
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Grati-Tuesday 10 Feb

G'day all.  Hope you have had a good one.  I have had a busy one so it is nice to end the day looking over some of the lovely messages we have received.



Just letting you know I received my quilt this morning. It is absolutely beautiful. All the ladies in the office couldn't believe how beautiful it was. We all had tears in our eyes! I am so very thankful to you and Mae. I will be writing back to her straight away and will take a photo of myself with the quilt for her.

I just wanted to thank you again for everything you all do. You are all angels. It means so much to all of us. I now have this quilt to cherish for many years to come and will be able to pass on to my children one day! 

Don't you just love that smile!!!

Dear Joan and Robin,

I am in the Royal Australian Navy and I am a medic, it is like being a paramedic but out in the middle of the ocean. I am here to look after the whole crew which at time very challenging, when you are so far away. If there are other ships that need our help we will go and look after them as well.

I have been in the Navy for 18 years. I started as a Boatswains Mate; they are trained in the use of all weapons, seamanship and boarding parties. When I reached the rank of a Petty Offices I decided to change my career to become a medic.

Today I am currently deployed with HMAS Success in the Middle East Region in support of Operation Manitou.  HMAS Success is an Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) vessel and is 157.2 meters in length. She is not the first ship to be named Success.

Maritime operations demand that naval combat units be supplied with fuel, ammunition, food and stores whilst underway at sea. HMAS Success is designed for this task. She is capable of day and night Replenishment at Sea (RAS) to ships alongside and concurrently by her embarked helicopter to other ships in company via Vertical Replenishment (VERTREP).

The Ship's Company of 220 is required to operate and maintain the propulsion, replenishment, auxiliary machinery and support systems in Success. Providing underway replenishment support to the fleet is a challenging and continuing task requiring technical proficiency and high seamanship standards.  The medical centre includes an operating theatre and a dental surgery.

Our first port was Oman and at that time we had been away just over four weeks with 21 weeks to go. Being in the Navy and receiving an amazing gift like the laundry bag you sent
me made me smile from ear to ear. I was not expecting any mail this time in so when I got back to my bunk (bed) that night and saw I parcel I was so excited. Getting mail while you
are away just makes your day and seeing it hang from my locker makes me smile every time I walk past it and then I start thinking about everyone that cares for us out here. I love

knowing that there is so much support out there in Australia and it makes me very proud. It is an honor to serve for a country you love so much and make me feel lucky to be an Australian.

Dear Pennie,

I received your parcel well today. I understand you time is valuable given
your profession and therefore appreciate your gesture greatly.

Thank you for the laundry bag and snacks included. A little taste of home
goes a long way.

The roundel is a neat logo and I noticed the detail in the kangaroo is extensive.

We are half way through our rotation with another three months remaining. The support from Australia has been exceptional and unexpected. It really has been something to reflect on especially over the Christmas period.

On behalf of all members here in the Middle East we thank you for your
continued support and energy in producing such special items that will be
without doubt kept, used and displayed as a memento in the future.


Dear Tracie

Firstly apologies for taking so long to send this, we have recently moved bases and outwards mail has only just been set up. Most importantly, THANK YOU !! I absolutely adore my super hero quilt for multiple reasons. I received it the night we arrived at our new base which had been a very long and tiring day. Honestly I was worn out and a little down when someone said I had mail. That in itself was a surprise but there was still work to be done so I threw the box and my bags on my bed and got back to work. 19 hours after I put my boots on I finally took them off and opened my parcel, my room and my mood were instantly brighter. I ran around like an excited school girl because of the awesome quilt you so kindly made and sent. The letter you sent was a beautiful way to end my long day and the tim tams didn’t survive past the next morning. I shared the snakes at least.

Once I had calmed down and look at my quilt closer I realised you hadn’t just sent me a beautiful quilt but you’d sent me a tangible link to some of the people that help keep me strong. You see my two best friends are mad superman and batman fans so every night I go to bed remembering they’re there for me because batman and superman are on my quilt. That is a gift so precious I can't  fully explain it so thank-you.

Thank you for the effort you put into making it, the thought you showed simply by volunteering and thank you for being the kind of person that makes Australia worth serving. I love be a RAAF support fitter but I love it more when I have a reason to be proud of the country I serve. People like you and all the Aussie Hero quilters provide that reason.

I wish you, your family and all your fellow quilters a magical and merry Christmas and safe and prosperous New Year.
Thank you again

Dear Keryn,

Thank you so much for your beautiful quilt. It certainly reminds me of Australia. I think what you and the other ladies do that sew for Aussie Hero quilts is wonderful and I know it makes our soldiers feel appreciated.

Life as part of Operation Mazurka is certainly very busy. I am privileged to lead 24 other soldiers making a difference to peace in Sinai and Egypt/Israel as a whole. In my role as deputy chief of operations for the multi-national Forces and Observers I deal with a range of coordination and logistics issues…very challenging.

The multi-national environment certainly provides a lot of cross cultural experience. I did not think that coming to the Sinai I would need to speak Spanish. However as we have a Columbian and Uruguayan battalion station with us I have become quite fluent at goodbye and hello in Spanish!

Once again thank you for your parcels, the quilt and laundry bags and all you do for our soldiers.


Dear Liz

Thank you so much for my quilt and washing bag – it is very easy to see how much hard work goes into them and I wanted to be sure you know that it is loved on the other end. Please pass my thanks on to the rest of Jan’s mob who worked on the project.

I am based in Kabul working in the HQ ISAF legal office, everyone else in my team is American and the lovely Australian native animal print on my quilt filled in ‘Australia time’ for the day. My Deputy has ‘Australia time’ every day where he plonks himself down next to my desk to ask me random questions about Australia. My quilt was excellent for talking about native animals in the outback. It was also very very handy last night when I didn’t get to the laundry in time to pick up my sheets.

Thank you again for my lovely quilt and your best wishes.

Dear Rita

I apologise for the delay in sending my thanks for the quilt and laundry bag that I received from Aussie Hero quilts, but I wanted to make sure that I thanked you correctly, and gave you the time that you deserve.

I was so delighted when I received my quilt, it was a great surprise when I came into the office one day to find my package waiting. What you and all of the Aussie Hero Quilt makers do is amazing and has everyone talking over here. I am truly honoured to receive an Aussie Hero Quilt, and it not only brightened my day when I received it, but it continues to brighten my room each day.

I appreciated the thought that was captured in the design of the quilt, based on some pretty tricky specifications. You should know that while I love the Crows, Port Power is my second team to solve any domestic disputes with my wife! J My son is also growing quite fond of the Power, although his first game at Adelaide Oval was a Crows game.

A particular favourite of my package was the “dinosaur theme” that was incorporated into the laundry bag. It has been a tough time on deployment away from my 9 month old son, but seeing his face when I showed him on a Skype session brightened up my day as well. He can’t wait to see it when I bring it home to him.

Wishing you and the team at Aussie Hero Quilts a safe and merry Christmas with your family and friends

Dear Joan and Robin,
I would like to extend my grateful appreciation of the laundry bag that you made for me.
I have not received many care packaged from home as there was a hold up with the mail, and then you package arrived.
It made my day, I thank you for the time and effort that you have put into it.
Keep up your efforts, you may underestimate how much joy you bring to someone that has not seen home for a while.
I Hope you all had a great holiday period and that your families are all well. May the year bring great things for those who think of others.

Thank you again

One for Jacky B

Good morning!

I received my quilt and laundry bag today!! It is amazing so happy with it! You guys are amazing and definitely bring smiles to our faces. Keep up the amazing work. 


To the wonderful team of Joan & Robin,

I recently received that great laundry bag you made for me in the mail. Would you believe that, of the many kilos of baggage which I brought with me overseas, a laundry bag was the one necessary items that I forgot. So your gift is very well received and used daily. I can tell you that every time I do my washing over here I see many similar laundry bags getting their usage from some very grateful military members. 

Thank-you once again,

Dear Rosemary,

Firstly I would like to pass on my gratitude for the work that you do in
support of our troops. It is amazing that you have contributed to the
soldiers the same way your mother did in years gone by and I can only
imagine how much of a special connection this must be for you and your

I must apologise for my delay in responding. I had left Afghanistan to go
home to Australia a couple of days before your laundry bag had arrived so it
was redirected to Australia. You may be pleased to know however, the reason
for my early departure was to be home in time for the birth of my third
daughter.  Now that I have three little girls running/crawling around
the house, a laundry bag will be well utilised.

I wish you and your family the best in the New Year and encourage you to
keep up the excellent work that you do. The effort you have put in is very
much appreciated and when a soldier is away from home for long periods of
time, it is always heart warming to receive a gift that reminds them of home
and that the people back in Australia are thinking of them.

Kind regards,

For a quilt made by Anna N  

What a wonderful surprise. Thank you so much for my amazing quilt, especially seeing my daughter's name on there is beautiful. You do know I have lost it when I get home because she will claim it saying her name is on there lol. 

Words cannot explain the amount of joy you bring our troops. I have cleared the whole box of laundry bags from the last rotation so I am sure all the lovely ladies will be receiving very many thanks from the new arrivals. 
I hope all is going well back home, 

My quilt definitely lights up my half of the room. I use it as a my trunk cover which is perfect for my make shift dressing area. 

Thank you again for all your wonderful work. 

Kind regards, 

Dear Su

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful laundry bag that you made for those of us who are deployed away at the moment. The one I got was green and on the other side was a tea towel with Australian National Rail (The Ghan) - this is a train trip that is on my very long "to do" list of Australian adventures so the laundry bag and the person matched up well. Furthermore, I see that you made quite a few laundry bags and quilts, how wonderful is that! 

The crew of HMAS Success is greatly indebted to people like you who make our being away from home that little bit easier. As the medical officer onboard I see a lot of people who are pretty down at times about being away from home. The sheer presence of things from home, those things you bring yourself and those things other people make for you, is a constant reminder that home is not that far away.

Our role out here keeps changing and recently in a very good way. Success is going to be involved in the Centenary of ANZAC ceremonies in the Mediterranean in April, which most of the crew are thrilled about and which will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for us all. That is one piece of information I have to share with everyone when I email!

I'd love to hear what gives someone the motivation to make quilts and laundry bags for so many of us out here, a very selfless gesture. What connects you to the ADF and AHQ?

Good Afternoon Pennie, 

Hi,  I was lucky to receive one of your handmade laundry bags whilst onboard HMAS Success. 

I'd like to personally thank you very much for your time in making these beautiful laundry bags, receiving one of these definitely brightens up our day with a special gift like this, handmade and a little touch of home. 

Once I have WIFI, I'll take a photo of the one I received and forward it to you. 

Once again, thank you very much 

Good Afternoon Jan Maree and Aussie Hero Quilters, 

Hi,  I've currently been in the RAN for 3 years now and haven't looked back. Since posting on Success, I've been involved with Operation Resolute, Operation Southern Indian Ocean (Malaysian Airlines MH-370 search), Exercise RIMPAC and now Operation Manitou. I'm due to post off on return to Australia. 

I was lucky to receive one of your Quilts made by a couple of your quilters, (please pass on my thanks) whilst onboard HMAS Success. It was lovely and bright and was exactly what I requested. Thank you! I'd like to personally thank you very much for your time in making these beautiful quilts and laundry bags, receiving one of these definitely brightens up our day with a special gift like this, handmade and a little touch of home.  

Once again, thank you very much for your efforts and handmade with love quilts

Kindest Regards, 

Dear Anna N,

I am writing in regards to the Peppa pig blanket and bag.  I am serving on HMAS Success
managing the ships victualling which is our food logistics. We are currently on a sixmonth operation in the Middle East. We will be home in late May 2015.  

The beautiful blanket is for my daughter who is almost seven months old. Even though she doesn't understand the Peppa pig cartoon she enjoys watching it with her big brother who is three years of age.  Being such a quality and well made blanket I am sure my daughter will get many years of use out of it. This blanket is now part of our family which we will hold onto forever.

I am sincerely grateful for your kindness. You have gone out of your way and given up your own time and offered such a lovely gift to a complete stranger.   It just reminds me that there are still some very nice people in this world.  I will be home in May to be with my family and as you could imagine, sometimes it can be difficult to be away from home for extended periods however I hope you could understand the difference you have made.

By the time you receive my letter Christmas would have passed, anyway, I hope you had a nice Christmas day with your loved ones and I hope next year brings you some good luck and good health.

Once again, thank you very much.

Yours Faithfully

Till next time............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx

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