
Thursday 26 February 2015

A Slice of a quilter's life...... Lyn and Bev & Geoff.....

Tonight you can have the first of a small series of posts called "A Slice of a Quilter's Life".
I hope reading these posts will encourage others to write in a share a slice of their life with us all.  

Before I proceed though I thought I should share that this morning I was invited to be the guest speaker for the Liverpool Catholic Quilters.    

I was made to feel very welcome and left having been reassured that they were very keen to get involved with Aussie Heroes.  

I can't mention this group without telling you that these wonderful ladies created the most beautiful poppy quilt called "In Flanders Fields".
Forty-five members of the club spent four months working on the quilt which was displayed in the Club before being presented to the Ingleburn RSL Women's Auxilary to raise funds for The Australian Defence Force Welfare Fund. 

Thank you for having me ladies. It was a pleasure.


A Slice of a Quilter's Life

I have two quilters to share with you tonight.  The first one is Lyn, followed by the dynamic duo, Bev and Geoff.

First Lyn...

I have just had 3 days away quilting with a group of friends.  One lady’s Mum makes quilts for Aussie Heroes and this lady has helped her Mum out at times….they like to make the more unusual requests.  Another lady has a son in the Defence Force who has received a quilt.  Another lady whose husband had been in the Army was asking me about how to go about doing these quilts.  I had my folder of information and was able to show her and she also took down the web address.  So it was great to share this information and hopefully there may be some more quilters coming on board.

As I said, only being new and still feeling my way with Aussie Hero Quilts, I am loving being involved.  At this stage I haven’t received any feedback from recipients, but know that will come in time.  The reason for getting involved initially was finding a charity to donate quilts to as a plan to use up my stash.  My nephew is in the Defence Force and served in South Sudan in 2012 and received an Aussie Hero Quilt and was so touched that someone had gone to so much effort to lovingly make this gift.  He knows I am an avid quilter and I this is why I have chosen this charity. 

I can make the quilts in my time at my pace, unless I choose to do requests.  Since I have retired I have time that I can spend quilting.  My husband is very supportive and helps around the house so I can get the quilts made.  He even helps me with measuring the wadding and backing and often takes the quilts to the post office so I can continue on with the next one.  I try to quilt during the day and hand sew the bindings on a night in front of the TV so that I am at least spending time with my husband.

When I am not sewing I am off doing other voluntary things or taking my aging parents to medical appointments either in Adelaide or to another town in the Riverland. I have 2 adult children, not married and not living at home.  Our daughter has autism (at the lower end of the spectrum) and lives in support accommodation in Adelaide, and our son lives near us and is battling with cancer and still trying to work.  He does have a positive attitude even though, at times, after chemo treatments is quite unwell. There are times when we are away travelling in our caravan around our beautiful country.

Before I retired I worked  full time in an administrative/finance role for a school and there was little time for quilting.  My husband and I owned a citrus property until recently.

Hope this helps with the information about this ‘little 60 year old grey (under the colour) quilter’.



And now Bev and Geoff...

Hi my name is Bev and my days in summer begin around 6am with either a 30 min walk or attending to chores in our large garden and fernery, by 8 am it is into fabric and sewing not always for AHQ as we have a Patchwork and Quilting Business .There are customers to attend to as well as quilt samples to make displaying new fabric ranges which helps sell kits we cut and pack.Laundry Bags are my easy sew projects and are often sewn at night as a Me Time venture.

AHQ quilts are sometimes chosen from the request lists,but more often I have blocks and fabrics left over from shop samples and we like to clear the Scrap Basket .Scrap Quilts are my forte and I can always customise one to suit a request .

As soon as I have a quilt top finished it is slotted in to be quilted by my husband Geoff, he is the long arm quilter and operates one of his two machines everyday there are quilts comming in regularly .We also exhibit at Craft Shows in VIC, NSW, SA, my machine comes with me and I sew LB linings which I precut ready to sew .

I stitch every day of the week in some way or other as well as   holding classes here and there
but AHQ is constantly on my mind working out colours and patterns that will suit either gender.
Winter days are similar for sewing , the garden is not so critical sometimes we get rain which helps.That is my general day at work we have a purpose built house incorporating the shop and quilting studio so we do not have to travel.

Cheers Bev & Geoff Coates


Thanks very much ladies!    I hope some more of you are inspired to write in.

Till next time................keep speading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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