
Monday 17 August 2015

On the road again......

Just to let you know that I am hitting the road again this week.  

 I head down to Canberra tomorrow (Tuesday) morning as I am speaking to a Soroptomist Club tomorrow night.  I have an appointment on Wednesday afternoon and am having dinner with two of my favourite recipients, who are now married and expecting....YAY.... on Wednesday night. 

I head back on Thursday. I am hoping to catch up with quilters somewhere in there but hav to lock in a couple of things first and am waiting for people to get back to me.  The bottom line is that I will be on the road for part of tomorrow and Thursday with evening functions Tuesday and Wednesday so please be patient if it takes a while for me to get back to you.  You can always ring me if you need me.  My phone number is in my signature block.

I will be back on deck on Friday and on Saturday we have the next sewing day in Penrith at Penrith Patchwork.  We get started at 10am and continue till about 2-3pm depending on how we are going.  BYO lunch and mug for tea and coffee.  Also BYO sewing machine. I provide all materials.  If you think you would like to join us just let me know. Either PM me on Facebook or email me

One last reminder ......

Don't forget at the end of August I am heading up to Brisbane. The Rosewood Craft and Quilters are holding their show over the weekend of the 28th - 30th of August.

Proceeds for this year's show are to go to Soldier On, Mates for Mates, Wandering Warriors and the Dog Squad - Obviously all causes that I am more than happy to be aligned with.

I have been asked to be the guest speaker at the Show Opening on Friday the 28th of August,  The evening commences 630 for 7pm.   Supper will be served following my presentation.

The tickets are limited to 100 pre-sold tickets so if you are interested in coming along and hearing more about Aussie Heroes please PM me for details.  Tickets cost $10.

It you can't make it to the opening on the Friday night you might like to come along and check out the show over the weekend.  If you do come I hope you will stop by and say hello then as I will have a display for the duration of the weekend.  The show is being held in the hall at the Rosewood Show Grounds, Railway Street, Rosewood.  

The show will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 9am till 4pm and entry cost will be $5.

Again the proceeds will go to Soldier On, Mates for Mates, Wandering Warriors and The Dog Squad.


Til next time....................keep spreading the word and happy stitching.

Jan-Maree  xx

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