
Monday 27 July 2015

Campbelltown Patchwork and Quilting Group Rocks....

Quick note about laundry bags before I move on to tonight's subject.

Please, please, please when you make them can you stick to the tutorial. There are several features in the design that have a purpose and are not just to make it pretty.

For example, the cord channel has to be hard wearing and sturdy and it needs to last without the stitching wearing out.  Folding the top of the bag over and stitching it down, leaving a gap for the cord might seem functional, but in the long run it is not going to wear well and it does not make the cord as easy to draw up.  

Additionally please, if you are not adding the initials to the bag, can you please add a patch so that the recipient can write their name. Also please do not send me fabric to add the patches as I just do not have time.  Whilst on patches, please remember that the purpose of the patch is so that the recipient's name or initials can be written on it.... using a dark fabric for the patch makes that a little difficult. 

Finally, if you have yardage and want to use it up to make several bags please remember the whole point of our bags is that they are individual so making two bags the same defeats that. Again, the cord channel being a separate piece of fabric and the patch being added are two opportunities to add some individuality to each bag. Make several bags from the same material but vary the fabric you use for the cord channel or the patch on the front to make it easy for the guys and girls to immediately find their bag at the end of a long hard day.

I hope you can help me with this.  It would be much appreciated.


On Saturday I had the pleasure of joining the ladies of the Campbelltown Patchwork and Quilting Guild at a working day. I took my sewing machine and stitched away as they sorted and cut and prepared kits to be sewn into Aussie Hero Quilts.  

What a lovely, friendly bunch of ladies.  If only I lived closer I would be joining their group like a shot. 

Some groups were cutting strips, some were cutting squares, some were sorting but everyone was chatting and generally having a good time.

All up 19 wonderful ladies gave up their Saturday to come and prepare kits for Aussie Heroes.

At the end of the day some kits were taken home to be put together and others are going to be assembled at organised sewing days in the future.

Of course, as you do, we ate well.  There were the most yummy fresh bread sandwiches for lunch and then a delicious homemade peach slice and yummy homemade gingerbread biscuits plus other goodies.

At the end of the day 34 kits had been assembled and countless strips and squares have been cut for scrappy quilts.  I did not get to know too many of the names on the day, we were all working and chatting too much, but the two ladies pictured below on the right are Jacqui C and Denise (on the right) and they are pretty much the driving force. Jacqui is the president of the guild and Denise is in charge of their community projects. Never underestimate how much preparation goes into days like Saturday. 

Thanks so much for all your hard work ladies and thanks for having me.

Till next time................keep spreading the word and happy stitching.  
Jan-Maree xx