
Friday 15 June 2012

This week's quilts and other bits

First up tonight, before I show you the quilts that have gone out this week we had  a lovely email from a female serving member who said -

Hi Ladies,

Just a quick note to say how awesome the quilt and laundry bags are that XXXXXX received from you. I do not have facebook, but I had a look at your website and I think it is a fantastic thing that you are doing. What a great bunch of ladies! The small quilt for Belvedere (our mascot turtle) is especially gorgeous! And I love the kangaroo on XXXX's quilt. I think you ladies are the Aussie Hero's - it is always great when people appreciate us.

I have a bright doona cover over here, so do not need a quilt but would really love a bright, loud laundry bag if someone had the time.

How is that for affirmation?  So, seeing as all that is requested is a laundry bag, I wrote back and asked if there was a particular interest or hobby and found out that the West Coast Eagles are a passion along with all sports and bright colours. Now being a West Aussie Sandgroper myself you have no idea how much I wanted to take this one on myself but I just can't.  I have enough (maybe too much) on my plate at the moment so I put a call out to my list of volunteers and YAY!  Marg from WA picked it up in minutes!  I look forward to seeing what she does.

Talking about having special tastes or interests - 
This is Marg's quilt for, ha! just kidding I am not telling who it is for!!!   Anyway her quilt ad laundry bag appropriately feature NSW emblems - 
And get a load of the laundry bag - the Ken Done Opera House on one side and
The Rocks and Convicts on the other.  Love it and I have it on good authority that the recipient will too.
This quilt top was made by Andrea and quilted by Carol and it is winging its way to Afghanistan

and the same story for this one except that it is winging its way to Dubai.
This is Claire's BOM quilt - love those colours and hopefully so will the fellow in Afghanistan who receives it.  Those lovely ladies from Turramurra have made 15 quilts to cover one particular group.  Jessie's soon-to-be-daughter-in-law has her brother over there and the ladies have made one for each member of his group - that makes Jessie a pretty awesome Mother-in-law to have, the Turramurra ladies a pretty awesome group of friends and the fellow in Afghanistan.....well I expect his popularity stakes went up once the quilts started to arrive!  

Just for interest's sake we currently have 6 special request quilts under construction in varying stages and one laundry bag alone PLUS a special request of a T shirt quilt AND two quilts being finished off for EGYPT.  I guess that is what is keeping us all out of mischief!

And today Caroline came over.  I had to answer a couple of phone calls and then a new Aussie Hero Friend Judith dropped in for the first time to see what's what AND went home with a quilt to bind!  All the while Caroline sewed and I managed to fit in a little.  The last APRIL WONKY cross quilt top is now together except for borders.  The black, white and red pinwheel quit that PAULINE sent all the blocks for is now a quilt top, just awaiting its borders and the two Earthy toned quilt tops that Cat sent me the blocks for are now together.  Caroline brought over two quilt tops that she has finished - multi coloured pinwheels using leftover BOM blocks and some extras she made and a great blokes one with tank fabric and khaki stars!  They will be going up to Sue in QLD to quilt!  Thanks SUE!

All in all that is a pretty good result for this week!  I don't know about you but over the weekend I am hoping to get to all those borders and get them done AND sew some more strippy string BOMs

No post tomorrow night but I will be back on Sunday with the latest.

Till next time..................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Hi Jan-Maree, going to pin those two quilts at the shop next saturday and ill take my machine and start quilting. join me if you can

    Pam xx
