
Friday 13 July 2012

Quilts of the Week

The lovely Carole found this piece of fabric recently and has offered to send it to anyone who would like to use it for Aussie Heroes.  My initial response was to say "yeah send it to me" but as lots of the donated fabric makes it here I decided to put it up and see if one of you would like to do something with it.

Leave me a comment or send me an email and I will let Carole know who to send it to next week.  First in best dressed ladies! 
 This could be a love of fun!

And now for the Quilts (and Laundry Bags) of the Week

This is Leonie's first time making laundry bags and her first response to a request.  She has packed whole box of goodies to go with this but I am not showing pics in case Mr DN sees it.

This is a special quilt.  A lovely boss requested a quilt for herself but she also requested quilts for two of her staff.  Now each serving member is entitled to one quilt and if they want to be able to send it home as a gift to a loved one that is fine with me.  This is for a Senior NCO (can't give too many details as you understand) who is missing his little grand daughter so his bos requested this for him to send to her.  Boy I wish I could be there to see the look on his face when he opens the box.  As alsways, with the kangaroos on quilts, and a pink one especially this time - this is the work of Liz from WA!
A quilt for her and a laundry bag for Granddad.

Marg from WA has come through again and made five laundry bags to send off.

Kaye is also an inaugural sender and her first three quilts went off this week.  There will be three happy Special Ops chappies getting these at the other end.

This is Susan's response to a request from a request from a spouse so it will be a complete surprise when it turns up.  And just so you know - that border print is not flowers -it is thistles.
Love that block combination!  
This laundry bag is winging its way this week too  - I actually got to finish this and a quilt as well, but the quilt is too distinctive to show here till I know it has been received.

This is one of the laundry bags made in Penrith last week and it is heading off to TK.

And last but not least we have Carolynne's quilt and laundry bag, her first foray into Aussie Hero sewing and a great response to a request from Dubai.

I am posting early as I am heading out to Melbourne tonight.  See you on Sunday night as usual - if I am not buried under dirty laundry and unpacking!

Till next time....................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. I'll see you before you read this, so it's a bit silly to post it, but just in case I don't get to Beasleys tomorrow, if you don't get any other offers, I'd love that Aussie fabric to make up some quilts! I can just see it used as centrepieces in large blocks over a quilt top!

  2. thank goodness Gina replied lol I will wait for your details Gina and get it to you ASAP.

  3. Rat's I missed out....oh well at least Gina actually has a pattern/idea in mind, I would've come up with one, but it's great that she'll get to use it. Thank you for your generosity Carole.


  4. ME??? Squeaks with delight! Carol and Naomi - you have email:-)

  5. These laundry bags are gorgeous!! Oh & the quilts of course, stunning work, especially when you know the stories behind them. Love Posie
