
Wednesday 13 June 2012

Tons of Fun with the Turramurra Twins! and Quilters on board!

Hee hee hee - they are going to kill me for that heading!  But I couldn't resist.  These are two of the loveliest ladies you could hope to meet and as usual today we had lots of fun. 
Claire is on the left and Carol on the right. 
First up every time is show and tell.  I snuck one in this time and got them both to hold up our latest BOM quilt  for May which I just managed to finish last night!  It wasn't till after I had taken the photo that I told them to get ready to see themselves on the blog header!!!  Hee Hee 
There are still enough blocks leftover for about two more quilts so watch out for them in future weeks.  I have to say I really love the plaids in this - it just looks cozy.  It is heading out tomorrow bound for Dubai - can't say who it is for yet - just in case.

And now to Carol and Claire's show and tell.  
I was dying to get my hands on this one - is it not gorgeous!   This was made by Heather from Turramurra and the Aussie Animals come from one Aboriginal design tea towel.  Hasn't Heather made great use of them!  I would never have thought of cutting a tea towel up like this one but it looks great.  Seriously the photo doesn't do it justice!

I am going to sit on this one for a while.  It will either go as a Wounded Warrior Quilt (WWQ) if the need arises or it will go for a special request. 
 This is one that Carol made especially as a WWQ - I am so pleased to have some on standby.
 This is another WWQ - this time made by Claire.  I want to make one too sometime - I think there is a special kind of love that goes into making one of these very important quilts.  Thanks girls!
And finally a really special quilt.  
This lovely young lady is Carol's daughter, Kirsten, and she is quilting her first quilt - 
but wait there is more!  
Not only is she quilting her first quilt - she designed it, sewed it AND quilted it!  
HELLO!!!!!  Is that not an AWESOME effort!  
CHECK IT OUT!!!!  It is a TETRIS quilt.  
Now I don't normally do this but this is a pretty special quilt if you ask me so........... 
if any of you out there know of a special someone who would relate to a Tetris quilt please put your hand up.  I am sure whoever gets this will love it anyway but as it is such a special effort by the gorgeous Kirsten I am giving it a little extra attention - 
and Kirsten, feel free to come and sew with us any time!

And now for the good news part of the evening.  
I have been calling out for some help from quilters! Yahoo!  
I now have a quilter in Melbourne, one in Queensland (around Roma), one in Darwin (and as far as I know she is our only lonely Aussie Hero Quilter in the top end!) one in the Goldfield town of Kambalda WA and, thank goodness, a couple in Sydney.  

If anyone knows of any quilters in South Australia or Tassie or even other quilters anywhere, why not send them off an email and ask if they are interested in getting involved.  What have you got to lose?

So, if you finish off a quilt top and want to get it quilted please contact me and I will sort out where you need to send it.   It won't necessarily be the quilter in your state as they may already have a few quilts to do.  If you can't supply batting and backing you may need to send it to me first so that I can sort that out.  Also, if you are wanting to make quilts for the Christmas mailing my advice is to get them in early if you need someone to quilt them for you as these lovely ladies will get busier and busier as Christmas draws closer with their PAYING customers and we do not want to stretch the friendship!

Thank you thank you thank you 
to all the quilters who stepped up!

Till next time..................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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