
Monday 20 July 2015

Messages on Monday.

Hi all,
I hope you have had a good weekend.  If you are in Australia, especially on the East Coast, i hope you managed to stay warm and if you are overseas, I hope you managed to stay cool.

I know we normally publish the thank you messages on Tuesday nights but I have a different post to come tomorrow night so tomorrow's normal message is up tonight.  


Hello Jan-Maree, 

I just wanted to pass on my thanks for the wonderful quilt I received in the mail a couple of days ago. As your letter mentioned it was made by Margaret W; please let her know how much I appreciate it. It is something I will treasure and is a great memento of this deployment.

I thought Margaret might like to see what her quilt has been up to! 

Many thanks once again for all of the time you spend in support of our deployed members, it is much appreciated.

Kind regards,


Good evening Rhonda

I would like to say a big thank you to both you and Raylene for my quilt and laundry bag. 

I returned from a short visit with my family to find it sitting on my desk.  It arrived with perfect timing as I was feeling a little down having to say goodbye to them a second time - first being when I initially deployed,  so it really cheered me up.  The laundry bags they have here are really thin, boring and drab so it is definitely a lovely change to have something personalised to use (it is also a big talking point in the laundry).

I have to say my most favourite part of the quilt has to be the cartoon, love the humour… well done! What ANZAC themed quilt wouldn’t be complete without the Aussie flag and poppies, you guys really hit the nail on the head.

I am over here for a total of 6 1/2 months and being my first deployment am finding it interesting and extremely challenging both professionally and personally - I am a mum of 4 young children so I am missing them terribly as they are me. Aside from the long days, the extreme heat (48 + degrees) we are all getting along really well and getting the “job” done.  

All of this wouldn’t be possible without the support from the Australian community and especially people like yourselves.  It is really humbling to know that people do care about us and support us.  AHQ are an awesome group of individuals who genuinely make a difference to our lives.  The quilts give us something personalised and with character for our rooms and to show off to our work colleagues.  On return to Australia it also gives us something we can look at to remind us of our adventures on the other side of the world.  Mine is going to be hung up in my study along with my other Air Force memorabilia. 

Well time is getting on so I had better get some sleep so I can charge my batteries for another busy day tomorrow.

Thank you ladies for your kindness and generosity.  I cannot say thank you enough for what you have done - you are both absolutely awesome. 

Take care and happy sewing.

Kind regards

Dear Jill, 

Hi and Thank You very much for the Beautiful Laundry Bag that you took time to make and send to me all the way over here. I couldn't believe it when I received it and couldn't be happier with what you made me. Thank You also for your letter telling me a little about yourself

I think that all you ladies back home do such a wonderful and very important job and it makes us feel very appreciated by the Australian Public for what we are doing whilst overseas.

Hi Jean, 

I want to start by saying a sincere thank you for the beautiful laundry bag you made for me! I also need to apologise that I haven't responded sooner, I received the bag at quite a busy operational time where I was working and travelling. 

The pattern you stitched captured all the things I wanted and the "JR" really personalizes it. I have been a beach person all my life and it's one of the things that I miss while I am working here, so doing my washing now definitely brings good things to mind! Namely getting back home to do some diving and swimming.

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to craft the bag, with good care I hope to pass it on to my children (should I have any!). 

Best wishes,


Hi Anna,

This email is a belated message to say thank you for the beautiful quilt you hand made for me whilst I was serving overseas from September 2014 to April 2015.

The design of the quilt is a perfect reflection of where I served with Camels, the UAE Flag and Sand Hills landscape.

The quilt is stunning and I am saving it for my son who is 7 years old. My son is one of the great pleasures and loves in my life (along with other children) and I know he will keep this quilt close as a sign of his affection and love for his Dad.

My father served in the British military behind Japanese lines in dangerous and challenging conditions and my mother served back in the UK helping people to safety during bombing raids, and like my son I am incredibly proud and love my parents who have since passed away.

I have kept your letter as a reminder to my family of the kind and generous spirit that makes coming home to Australia so special. Please keep up the good work you do for serving members and know that your creativity and skill in creating artwork in the form of quilts is greatly appreciated.


Dear Joanne,

Thank you so much for your fantastic quilt! I received it in the mail yesterday here in Juba, South Sudan. As an Army tank officer I am thrilled to bits to have such a unique quilt with my Corps badge as well as my tank. The tank looks fantastic, and your artistic talent certainly outstrips my own. Those strange looking things on the side behind the cannon are smoke grenade launchers, they are usually the first thing people ask us when we have one of the Abrams on display back home.

I’ve been on deployment here in South Sudan for almost four months, where I work as an operations officer within the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). We are a small Australian contingent of under 30, so receiving such a special gift from Australians we have never met who are thinking of us is something we all find very special.

Thankyou again for your fantastic quilt, lollies, sunscreen and kind words; it does mean a great deal to have such generosity from fellow Australians while serving so far from home out here in East Africa. It is something I will always cherish as a reminder of my time deployed.

Kind Regards and all the best,



I received your magnificent creative work from XXXXX yesterday - it rendered me speechless. Jean you have a great talent and a fantastic sense of humour.... I love my laundry bag

I remember XXXXX speaking to me about this a fair while ago, and so was completely taken aback when the gift came through... with the nickname as well.... it was awesome

You and your friends who do this for us, makes you all very special people - I thank you so very much

May God bless you and thank you again

Guv'nor lol


Hello Marilyn,

I am just dropping you a line to say thank you for the quilt that was sent to me recently. It is excellent. Also the gifts that were included were well received, all the items that we need and use over here. So thank you. I do get the odd score update for the football and have been told that Essendon are not doing to well. Oh well, there is always next year.

Again, thank you and I hope you are well and I am looking forward to getting home later in the year.

Kind Regards


.....Good afternoon Julie-Ann,

I had the privilege of receiving the laundry bag you made for me. I would like to extend my gratitude for this beautiful gift and thank you for your time and effort on my behalf. It's especially nice to have an Aussie flag for my wall when it's not in use as a bag.

It is very humbling to know you and others like you are thinking of us while we are here, and it is always a boost for morale whenever we receive a little bit of home. 

I should be heading home in a couple of months, and I am looking forward to seeing my wife and children after 6 months away. Thank you again for your gift.




I would like to thank you and the members of Clermont Patchwork and Quilters for my wonderful laundry bag. I cannot express how much it means to me and my shipmates that there are people back home thinking of us whilst we are here. I have been in the navy 16 years, this is the longest deployment I have done and without a doubt my hardest. At home I have a wife and 2 boys, a 4 year old and an 8 month old, all of whom I am missing dearly.

Every time we get mail, we go through and show each other our quilts and laundry bags, I am constantly humbled by the effort that you, your group and the rest of the Aussie Hero Quilts network are making.

I will try and get a photo sent to you, it is a bit hard with the restrictions of our network.

Once again. I am truly honoured to receive this laundry bag.

Thank you


Dear Laura

Thank you so much for the quilt.

It will now hold a special place in our family and will become an heirloom upon my return.

The card I have sent is made by volunteers supplying ‘cards for heroes’.

I have sent a few small things to say thank you and I hope to see your when I return.

Till next time..... keep spreading the word and happy stitching.

Jan-Maree  xx

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