
Tuesday 20 October 2020

Grati-Tuesday 20 October 2020


Happy Tuesday Friends. Hope you are having a cracker of a week. 

I'm in the office today, first day in the CBD for weeks. Strange, but a nice change of pace...

Hope you enjoy this week's notes and photos... I know I do... A x


Hi Sally,

Wow! Thank you so much for the lovely quilt! A note of thanks for the beautiful design and I really enjoyed that it tells a story.

I can't thank you, Jan-Maree and all the AHQ volunteers for supporting everyone through the generousity and kindess of making the quilts and laundry bags.

I have been in the RAAF for almost 8 years. My role is a Crew Attendant, however, I am doing a completely different role whilst over here. I am almost a third of the way through my deployment and then we will be returning back home to ACT. I grew up in New South Wales and seeing the weather warming up and family and friends being at the beach and outdoors is making me miss home more and more each day. But with that I am grateful for the opportunity to be here and something I am very proud of. All the new friends we make and experiences we gain is another reason why I enjoy my job so much.

Please pass on my thanks to the people who contributed to my quilt. I appreciate the time and effort that goes into it. My aunt is an avid quilter and she couldn't wait to show her quilting group the photo of my quilt and laundry bag that I sent her.

Thanks again - this is a memory I will have forever.


Hi there Sylvia,

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you, have been a busy boy this year with COVID and all  other things.

Quilt is awesome and I thank you, Carolann, Heather and Ellen for the work you all put into it.

I would like to take my wife on the motorcycle but the way things are and my posting to Queensland next year, I doubt it will happen.

Thanks again for your time.


Hi Kathy,

Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt you made for me. It is such a nice and comforting quilt to have received in these strange times.

I have been with the Air Force for almost 33 years. My oldest daughter is in the Navy and recently moved to WA so I may not see her for a while but she has grown up in Defence and understands the life.

8 weeks ago my second daughter joined the Air Force and moved to Victoria. She looked after her sister who was 10 years old while I was  deployed. 

Your quilt means so much to me as it's a culmination of everything I hold dear. Thank you for taking the time to support people like me. 

Warm Regards.



Good Morning Ruth,

I wanted to email you to thank you for my laundry bag. 

It's always a highlight to receive mail and it's even better when it's unexpected. It mans a lot to me, the time and effort you have taken.

Again, many thanks.


Hi Margaret,

I just wanted to send a little thank you email for the beautiful laundry bag. It was such a surprise to receive your wonderful gift. 

I was particularly interested in your group and loved your personal story.

I have come to Navy after serving as a NSW Police Chaplain for 10 years and being a Catholic priest for 23 years. I wanted to give back to my country and people in a different way and Navy chaplaincy has given me that opportunity.

I love the sea as originally I am a Queensland boy and the family business was in Marine Electronics. I have two nephews serving, one in the RAAF, and the other in the Navy, so they both encouraged the move to ADF.

Please be assured of my prayers and once again thank you for what you do. Members I work with all still have their laundrybags and talk highly of the work of Aussie Heroes. Without your kind thoughts and gestures I don't know where we would be.

Many thanks.


Good Evening Kathy,

I cannot express how grateful I am!

I got the parcel when I got home from work and thought I am not expecting anything. 

I opened it to find the most stunning and most beautiful creation,  I have ever received.

Wow, you are so talented. I love it so much and am speechless.It has brought tears to my eyes and made my week, month and year.

I, again, cannot express how grateful I am or thank you enough for this beautiful gift. The flower is perfect and is better than the web.

You have truly touched my heart.

It is so beautiful! I love it and will treasure it forever.

Thank you


From the Facebook page;

I returned from deployment early to find my wife had completed my requested Aussie Quilt. She had the time to free motion quilt each block and to hand sew the binding. A lot of love went into this  quilt and I am very happy with the result. 

Thank you


Good Afternoon Clarissa,

I would like to say a big thank you and wonderful job for the laundry bag I have recently received. Aussie Hero Quilts is a fantastic idea.

A little about myself, I was raised in Western Australia, for my primary school life. Then moved to NSW, near my father's family for High School. I joined the RAAF in 2012 with a strong passion for electronics, and I am now an Avionics Technician. I am happily engaged to my beautiful finace with two young girls, 3 and 1. I follow AFL. I also enjoy camping, fishing and brewing my own beer.

I would just like to reiterate the gratitude for sending these bags and quilts to deployed personnel, every little appreciation from back home gives us a sense of joy knowing we aren't forgotten on the other side of the world.

Kind Regards.


From the Facebook Page; 

After 3 weeks of bed rest, I finally get to share my quilt with our new baby, thank you again.

By Gail and Quilted by Keryn

Dear Christine & Inge,

I received this quilt and it is perfect. I will cherish it always.

Kindest Regards.



These bags are gorgeous! 

Thank you so much for the lovely note.


My beautiful quilt has arrived! 

It is absolutely gorgeous. I had no idea it would mean so much to me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Good Afternoon,

I have received a laundry bag and quilt.

I wish to gratefully acknowledge and say thank you to you and your team. The quality of work / the time, effort and your thoughts for those who serve our country provided morale to those separated from their families during a year that has had many challenges.

Members of my team received both the laundry bag and quilts, the lads were most thankful and grateful - our NATO partners were very envious of the support received from Australian's acknowledging our service.

On behalf of my team thank you for your support.


G'day Pennie,

Thank you so much for the laundry bag you made!

I love the colour and the COVID-19 patch is a very nice touch.

Thank you for all you do!

Kind Regards.


Dear Angela,

I have a letter on it's way, but being mindful of the delays with Australia Post at present, wanted to send a note to say a big thank you!

When the quilt arrived and my wife (who nominated me) revealed it to me, I was overwhelmed and humbled. The quilt is a masterpiece! Then reading your lovely letter explaining your research your thinking with respect to the quilt design and also the open sharing aspects of your life and your families life, was wonderful!

I am personally, deeply grateful for what you have done for me.



I am overwhelmed with your beautiful gift! Your dedication to acknoweldging our troops is commendable. I was in tears on opening this wonderful quilt.

My quilt reflects my service, my patronage and my humble beginnings.

Kathleen,  I cannot thank you enough. Your craftsmanship is beyond question. It tells my story that no words could possibly express. I have no idea how you put this all together with such little information about me, but you did.

I am overwhelmed and I feel extremely priviledged. That quilt now holds the pride of place on my bed.

Jan-Maree, your vision for Aussie Hero Quilts is amazing. As you know I have spent 30 years in the ADF and I don't think I could have possibly touched as many as you and your team have. I thank the universe for your presence in the ADF life.

Please accept my gratitude and deepest appreciation. I am still emotional and touched from your beautiful gift.

With all my love.

Hello Marilyn,

I would like to pass on my sincerest thanks for the laundry bag that I received in the mail recently. I am amazed at the dedicated of the Aussie Hero Quilt volunteers who dedicate their time and effort in making these bags for us. In this day and age with so much negative news regarding defence etc, it makes me smile and happy to know what a lot of members still care about our efforts and sacrifices.

A little about me... I am 39 years yound and have been serving in th RAAF for almost 21 years. So yes, I joined straight from high school. My family moved to the Northern Territory when I was young and spent most of my youth around military bases. So joining seemed like the logical thing to do and I have never looked back.

I am the 2nd eldest and have 4 brothers and 9 sisters. My parents are grandparents to 15 granddaughters and 1 grandson.

I am married to a woman I went to high school with (not high school sweethearts). We have been together for a bit over 16 years now and have 3 lovely daughters, all primary school aged. My wife is a teachers assistant which works well for our family. Thankfully both my parents and my wife's parents still live in NT so we have lots of family close by.

Most of my life has been spent in Northern Territory so I have not seen all that much of the rest of Australia. I go away a lot for exercises, but not usually to major cities or popular areas.

I am a massive Star War's fanatic / geek and have been most of my life. Well pretty much a fan of most Sci-Fi, Star Trek, Stargate etc. As much as I have tried, only 1 of my daughters is a fan. We both dress up in Star Wars costumes all the time to go to new movies, Halloween, costume days etc. We both have our own Darth Vader costumes and have lots of fun.

Thank you again for the wonderful star wars bag.


Dear Clarissa,

I have received your beautiful laundry bags. It is so pretty!

I just remember my mother, when I opened the package, because she is still working overseas as a traditional cloth maker.

So I can imagine how you are working, to make this beautiful bag, you probably focus on sewing machine for your precioust time...

I think honestly you are the real Aussie Hero!

I really love and thanks to Australia, ADF and you! 

Thank you again.

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