
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Grati-Tuesday 3 March

Some really lovely thank you messages to enjoy tonight.  Grab a cuppa and have a read .... hopefully, as you read, I will be sewing! 


Dear Stephanie and Kathy,

I received the hero quilt that you made!!!! It is awesome!!! Thank you so much
it is so nice and warm and the Skippy on the bottom of it is so fitting as an infantryman!!!

I can't thank you enough for giving me something that I now treasure so very much!

I look forward to returning back home and sharing such an amazing gift with my loved ones and let them know that we are well thought of by our fellow Australians!!!!

Again I thank you so much!!!

kind regards,


Hi Jacqui,

Thank you so much for the laundry bag, the beautiful quilt, and the lovely card. I can't describe how much it means to have a complete stranger make you something so lovely and with so much effort put in. Both the laundry bag and the quilt are beautiful, they are exactly what I was hoping for.
I am a very keen guitar player, and with the help of a group of other musicians onboard we have been putting on a few concerts/open mic evenings through out the deployment to keep the crew entertained.

Thanks again for the wonderful quilt and bag, and for all your support.

Kindest regards,


Hello Jan-Maree,
Just a quick email to extend a huge thank you.
I have just received my quilt from Rita M and I love it. She exceeded my expectations with incorporating my theme of the Afghan camels used to explore Australia's outback. I'll be sending Rita a letter and small gift in appreciation.
Regards and best wishes from the UAE


Hello Joan and Robin,

I just want to say thank you so very much for the laundry bag that I received, it was/is very much appreciated. This is my second trip and it brightened up my day so much when I received it.

When I have some time to spare I will see if I can up load a photo to the Aussie Heor Quilt blog, just going to be a bit busy for next couple of months.

Kindest Regards

Dear Sue,

I was fortunate enough to receive one your wonderfully made laundry bags and goodies out here in the Middle East.

Thank you so much for taking the time to sew the laundry bag - it looks fantastic and I've already used it for laundry runs out here. Very, very useful!

It is heartening to know that people back home are thinking of us out here, so I wanted to use this e-mail as my way of saying thanks for your support. It truly is very much appreciated.

All the best,

Hi Sue,

Just a note to thank you so much for the lovely hand sewn laundry bag and the little bag of gifts that you sent to an Aussie in the Middle East.  I am now home but had the gift  for a few months on my deployment and made good use of it!

I am a Airforce Pilot and was based in the UAE during my deployment for 4 months. It was so nice to get the gift and was humbled at the effort that you went to for someone you didn’t know, little things like that make all the difference when away from home and family.

The bag just arrived home today in the mail and is one of the nice reminders of my deployment!

Thanks again Sue,

Kind Regards,

Dear Lisa

I recently received your parcels of the quilt and laundry bag for my two boys. I was blown away. I cannot thank you enough for all the effort you went to in making these gorgeous things. You are a very talented lady. I know XXX will love the quilt, and same with XXXX – his bag. It’s too nice to use for laundry – haha. I am so so thankful for all the love that went into them. The boys and I will cherish them forever. Something they can keep and show their kids (hopefully) Also thank you so much for their presents. I've boxed them up and sent them home for them. You really didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate it. It is so lovely of you. Thanks for the lollies also. I shared them with the guys and girl I work with. They loved them. J
I really appreciate all the effort Aussie Hero Quilts goes to to show support for us over here. This is my second tour and I think it really boosts morale. I wish you all the best and good luck and have fun making the beautiful things you do knowing you help put a smile on our faces.

Thank You

Hi Rhonda,

I just would like to let you know that I have received my beautiful quilt and laundry bag that you made for me. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and generous heart, it really does make a difference when deployed as it makes me feel like a little part of home is aways with me. Also my laundry doesn't get stolen which is an added bonus!

You are extremely talented and I really would love to commend you and the other members that create quilts for "Aussie Heroes", really you guys are the heroes =]

Thank you again, 

Dear Joan and Robin

Thank you very much for the laundry bag, we received some mail last night and a few of the boys received laundry bags. Love the pub design, actually made me want a beer even though it has been snowing for the last few days.

We appreciate what you guys do and it is nice to know that people in Australia think about us and send us great gifts. I will ensure the other guys take photos with their bags and send also, as I have attached one out the front of the laundry here in camp Qargha.

We are currently serving in the outskirts of Kabul and are working with the Poms and Kiwis, where which much to my dismay we are currently being flogged in the cricket and the Kiwis are letting us know all about it.

We have five months left in country and I am sure your laundry bags will get much use, once again much appreciated and thank you very much

Kind regards


Hi Joan,

I received your laundry bag in our last port visit. Thank you very much, it has my favourite football team colours on it (Collingwood Football Club). 

It is a good size and will be used with appreciation


Dear Laura

I am only two weeks in to my first deployment after 14 years of service. I have been away from home plenty of times before but never for such a long period all at once. I can only assume my wife sent you my details, which is exactly her style. If she told you what kind of quilt I would like then she knows me too well, otherwise your choice was an excellent guess. It will certainly brighten up a very drab little room.

I would like to thank you as well for all of the coffee and chocolate, the latter of which I am trying to avoid but I will have to make some exceptions.

It is heartening to me that someone other than my immediate family is glad that I am here doing my job. Thank you for spending your hard earned time and money to do something for someone you may never meet.

Best Wishes to you and your family.

Till next time.................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  
Jan-Maree  xx

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