
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Medals Part 2 and Grati-Tuesday 31 March

G'day all.
Before the thank you messages I have a few more medals to show you.....

Thank you to Major Jan Kelly who sent in this photo and wrote ...

"Australian Service Medal with SE Asia clasp for tour to Butterworth in 1983/4
Defence Force Service Medal with first Clasp for 20 years undetected crime, and

Australian Defence Medal  awarded to me in 2006 just prior to discharging after 25 years in total."

I have told you about the Defence Force Service Medal and the Australian Defence Medal.  

The Australian Service Medal recognises military and other service in prescribed peacekeeping and non-warlike operations.  It was established on 13 September 1988 but is for service from February 1975.   
The Governor General awards the Australian Service Medal on the recommendations of the Chief of Defence Force or their delegate.  The medal is awarded with the clasp denoting the prescribed operation.  Subsequent awards to the same person are made with an additional clasp.  

This first one is for a quilt made by Donna P.

Hi Jan and the whole Aussie Hero Quilts team,


I received my quilt and other goodies. I was absolutely blown away by my amazing quilt. I feel very honoured to have your quilt keeping me warm at night.


The design was very well thought out, it gave me a laugh too. I am not sure how you found out about all the things you put on the quilt. You certainly picked me, it makes me smile looking at it.


I don’t think I know how to show my appreciation for all the work you do. I can assure you that this quilt is now a treasured possession and will stay with me on all my future deployments.
I will send a pic of myself with my quit soon.


Hi Stephanie D
Thankyou so much for my Aussie Hero Quilt, I love it. Thankyou also for my laundry bag, chocolate frogs and flavoured teas. My quilt is proudly displayed on my bed and laundry bag hangs beautifully from my locker. A few of the crew received their quilts at the same time; it was wonderful to see all the different designs. I think mine was the nicest.  I can't wait to show off my quilt and laundry bag to my family and friends when I finally get home later this year. My AHQ will have pride of place in my music room.

We in Success have remained busy contributing to the international effort to promote maritime security, stability and prosperity in the Middle East. The first patrol involved not only support for the replenishment responsibilities of Task Force 53 but we have also been assisting with counter terrorism and maritime security  operations for Combined Task Force 150.

We have had an extraordinary change to our ship's program. You will be aware that this year marks the Centenary of Anzac (CoA). As such, HMAS Anzac has been scheduled to represent Australia at Gallipoli and other CoA events. Other emergent requirements have meant that HMAS Anzac will no longer be able to attend activities  she was scheduled to attend on the Greek Island of Lemnos. Owing to the importance Australia places on these events, HMAS Success has been retasked, at short notice, to take Anzac's place at the Lemnos commemorative activities. I am extremely proud and excited to be part of this once in life time event. The excitement of a Red Sea transit, the Suez canal and unexpected Mediterranean port visits. On the other hand, the change to our program will delay our return home by about two weeks.

These are just some of the many things that Success and her crew have achieve thus far on this long deployment, and there are many more to come. So the extended patrol will come to an end: I will look back at it proudly, for the moment though. I am looking forward to a break at our next port visit.

Stephanie, thank you so much for what you do. Aussie Quilts is a fantastic organisation. The joy and happiness the crew share as we compare quilts is a heartwarming experience.

I sincerely wish you and your family the best in health and happiness. 

Kind Regards,

Hi Pennie,

I have been meaning to write this email for some time - you probably gathered that I 'misplaced' your letter, hence trying to hunt it down through Aussie Hero Quilts. Murphy's law - I found it this week.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you and your daughter Amy for the quilt. I absolutely love the pattern - I have visited Japan and love these kind of prints. Every night when returning to my cabin after 16 hours of work, having the quilt is a nice homely touch! It's something that I will treasure once I return to Australia as well.

I am about a third of my way through the deployment, it is certainly an interesting and challenging experience. Can be quite tiring, but because regional dynamics in the Middle East are evolving quite quickly at the moment, it makes for a very interesting role!

It sounds like you have a very busy and challenging role - nursing work is something I very much admire, let alone an emergency nurse. So thankyou for your service as well.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you and Amy know that I love the quilt, and thankyou so much for sewing it. It is very much appreciated and treasured.

Hi Joan and Robin

I wanted to say thanks so much for the laundry bag you made! I love the pattern, and after a 16 hour working day having to do my laundry is the last thing I feel like. Fortunately having the laundry bag makes it a little bit brighter - and is obviously a huge help in a practical sense.

I hang it up in my room as well to make it a little more lively, which is nice.

Hopefully you have had some nice weather in Sydney over the past couple of months. We are about to go into a very hot summer, a few of us were just commenting at lunch that we can feel a change in the air. I've been told that it will get 50+ degrees around July - I'm not sure I will mind so much about working such long days in air conditioning then!

Anyway, thanks again for the laundry bag - it is very much appreciated


Hello Su,

I would like to apologise for my late thank you, things have been quite busy so firstly I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to write you.

I realise now that my request seemed confusing when I told the person what I would like she must have wrote it all together as one idea. What I meant was 

either a Disney princesses theme quilt or a 1950's pin up theme one.... I couldn't decide what I liked better so I was going to leave it up to you. haha

So I'm so sorry for the confusion But I would like to say I think you made a good decision when making this quilt.... I LOVE IT!

It really surprised me at how well it all goes together and the personal touch of adding a picture of your beautiful daughter makes it all that more special.
I have always wanted to do a pin-up shoot and I may organise something like that when I get home... I do modelling on the side as a hobble and I love all things vintage.
I have just started making my outfits and costumes for the photoshoots that I do and its a challenge but very fun, I love spending time in the craft room that's one thing I miss being at sea.
Quilting has been something that I have always wanted to learn I just don't have as much time as I would like to spend on it.

Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have put into this quilt and the work you do definatly doesn't go unnoticed. everyone is always so excited to get their quilts and laundry bags
and the personalised one make us all stand out in the laundry so you never get someone else's washing by accident which is always good.

Anyway I must get back to it but thank you again for the quilt and I hope you are doing well.

Dear Joan & Robin,
Greetings from Kabul,

Thank you for the thoughtful gift of the laundry bag, although I am somewhat mystified by the fishing reference. I can’t say I’m keen on the sport. I am, however impressed by the needlework. The attention to detail such as the lining and name tag are impressive.

Thank you again for the gift. My colleagues have been very pleased to receive these gestures and those who haven’t  received them yet are waiting with great anticipation.


Hi Debra,
My apologies it has taken so long to email you thanking you for the thoughtful quilt you had made me from when I was overseas on deployment...  I hope this emails you well.

Whilst I was on deployment I did have some very cold nights as my tour was over winter.
It was very useful and I relied upon this quilt to remind me of the generosity of the people in Australia.

The quilt was one of the last things that were packed with me to go home with because I actually used it.. And now that I am home safe and sound I still use the quilt.

To sum it all up, I would like to thank you for your hard work and your kindness to make an Aussie soldier a happy and proud Australian.

Thankyou Sincerely

Dear Lynne, 

I am writing to inform you that I got my Collingwood Quilt. I was overwhelmed, it was fantastic. You really made my day, I cant tell you enough how much I appreciate it. 

I have done tours of Afghanistan, Middle East, East Timor, Solomon Islands and others and this is the first time someone has sent me something and thanked me for my efforts. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into the quilt, keep up the good work as it makes a difference in many ways.

Small things I find is what makes you feel good such and being clapped on Anzac day, people making you quilts ect. Everyone sometimes needs a pat on the back. 

You are making a difference, please send my regards to your family and enjoy retirement you seem to have earned it.


Dear Lynne,

I am terribly sorry for the delay in responding and expressing my gratitude for the quilt. 

I actually received it very soon after you must have posted it. It arrived onboard on the 08 March while we were conducting a scheduled maintenance visit in Dubai. 

Everyone in my cabin devoured your lollies (shouldn't have left them in plain view). 

Favourites are definitely those jelly snakes and the marshmallow style bananas you find in the party mixes. 

The moment I have the chance to take a tactical nap during the day I will be sure to put your quilt to good use. 

All the best :) 

Til next time..............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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