
Sunday 13 May 2012

Spreading the word...

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers out there - and to those that are not mothers I hope you had a happy day too.  The truth is that most women do some sort of mothering naturally, whether to your friends, your family, your kids, your work mates, the children and or adults you work with, so I think we all deserve a little blessing on Mother's Day.  Hope you got some today!

I have been encouraging you to get out there and spread the word and I thought I would tell you about a couple of Friends who have been doing just that.

Sue  has been spending a lot of time on her computer and is emailing everyone - 158 emails so far.  Already she has had some positive feedback and even those who cannot help have been encouraging!  Way to go Sue!

And then there is Naomi.   She emailed a local quilt shop, The Riverland Quilting Supplies in Renmard, SA, and asked if they would display something on their noticeboard in the shop about AHQ.  Naomi sent me a screen dump of the flyer the shop's owner, Leah, made.  Hurray for Naomi and for Leah!

So, keep spreading the word - a little, a lot - it all adds up!

It is time to share the love a little.  I am having a Give Away on my other blog - Cherry Red Quilter - here.  Why not pop over and leave a comment to be in the draw.  Just make sure I can contact you.  No reply blogger are not counted!

And just before I go - the next Aussie Heroes Sydney Sewing Day is Wednesday the 16th - a laundry bag making day!  Anyone interested in coming leave a comment so I can send you the address.

Till next time.............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Hi Jan-Maree,
    Just wanted you to know, I've just become aware of your project.. (must've been hiding in a dark place
    Anyhoo, I love that you guys are doing this project... Wanted to let you know I've shared it on my fb page today to help pass the word :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
