Christmas and unfortunately won't be seeing my family much at all which is a bummer but I'm very lucky to be helping on the COVID-19 Operation this year, so I'd like to thank you for the laundry bag it was a very nice surprise.

I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and keep doing what you do as it puts a smile on everyone's face.

Kind Regards.

Good Evening Ruth,

I was recently the lucky recipient of a laundry bag you made. I would just like to thank you for the time and effort you put into making it. It was nice to receive something from home and hear your reasoning for getting involved with Aussie Hero Quilts. It definitely lifted spirits!

I apologise for not emailing you sooner, but as you can imagine, time got away from me while overseas. The laundry bag has already been put to good use and will continue to be once I'm home. 

I hope you and your family are well in these difficult time and that you are able to enjoy a Happy New Year.

Kind Regards.

Hi Robyn,

Thank you so much for taking the time to create a wonderful Welsh-themed laundry bag for me. Your accompanying letter was absolutely fantastic to read too!

I was born in the UK and grew up there before moving to Australia at 15. I go back every 5-6 years and love seeing old friends and my large extended family. Despite growing up there, I still take a drive and see all the tourist attractions. I was planning on going back mid next year but I doubt long haul flights will be back to normal by then.

My parents have always lived in Queensland since being here. I've been in the Air Force for 19 years. My 20th anniversary will be whilst deployed here in the Middle East early next year.

Thank you for such a fantastic laundry bag. It's already in use and has been a great talking point with some of the Brits and ex-pats here at our camp.


Hi Shirley,

I'm 26 years old and I am a heavy vehicle mechanic in the Air Force. I was deployed to Western Australia for just over 2 months guarding a quarantine hotel for Operation COVID-19 Assist.

I was very lucky and grateful to receive one of the laundry bags you made whilst I was there, I was very appreciative of the effort that you put into make those for us.

Sorry for the late email, life has been pretty hectic. I'm finally home and it's so nice. It's my first time home all year! My family are doing well and I hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe.

Once again, thank you again for the laundry bag. 

Hope you have a great 2021!

Dear Sue,

I hang your quilt that you made me on my wall with the greatest pride. I reflect back on the impact it has on my life. 

It has gotten me through some tough times and I am so grateful for it everyday.

Thank you very much and all the best to you.

Dear Sue and family,

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I hope that 2021 is a much better year for you all. My deepest thoughts are all with you all.

Best wishes.


Good Afternoon Everyone,

A big thank you for the laundry bag. I received as part of Operation COVID Assist. It has uplifted the spirit of my peers as it did for me. It is great to know people are thinking of you when so many of us are separated from our loved ones.

Please keep up the good work - it is greatly appreciated.

Made by Dianne.


Don't forget to like, comment and share away, the wider we spread our message, the more wonderful work and happy recipients we can be apart of their journey.

Have a fabulous week

Alex :)

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