
Friday 12 June 2015

Weekly Dispatches 12 June 15

G'day all. 
Something a little different to start your day with.  We are in a new magazine. This is the first time that a journalist has come and done an interview and put the story in their own words.  A bit nerve wracking for me.

A couple of things to note. We are not a NOT FOR PROFIT organisation and I would hate for people to think that we are mascarading as such.  Obviously a couple of edits did not make it in time.  

I am a little concerned that the article gives the impression that I do all the quilting..... oh I wish. The reality is that there is an army of wonderful people who contribute to Aussie Heroes in countless different ways and I am just one of them.

Now for the real stars of the show..... the wonderful quilts and laundry bags that have hit the mail this week.

 716 quilts and 942 laundry bags for 2015. 

4298 quilts and  6389 laundry bags in total.

This quilt was made by Louise D using embroidered pieces created by Donna S and quilted by Stephanie T

Anna N and Kitty


This was made from Blocks of the Month and was put together by the ladies who meet at Ryde under the supervision of Evenlyn. It was then quilted by Stephanie T.  Love these quilts.

Carol L 


Cathie S

Donna P

Jacqui S

Jan E


Jenny F

Jenny G


 Jo B



and back 

Julie Ann

Julie H 

This is a father daughter team, Christopher and Kaitlyn - love that!

Kathy L and Tony

Kay C




Linda H 

Lisa B

Louise T and the Dolphin Quilters

Lyn R

Lynn made the next few quilt tops and Debbie quilted them

Maree J 

Noeleen W

 Pam Mc

Pennie made these quilts tops and Debbie quilted them.  They are bound for two great mates.


Samantha D

Sandy C

Sue G 

Sue N 

Tracey P

Till next time .....................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree  xx

1 comment:

  1. Lovely stuff as always. Congrats on the new mag interview too.
