
Monday 6 July 2015

Thank you to the North of the Yarra Quilt Group.

G'day all.  I hope you had a productive or relaxing weekend, whichever is your preference. 

Tonight's post is short and sweet. I wanted to share with you some photos of  just some of the quilt tops that the lovely ladies from the North of the Yarra quilt group sent us recently.  This is just a sampling as I need to have someone around to hold them up to photograph them as pegging each one up individually to do it on my own takes too long.

Such a gorgeous assortment and I am sure that the photos do not do them justice.

I have not measured them all but they all appear to be the correct size, which is always a bonus....

and all neatly pressed which I really appreciate.

All of them are masculine or at least gender neutral.

A good number of them have an Aussie flavour....

...a few are novelty quilts from Ten Pin Bowling ......

......Star Wars

Love the bright scrap quilts 

With ducks and fish on it, this one is great for a hunter

And an awesome one for a fisherman.

Thanks very much ladies. I am trying to work my way through them and take photos of them all but some have already been sent off to a quilters without photos.  Those you will see once they are quilted.

Four Aussie flag themed quilts have also been sent straight off and they are being quilted for the beds in the Coalition Hospital in Iraq to cheer up the drab wards.

Many thanks to all the lovely ladies at the North of the Yarra (or NOTY) Quilt Group.  

Till next time..............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  
Jan-Maree xx


  1. It was really lovely of my friend Mel to take me to NOTY that day especially to meet you. Great stuff.

  2. Good on you NOTY..... great achievement
