
Tuesday 8 December 2020

Grati-Tuesday 8th December 2020

Happy Tuesday Everyone!! 

I should imagine a lot of you are getting ready for Christmas this year and hopefully you are able to get together with your loved ones, but for now, sit back and relax while you enjoy reading through all the wonderful letters of gratitude. 

Don't forget to leave a comment, like or share away on facebook. It keeps our message and support flowing :) 




Good Afternoon Shirley

I’m a member of the Royal Australian Air Force. I would firstly like to thank you for the time that you put into making laundry bags for defence members as the Koala and Kangaroo laundry bag that you did stood out to me and I made that mine.

It was really enjoyable to read your letter and to think there are individuals and families still thinking of our defence force members. I have had the pleasure with dealing with Aussie Hero Quilts before when I was deployed overseas and I can’t express how much of a morale booster the quilts and laundry bags are, everyone shows them off around the camp and it’s something from home!

By the sounds of it you’ve had quite an interesting life travelling around the world doing all sorts of things, I hope that I can do similar things and travel as much as you have.
As you know this has been a very crazy year for Australians and the Defence Force. I’m currently posted to RAAF Base in Queensland but have been over in Western Australia for the last month and a bit with COVID-19 tasking. At this stage it looks like I’ll be going home sometime in the new year, so it gives me lots of time to explore WA and all the great things it has to offer.
The COVID-19 job is a rewarding one where you see people arrive to a hotel not knowing what they are about to go into (14 days quarantine) but I can only assume just happy to be back home (Australia) to walking out 14 days later to family hugs! It’s very nice to watch and see the happiness of people who have been trapped overseas for months in some cases.
I hope this email finds you well and that you have a great Christmas planned, I’ll be doing my Christmas a little different this year (over Facetime). Thank you so much for all the effort that you do and remember that it puts a big smile on our faces when we get unexpected gifts like this.
Keep up the amazing work!
Kind Regards


Hi Bridget
Thanks for the quilt, I was very surprised to receive this in the mail.
I have seen some of the quilts during my Air Force tours in the Middle East and I have one of the laundry bags given to me, made by Aussie Hero Quilts, which I still use during my various work trips away.
Thanks for your efforts along with the “Garage Girls” who produce these wonderful keepsakes and the many hours you spend in honouring our service to our country.
Cheers and many happy years (and quilts / laundry bags) to come  
Best wishes


Hi Jan-Maree, Keryn, Clarissa and team,

I was recently invited to the unit of a recipient of one of my quilts to see how it had been hung the quilt on the wall. It is
the first time I have ever seen one of my quilts 'in situ', in fact only
the second time I've seen one of my quilts with its owner.

The quilt had been hung beautifully on an amazing decorative rod on
brackets that had been bought in Bunnings. It was such a thrill to see
it and the recipient is so very excited and proud of his quilt, he even mentioned
how happy he is that Keryn had not missed out embroidering his AM after
his name and rank. I feel so happy that we have been able to give him
such joy.

After he'd gone on for some time about his happiness with the quilt, he
sat down and started to talk about some of his experiences, which have
been incredible. Obviously, he has plenty of amazing stories to tell.

I just wanted to share this with you all, it was a wonderful time and I
wish you all could have been there.

Best wishes and thank you for allowing me to be part of this great

Blessings and best wishes


Hi Shirley,

Thank you so much for sending us these laundry bags, it’s nice knowing that someone out there is thinking of us.

Kind regards,


Dear Jan-Maree,

Thank you SO MUCH for the Aussie Hero Quilt- again! It is fabulous and completely unexpected. Even though I said not to bother, you STILL went ahead and organised a beautiful quilt! You really are incredible.

Please sincerely thank the quilters, Jackie C, Kerri B and Philomena. The quilt was so well done. I took it into the Headquarters to show off and everyone was impressed. The stitching is so precise and detailed.

Coalition task force is a multinational maritime taskforce in the Middle East operating warships and aircraft across the Middle East to maintain maritime security and ensure freedom of navigation. I serve with a fantastic group of Americans, Brits, Saudis and Emirates. It is really a great place to serve, we have competent people, a clear mission and ample resources.
The quilt is so special and the huge effort to create it is deeply appreciated. My colleagues were so touched, as was I. I actually teared up!

Please again, send my warmest thanks to Jackie, Kerri and Philomena.


Good Evening Jan-Maree and Robyn

I must say it was an absolute surprise and a very lovely one at that to receive the laundry bag in the mail. 

It is a wonderful thing your group does in providing support to our serving and deployed troops and I congratulate you on your continuing work.  Once again, thank you very much for the laundry bag.
Warmest regards

Dear Jan Maree

The purpose of this email, is to show my appreciation for the Quilt I received
for the service I gave to my country, made by Robyn Hancock.

Was received with great honour and is now hanging in pride of place in my unit.

Kind regards

Good Afternoon Aussie Hero Quilts,
I’d like to thank you for showing your appreciation of what the ADF is doing on COVID Assist and overseas.
I am very grateful with the efforts Judy has put into making my laundry bag I received on COVID Assist.
I hope this organisation continues its awesome work in the future so that others can feel the appreciation I have.
Kind regards,

Good morning!
I have received my quilt and laundry bag with goodies – thank you very much!!
My set was beautiful (black and orange) and I’m very grateful. I’ve also seen some of the work done by other quilters arriving and I’m consistently amazed by the beautiful work!
Thank you for all that you do
 Hello AHQ Staff,

I received my wonderful quilt, made by Janis K, today.
It is yet another work of art from a very talented lady.
The quilt will be going in the middle of our bed to keep it looking great.
Thank you very much Janis and all the fantastic AHQ volunteers  

Thank you guys very much.

My daughter loves it.

Thank you again

Kindest regards


Hi guys,

I received my quilt and laundry bad once I completed isolation the other week. 

I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who helps and volunteers in your organisation.
The quilt and the bag are absolutely amazing! I couldn't believe how amazing the designs were when I looked at them. Plus the snacks and hand written card, it was all so overwhelming and no doubt the best thing I will take away from the deployment. 
This really was so lovely and such a generous gesture you are all doing.

Thanks so much I hope you all have a great Christmas. 

Dear Rita,

Thank you so much for the lovely laundry bag and small gifts that you sent me; it is very much appreciated!
I love the sunflowers on my bag, and not only does it stand out, it adds so much needed colour to my otherwise plain room.
I am actually in the Army reserves but was given the opportunity to deploy so I am currently serving full time until I return from deployment. I joined just over 4 years ago when I finished high school. I was interested in trying something different and challenging and that would help me get through university.
I am currently in my 5th year of a double degree. I really enjoy it and should hopefully graduate next year.
I get asked a lot if I will go full time in the Army, but I think I will remain a reservist when I return home as I still work in the Army but can begin my career. I do not have any family connections to the military, only my Father, however he was inspired to join the Army Reserves after I joined 4 years ago! 
As to why I joined the Army and not any other service- I enjoy being fit and active and the challenges Army can provide, however I have worked closely with other services and they are all unique and provide different challenges and opportunities.
I appreciate your kind words and effort you have put into making this bag.

Good afternoon Ma’am,

I have no words to explain how very grateful I am.
My quilt and laundry bag are just beautiful.
You guys made my day. Made me feel special and I am so, so grateful for the love and thought.
I will definitely reply to the lovely ladies and thank them individually as well when I get home.
Many thanks to you all and I absolutely love my gifts.
Please send my love and thanks to the team.
Thank you again.

Much love,

Dear Deni,
Thank you so much for the wonderful quilt you made me. The complexity of your work is amazing. I loved how you hand dyed the different panels; it came up beautifully!  It came just at the right time as the weather is getting cooler here at night.
I am deployed in the Middle East. I am an Electrical Engineer by trade and have done almost 30 years in the Navy. I joined as an apprentice Electronic Technician in 1991. This is my fifth deployment to this region. I have deployed three times on ships, and once to another base in the Middle East. I return to Australia in March next year. 
I grew up in a small farming town in the WA. Dad was a mechanic and mum helped with the business. We moved to Victoria when I was 12, where I joined the Navy when I was old enough. I now live in West Australia with my partner, who is also an Electrical Engineer in the Navy. I have three grown children. They live in NSW. 
It was interesting to read your story and your family's history. Reading your story and thinking of my own, our grandparents and parents really went through some tough times! 
Thank you again for my quilt. It is something that I can assure you, will remain in my family for many generations as I hand it down to my children and their children.
I hope you have a very merry Christmas, New Year and an even better 2021. 
Very respectfully


  1. What wonderful responses from all .Thank you to our Service men and women and to all who make the quilts and bags .My Aux was involved many years ago making laundry bags for the Invictis games .Merry Christmas everyone
