
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Egypt and more

Time now for an update on what is happening with Egypt.

As you know there are 25 Aussies serving in Afghanistan and we are progressively sending quilts and laundry bags over to them.  There have been a few questions from AH Friends as to whether we should send laundry bags to Egypt so I checked with my contact there and her response was "I use my laundry bag all the time" so that seems like a pretty good answer to me.

And you will be pleased to know that I had a quick email from my point of contact over there letting me know that some of the quilts arrived.  Here is some of what she said.

Morning Jan-Maree, yes we got mail about 20 mins after I’d sent your email, C's quilt was in the mail along with 3 others ( all boy ones I believe) Thankyou letters to follow, the three still in my office were from Erica L of Vic and 2 from Susan S from SA. Actually one from Susan has just been opened and oh my it’s beautiful. I am going to have to learn how to quilt.

This is the quilt that Marilyn made for her daughter-in-law, the C mentioned above!  She has already emailed to tell her she loves it!

I am guessing here but I am thinking this is Erika's quilt which has arrived
 And this
 And this are Sue's!

And just before I go here is something I found today when I was trying (in vain) to catch up on the blogs I follow.
One of our Aussie Hero Friends, Pip, has been working on a quilt for Aussie Heroes using the latest BOM - 

Till next time................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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