
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Aussie Hero Sewing Day and a thank you

We had another Aussie Heroes Sewing day today and we all worked hard. So hard in fact that I hardly got any photos!  Carol and Claire worked on their first ever laundry bags.  Here are two that were made - the rest went home with the girls to be sent off with quilts.  We worked so hard that we didn't even stop for lunch (we stopped to chat, just not to eat!  LOL)  and when it was time to pack up we didn't event think about taking pictures of all the bags.  
Wendy came too and she sewed quilt tops together.  All day she was cutting and pinning and sewing away. Again no photos of today's work but here are four completed quilt tops that she brought with her - these she had worked on during the two weeks since the last sewing day.

Carol and Claire bought a bunch of quilts and quilt tops to show too - including a great May BOM quilt top (yes, a whole quilt top!) that Claire made but again - NO PHOTOS!  Someone remind me to take photos at the beginning next time!  I will show some more pics tomorrow.

And now for something special!

One of our special request quilts was received last week and the recipient went to the special effort of having a photo taken with one of the Chaplains, in front of the memorial and the Aussie Flag to send to us for publication!  Thank you so much!!!  This quilt was made by Marg and is her 15th quilt - and as it goes only her 2nd thank you email.  Naturally she is delighted!

Ladies...First my apologies for the delay in writing you both as the quilt was delivered early last week. The reason for this is I wanted to include a photo, but to do so it first had to go through channels. Attached you'll find a picture of the quilt, myself and the Padre in front of the memorial here at the base.

Words cannot truly express my gratitude and heart felt thanks for a tribute such as this made with love and caring hands....

Someone once said that life isn't measured by how many breaths you take, rather how many moments that take your breath away. This is one of those times as now I have this wonderful gift to remind me of two things: (1) the time and experience when I served with the heros of your country, and (2) to have met the both of you.
With much appreciation,

The Padre is on the left and the recipient is on the right.
I do love these emails!

Till next time............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Wow that email is fabulous!!! - Always good to hear these! Thanks for sharing Jan-Maree!!! ... Also, those tops look fabulous! Go Wendy!! Woot woot!!! Well done on getting all the laundry bags made up!! These sewing days sound super productive - even when there is heaps of talking involved, lol!! Keep up the good work girls!! xo

  2. Awesome!!! It is so nice to read this email. Sitting with mum in emergency again. So my quilts will not be going tomorrow (sad face) SORRY ..... I will let you know as soon as they go Jan-Maree
