
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Grati-Tuesday 17 March

Hi All,

Well tonight I have a brief update on the adventures of the Centenary Quilt. I reckon there will be a few people who will be a bit envious of the quilt's itinerary by the time it gets back to Australia. 

Here is what we know so far....

During the period 6-7March the ANZAC Centenary Quilt was involved in a mission aboard HMAS Success. It travelled from Fujairah, Oman, through the Straits of Hormuz to Dubai. The quilt was photographed whilst on a boarding party RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) with HMAS Success  in the background. Yesterday it flew on our E-7A aircraft over Iraq.   The E-7A is the air force's Airbourne Early Warning and Control aircraft.

I will pass on more updates when I receive them.

Now for a few thank you messages.  

Firstly I received this photo of one of my recipients.  



Thank you so much for my laundry bag. Its amazing, brings so much colour to my room/tent. What you are doing for with AHQ is amazing and much appreciated.

Whenever anyone on base receives a laundry bag or quilt it is paraded around the base for everyone else to see. It really boosts morale.

I’m a mother of two young children. My son is a beautiful young boy, wouldn’t hurt a fly. My daughter is a mini tornado and very cheeky. Both I and husband are deployed so my parents are currently caring for our children.

I still have most of the year left on deployment, however I have been told I will make it home for my daughter's second birthday. 

On behalf of everyone currently serving both at home and overseas thank you so much for everything you do. You're truly are amazing. 


        Today I had greatest of  pleasure in receiving the laundry bag that you so generously made for me.
I love the golfing material, it kind of reminds me of how I play, all a bit crazy. I can also replace the cardboard box that I have been using as a basket for the walk to the laundry (about 300m).  That's not quite as bad as the 250m walk to the toilets and showers across sand and blue metal. Its not hot yet, 34 degrees today, but is forecast to reach 50 to 55 by mid June. I think I'll need hat about then   :-)

 Ah, life is such a challenge at times. I love my work and we have a great bunch of guys and gals all working for the cause.

Your thoughts and efforts are certainly appreciated. Its interesting to see the look on everyone's faces when a package arrives from Aussie Heroes, and the comments like, "ah cool. what did you get?"

Again from me and all of the rest,  Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dear Sue,
I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work you did on those amazing laundry bags. All our new people have received one and pass on their thanks as well. We all appreciate all the effort you ladies put in for all these quilts and laundry bags. You are all amazing and we love you to bits. Please take care and lots of love



Thank you kindly for my quilt it looks amazing! I promise it will be well looked after and very loved.

A little bit about myself also, I am a logistics clerk in the Royal Australian Air Force and have been serving now for about 5 years. I love my job so much and makes me proud everyday knowing I'm doing what I can to support this great country of ours.

Once again I just wanted to thank you for all the hours you put into the quilt and know that everyone here are doing everything we can to help the towards the humanitarian effort in Iraq.

Keep well and best wishes to you and your family.

Kind regards,

Dear Leanne,

Hello! I am the receiver of your amazing and wonderful hand made quilt and laundry bag!

You made my day,  my week, my month! I absolutely love the colours and the design, it is perfectly me in every way =) and this quilt will be a pride of mine forever and ever. I can picture it in my baby's cot one day and the stories I can tell about it when the kids grow up.
I have attached a photo underneath of the quilt on my bed =) it is beautiful and has brightened up my room and made me feel a little bit more at home. Your great work is much appreciated by all. and thank you so much for the treats and toiletries too - the hand cream and lip balm are right next to me now at my desk, it gets really dry here so I use them every day! Thank you again!

Thank you so much for all your hard work that you do on behalf of Aussie quilts for the troops. 

Kind regards


Hi Joan & Robin,

I received your fantastic laundry bag last night. Just want to express my appreciation and thanks to you both. Definitely made my day after a long mission flight over here. No doubt your laundry bag will be put to great use! Thanks again!

Hi Norma and Nancy

thank you for the awesome quilt you guys made for me I just received it today. your efforts and commitment to making these quilts are very appreciated by myself and the other soldiers currently serving and the soldiers that have received quilts and laundry bags from you from past deployments.

Dear Anna,
        Thank you so much for the quilt you made and sent to me whilst overseas. In true aussie fashion I packed inadequately for the weather over here.. so your quilt as been a much welcomed addition to my meagre cold weather gear.. I speak for us all when I say we appreciate the time and effort you all put into these quilts.. it will remain a cherished item for some time to come. 

    Thanking you so very much.


I'm extremely appreciative of the time, effort and detail you deployed in producing the beautiful quilt that Jan-Maree presented to me in Canberra recently.

Both myself and wife Janice are very pleased with the quilt you made me and the attention to detail. The rock and roll theme, the colours and the layout all pay homage to our interests.  We can only imagine how much work it would have been to join all the materials together, and to come up with the clever design. For that we thank you.

The quilt has gone to a good place, currently my wife Janice wanted to brighten up the main bedroom so the quilt is on the bed.  We both take good care of all of our possessions, the quilt will be well looked after and used for many years to come.

Thankyou again - it is very kind of you to spend your time completing a quilt for someone you don't know. Very appreciative.


 Good evening,

I am just emailing you to confirm that I have received my Aussie Hero Quilt. I must say,Norma and Nancy have done an amazing job with the quilt sewn for myself. Jan-Maree, you and your volunteers are an amazing bunch of people and I thank you all for your dedication and service. It means a lot to not only me, but my fellow shipmates and provided much comfort for those difficult times.

Once again, thank you very much for my quilt. I can not wait to show it to my wife and daughter upon my return.

Dear Diane,  

Thank you so much for my beautiful quilt!  I love it! I'm very honored to receive it and to be your first.   I think the work you ladies do is incredible.  If you could only see how much it brightens someone's day when they open their Aussie Hero Quilt package.
This is my first deployment and it has been an amazing experience.  I am very proud to

have contributed in my little way.  I look forward to getting home and spending some time at the beach but for now I'll just enjoy my beachy quilt.  Thank you again!    

Dear Sue,                              
Thank you so much for my quilt and laundry bag - they are truly Awesome!  I am currently in the Middle East with my squadron as part of Operation Okra.  I have been in the RAAF for 29 years, and this is my first Operational Deployment. Over the years I have spent plenty of time away from home though.  Hopefully my time left here will pass quickly, the last 5 months seem like years!

It is very humbling to know there are people at home such as yourself willing to give your time to provide us with a comforting link to home. I can't believe what a huge difference a quilt makes to my small tent space. It really is much more homely.

Once again, thank you Sue, and may peace and happiness be with you and your family.
Kindest Regards,

Dear Evelyn and Cheryl
I am writing to thank you for the absolutely beautiful quilt you sent me. It arrived by helicopter today!  I must say I am constantly touched by the kindness of strangers back home in Australia as you strive to make our lives more comfortable. I am so touched by your kind gift and I will treasure my  quilt long after I have returned home.
I must also Thank you for your kind letter and allowing me to understand the work you all do in the Australian community. It is work like this that is part of the Australian values that we hold so dear, and to be part of defending those values is a privilege in itself.
I thank you again for your wonderful gift and also the work you and your team team do for every one you help.
With best wishes and many, many thanks.

Hi Donna, Chris and family.

I am the soldier in Afghanistan who recently received your lovely gifts. I would like to thank you for all the wonderful gifts and especially for the Adventure Time quilt when I opened up that quilt it definitely brought a smile to my face, All the guys here are quite jealous of it. Thank you again for the time and effort you put in to this and I wish you and your family all the best.


Hi Debbie;

I hope this email finds you well. I am very fortunate to receive the beautiful quilt you made and sent to the Middle East. It is simply delightful and I do thank you very, very much. I’m also impressed that you knew I had a sweet tooth. 

Well must get back to work so thanks again for the wonderful quilt and should I ever be up your way again I will certainly thank you in person. I hope the rains stay consistent and your cattle prosper. Good luck with the future. If I could just finish with one point – you refer to yourself as being a very ordinary Australian family, I personally think you’re a very special Australian family. Thank you Debbie for the support.

Hi Joan and Robin,

I have just arrived into Afghanistan on my fifth deployment and saw a few of your laundry bags in the main office. The one with green Vespas on it looked too good to pass up so it will keep me company here for the next 4 months and help make my drab room more colourful! Thanks very much for making it for me and for all the great work you do supporting us by making our lives a little bit more like home.

Thank you again, have a great week.


Dear Joan & Robin,
I received you beautiful laundry bag today. My friends here know I love being in the kitchen. So, when it was unfolded we were all just amazed at your thoughtfulness and generosity.
I am actually, or was before I came here, doing a pastry chef course. That will be my retirement plan I hope.  Once again, thank you, I cannot, as my colleagues cannot express our gratitude enough.

For Joan and Robin

Hi Guys,

Just a quick note to say thank you for my laundry bag.  I use it every day here in Afghanistan and have done for the last nine months. Three months to go!  : D  
Maybe longer : /  
Anyway, I really appreciate you thinking of me and thought you would appreciate the note.  

AND HE IS RIGHT - we do very much appreciate the note!  Thank you.  JMxx

Dear Robyn, 

Thank you so much for the lovely laundry bag with my initials and the colourful reef fish that you made for me. It is a great reminder of our lovely country which I miss so much. I really appreciate the work you put in both for me and for other deployed ADF members. 

I have spent a lot of time both camping all over Australia touring the outback. I also have dived and snorkeled our reefs and those fish bring back good memories. 

I currently live in Canberra and am looking forward to getting home to see my children and friends. I think we, as people with a family tradition of serving personnel, appreciate the sacrifices of those who go abroad as we have been impacted by them at some stage. To me, the people who also deserve recognition are those we leave behind to go off and do our duty. Kids who don’t see their parents and struggle to understand why, partners who become single parents for extended periods and then have to get to know each other again. They support what we do and for that I am grateful.

My father, and his parents all served in the ADF. All four of my brothers and my sister have, and now my daughter. I think that pretty much sets a solid family tradition.

Thanks again for your kind gift. It reminds me daily that there are people at home who appreciate what we do.

Kind regards


Dear Laura,
Thank you so much for my beautiful quilt! I love it! I'm so honoured to receive it.I think the work you ladies do is incredible. If you could only see how much it brightens someones day when they open their Aussie Hero Quilt package.

This is my first deployment and it's been an amazing experience. I am very proud to have contributed in my little way. I look forward to getting back home and going to the beach. But for now I'll just enjoy my beachy quilt :)

Till next time............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  
Jan-Maree xx

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