
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Grati-Tuesday 2 Dec

Lots of lovely thank you messages tonight.



Hi Betty,

I am so sorry for the late reply, I have been on R&R leave with my wife in the USA. Thank you so much for the quilt and laundry bag!

They look fantastic, your dedication and skill was immediately obvious when I opened the parcels. It truly is amazing what a little colour can do!

I see the quilts other people receive around the camp and they do brighten the place up and allow everyone to have a little bit of themselves and of home in their room. The small things really do mean the world to everyone here.

Again, I would like to thank you so much for the hard work you've put in and for making this quilt and laundry bag for me.

Hey Guys,
            I am supper happy with all the effort that has gone into the quilt I really appreciate the work that has been put into produce a top quality quilt that will stay with me and my family for a long time. 
A special thanks Christine C from WA for the colours and effort also to Robin who added the Basketballer and quilting love it !! 

Thank you all sooo much      

Hi Jan Maree

I just got back into the office today after two weeks away and had a lovely surprise waiting for me - my quilt (by Lisa N) and laundry bag (by Maree W)! They were gorgeous and I very much appreciated the effort that had gone into making them. If I wanted to thank the person who made it, would it be alright if I sent them a letter? I have the address on the back of the package.

Thank you very much for arranging this and all the hard work you do - I will definitely treasure my quilt for many years to come.


and of course I said PLEASE DO write to the quilter! :-) .....

Dear Su,

        I don't think a thankyou e-mail does you justice to the time you put in but i'm gonna try and put into words how stoked I was with the quilt and laundry bag anyway. I think your husband is a very wise man because I think it's an absolute gem and my daughter is going to love it. I can't thank you and all the ladies at Aussie Hero Quilts enough for what you do for us. It's amazing how much your quilt & bag lifted my spirits when I opened the package. I'm afraid I won't be passing on the laundry bag because I like it to much. Your braver than me with the sky diving.  I'm afraid that's something I could never bring myself to do. Once again thankyou so much and stay safe jumping out of planes.

Kindest Regards,

Dear Jan-Maree

Guess what arrived today!! Thankyou so much for my laundry bag it is amazing! I really appreciate the effort that has gone into that, and my mum must have indulged a lot about my favourite things!! It almost feels to bad to actually use it lol


I just wanted to drop you a short note to say 'Thank you' for the absolutely gorgeous Laundry Bag that you so kindly made and sent over to me. 

I have no idea how I ended up on your mailing list, but I am so glad that as fate would have it I did! I am completely blown away that someone I have never met would take time out of their busy life to make something as beautiful as you did for me. It was so heartwarming and both I and my collegues all said it reaffirmed our appreciation of home and how we really are so lucky that some people back there would go out of their way to make other people happy! 

I just love the colours and have had so many comments about it, instead of my old laundry bag that sat hidden at the bottom of my cupboard, yours takes pride and place and really brightens up my room (and my day everytime I look at it!!)

Thank you so much again, you really did make my day - and bring me a feeling of joy everytime I see those lovely bright colours!!

Kindest regards, 


Good Afternoon  Rosemary,

Thanks heaps for the laundry bag, Tim tams and lollies  It made my day and put a big smile on my face

I appreciate your hard skilful work making this bag for me

Thanks Heaps


Hi Debbie,

Thank you for the quilt that you made, it looks great.  As you've rightly pointed out in your letter, the time couldn't have been better, with winter well and truly setting in here.  I've attached a quick picture of myself with the quilt.
I trust you and your family have a great Christmas and stay safe.

Again, thank you very much for your time, your efforts in helping Aussie Hero Quilts and your letter

Dear Margaret,

                 I am extremely grateful for you giving up your time and just wanted to say a huge thankyou for making the laundry bag for me and to also let you know its getting quite a workout. We here appreciate the time and effort all the ladies put in to making the bags and quilts and it's humbling to know that Aussie all over care about us and what we are doing.  Have a few more Gin & Tonics for me and take care of yourself.

Kindest Regards,


G'day Linda H,

I would like to thank you very much for the package and kind words that you sent me.  The laundry bag is absolutely fantastic and I have already put it to good use.  There's no need to worry about the Air Force badge as you have it 100% corect.  The Tim Tams were a great touch too and they were thoroughly enjoyed (very quickly I might add) by all the boys at the Squadron, it was great to have a piece of home.

Thanks again for your support and the package that you sent met, it's great to know that people at home are thinking about us and support what we are doing.



Dear Maree

I am about to go home shortly, and I wanted to take this time to write you an email of thanks.

I’ve been in Afghanistan for 4 months now.  Early in the piece someone gave me a form I could fill in if I wanted a quilt and/or a laundry bag. I thought, why not?  I was the fourth one you made.

A little later a parcel arrived from you.  Some of my mates got one at the same time.  You guys put a smile on our faces.  We were so impressed and grateful.  Aussies are, by nature, not ones to go over the top in their praise and thanks of others.  We aren’t a hugely overtly patriotic bunch.  But this work that you do is fantastic.  The support you show to people like myself serving overseas is a great morale lifter.  Not only the quilt and the laundry bag you made for me, but also the letter which added a real personal touch, like you really do care.  And you’ve never even met me.  You took the time to tell me about yourself and your family.  Thank you so much.  It means a lot over here to know that there are regular people back in Australia who think about what we do and support us in an individual personal way without expecting any reward or publicity.

I’m impressed to read that your Uncle fought at Long Tan.  Not many people can say that!  Now there is a real hero!!

The quilt and laundry bag you made for me are fantastic.  I love them.  They will find use at home long after this deployment.  I’ve packed them away and in a few short days I will show them, and your letter, to my family and my unit.

People like you are our Aussie heroes.

Dear Anna,

A few days ago I received the beautiful quilt you made for me. It was a surprise as I had not signed up for the Aussie Heroes deliveries (one of the girls here knew how busy we were and put our names down). The thoughtfulness of this nearly brought me to tears.

As a leader of a large maintenance team I have seen the positive reactions and morale boost your gifts bring. For a few young team members, this was the only care package they have received, and it means a lot to them.

Sometimes it is a hard and thankless job, but seeing your quilt every day when I get up reminds me of why I am here. It makes long days that little bit easier for my team, knowing that we have the support of people at home behind us.

Thank you for your support Anna, and please pass on my sincere thanks to Aussie Heroes for supporting my team.

Kind Regards,

Dear Debbie,

Thank you very much for your incredible generosity in sending me- an absolute stranger- the gift of a hand made laundry bag, words can’t adequately express my gratitude. It is ironic that you would choose to put scenes of camping and rock climbing on there as they are both pastimes that I enjoy.

Here at the moment it is going into winter so it’s getting quite cold during the day and by night the temp is close to freezing, within a month or so it will probably be below 0 during the day and down to -20 during the night. This country has a harsh climate with temps hitting 45-50 daily throughout summer and plummeting well below zero in winter.

I hope that you have a good summer with no fires, please stay and thank you again for your incredible generosity


 Hi Barb B

I just received my beautiful quilt in the mail (actually a day or so ago)... all I can say is WOW is it awesome...I can't thank you enough for how much work you have put into it.  I have not had time to get a photo yet but I know how Jan-Maree likes to get them so I will get organised and send one through to you both. It is so nice to see when I walk into my  room...makes things much more homey! 

It was really lovely to get your card and hear a little bit about you and your family...the Tim Tams are also lovely to get and will be very popular when I share them around. I am also told that tea is particularly nice so I'm looking forward to sitting down with a tea and Tim Tam for supper!
Anyway just wanted to make sure you knew how much appreciated your efforts are.   I have spoken to many people around camp and everyone who has received a quilt absolutely ecstatic with how beautiful they are and the thoughtfulness put into them.



Dear Evelyn,

Today was a wonderful Day! I received a parcel and I thank you so much for the gorgeous bed quilt and laundry bag!

As you can see they have pride of place in my room! The colours are just beautiful - all my teal favourites and the apple green floral backing is just as stunning!

I say 'my' room, and so far I do not have a roommate assigned. I have been informed that that will soon change. I am enjoying the freedom while I can
and making sure I do not 'spread' across into the empty space in anticipation of having company very soon. Then I am sure there will be 'quilt' envy!

I am thankful that my lodgings here are very new, nice and fortified! Not that we get to spend much time in the quarters, as the hours we work are quite long, however there is nothing much else to do, so working makes the hours and days fly by. Quite a sense of accomplishment in our efforts as well! This particular 'lodging' makes up for aspects of deployment that are not so great! Whilst transiting here, we stayed in various lodgings and this is by far the most superior accommodation I have ever stayed in during my service career! Some of the rooms were half the size with 2 sets of bunk beds to sleep 4 people - and required to hold everyone’s bags (most are travelling with 2-3 bags, protective gear and weapons!) More importantly, it is a room and not a tent and I am not outside during the Afghan winter -  so life is grand!

As you can imagine - a 51 year old woman is not too keen on taking the top bunk - but I was sharing turns for the bottom bunk with another lass on the way over! LOL! Needless to say, I love retiring here at the end of my day - curling up in my single bed (yippee no bunk!) and checking my emails and writing letters home! Hence, the view taken in this photograph!

Thank you also for your lovely letter. I just live for mail - and your letter was so warm and friendly - as though I was hearing from a very dear friend. You and the 'Aussie Hero Quilt' group are extremely generous with your time and I can rest assure you the quilts and laundry bags are greatly appreciated and admired.

To have something nice in your room is such a treat, especially when you are limited in what you can bring over here. The last thing I thought of was a
quilt! The bedding issued here was minimalistic, but practical. Nothing to write home about! But once again - I have a bed and sheets etc in a room and
not a sleeping bag! Lots more than most and more than many of the folk who sleep 'rough' back at home!

Once again thank you for making quilts for the servicemen and service women who deploy, away from family and friends, and sometimes to not so friendly places. I wish you and your husband and children a very Merry Christmas and Best wishes for a fabulous new year in 2015.

Kind Regards and forever grateful


G'Day Ella,

It was nice to receive your Blanket and letter, Thank you very much. I am a simple farm boy who decided I should get out and see the world before I went back to the farm after school. So I decided to join the military. Has been a good experience for me however I have nearly accomplished my goal which was to get my trade. I only have until next April left of my compulsory 6 years of service. Then my plan is to go back home to my hometown in NSW) and help my father and little brother with our 3 farms.... This I imagine will be a huge change for me from the military back into civilian life.. However will be great to finally begin my real life after doing my bit for the security of Australia's future. I am currently deployed to the middle east as part of Operation OKRA which is Australia's contribution to the war against ISIL. We are in Tents which is a bit rough.. Sort of like M.A.S.H but with airconditioners so its not too bad.

Thankyou very much for the gifts, its a great morale booster for me and my mates.



Dear Christine,

It was a huge honour and a pleasant surprise to receive the Laundry Bag. I don’t know who put my name forward but I genuinely appreciate their thoughts not to mention the time and dedication of the people behind Aussie Hero Quilts (& Laundry Bags). This is my sixth tour of this area and I feel proud of what myself and our group achieve but at times over here we become so caught up in what we are doing and our families that we forget the people at home that are supporting us. The fact that you took the time and effort is not only very special but shows a level of caring not always seen in today’s environment.

For a long time now our forces have been asked to their duty in a number of areas around the world, but the Middle East has been our longest and in some ways our most demanding. The fact that a small group are so dedicated to bring a little happiness and joy is truly amazing.

I would like to thankyou again for such a lovely gift and the time and effort you put into this. You can tell your grandson that the biscuits were great, and the other bits and pieces was a little taste of home.

Many Thanks

The following thank you is for one of our Block of the Month Quilts and a laundry bag made by Maree J


I would like to inform you that I have received a wonderful quilt and laundry bag. I believe a massive thankyou is in order for you and your team, I know that the ship is extremely grateful to have received them definately put a big smile on my face.  

Thankyou soo much Aussie Hero Quilts!!


For a quilt by Pam M (VIC)

I received a quilt and laundry bag.

Thank you so much for doing what you do. It is greatly appreciated, especially when some times it seems the general public isn't always supportive of the Defence Force. It really makes a difference when we receive so much support and something to remind us that it is worth it. Thank you to all the lovely ladies that spent so much time sewing and wrote such lovely notes.

The chocolate and lollies were also really well enjoyed by the girls. 

Thanks again, 

For the ladies at Berrima Patchwork..

Just a quick message to let you know that my Aussie Hero Quilt arrived safe and sound. Thank you all so much for putting in such a big effort for us by making these quilts. It really means a lot :)
I hope you enjoy the rest of your year and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :) 


and another one for the Berrima crew


I wish to offer you my heart felt thanks for my AHQ. I was not expecting to recieve one and I have found it extremly useful. I am looking forward to taking it home and showing it off to my family.

Yours Aye, 


For a quilt made by Robin

Just wanted to pass on my thanks for the amazing Quilt that I was provided by your organisation. It certainly has pride of place in my cabin at the moment, and will be a nice keepsake to remind me of my time on Toowoomba.



Hi Debbie

Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt. I absolutely love it! It is a lovely reminder of home and means so much to me. I will treasure it forever.

I am a little bit familiar with where you live – I have flown out that way before in the past! I hope the weather has been kind to you fingers crossed this summer will not be too dry. My partner used to work on a cattle station in Alice Springs. She speaks very fondly of those memories, admitting though that it was very hard work.

I spend a lot of time at Jervis Bay and have been to all the places on your map. It is a beautiful area with pristine, unspoilt beaches – definitely worth visiting if you are ever down that way!

Anyway, once again, thank you for the beautiful gift. I appreciate it more than words can describe.

Dear Jacky,

Thank you so much for the amazing quilt and laundry bag. My wife told me they looked great from the photos, but wouldn't tell me anything about them until they arrived. I just got "home" to the UAE after another couple of weeks in Afghanistan, so your package was a great welcome home present.

I am blown away that you do this for us. Please know that the time and effort you have sacrificed is very appreciated.

Thank you,


Good Evening Kerri,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your wonderful laundry bag. It is exactly what I was hoping for. It has definately lightened the mood here. One of my little boys would love it when I have finished here.

Secondly, I would also like to thank you for putting a poppy out there for me it was really important to me that someone who did not know me, would do that. Once again, thank you.

Please pass on my gratitude to the ladies on their fine work with the laundry bags and doonah covers. I know everyone over here who receives one is very grateful.

Thank you again for your lovely letter and also for the chocolates (I am a Cadbury's boy), I know everyone one here liked them as well.

Cheers for now,

And Rita Mee received this photo from a very happy recipient!

Till next time.............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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