
Saturday 7 April 2012

Volunteer List and Finishes Galore!

WOW!  Speedy response to my call for a volunteer to make a quilt for the lovely guy and his daughter last night.  I reckon some of you must have been sitting on your computers just waiting for my post if....but seriously some of you were quick off the mark.  Thanks to all those who offered - I think I have emailed you all separately - but I felt I should go with first in best dressed so this time Christine will be making the quilt and laundry bag.  Can't wait to see what she does.

I did have a wee problem with  couple of lovely no-reply bloggers who said they would love to be on the volunteer list but have not given me their email addresses.  If you are Sally-Jo who was  just piped at the post by Christine or Susan who said you have some pink blocks going in the mail on Tuesday can you please leave another comment with your email details so I can add you to the list.

Tonight I can show you our first WWQ or Wounded Warrior Quilt.  This quilt top was made by Claire and finished by Caz.  As there are three quilts already under construction I am hanging on to this one and will use it as a replacement if, more likely when, the others get used.
 And here is another top that Claire made also quilted by Caz.  This one is going off in the mail this week.
 Third quilt for tonight is one donated by Shannon's Army.  Love the design and colours.
And now I am finally going to have to fess up to not remembering who sent me this quilt top.  I have had a couple of close shaves before this but have always managed to work out where the tops came from and now I have a new system in place of documenting quilt tops as they come in by photo.  Unfortunately, this one slipped through so if you made it please holler!  This will be going in the mail this week too.
In fact, pretty much all of these quilts will be going in the mail this week except for a couple that I have personal addresses for.  These are the seven that I have been flat out quilting and binding for the last three days.

This top by Maria
 And so is this one.
 This one is by Marienne

 These two are by Angela -the photos dont do the gorgeous batiks justice.

I don't have a clue why this photo won't go as big as the others!
 This is the third of Claire's tops
 And I hope you are sitting down - it has been ages since I actually had time to make a quilt top but here are two - I think this has enough of the Aussie flavour to be a standby WWQ so I am going to hang on to it for a while until i get some more options.  I made the top but Sue from Qld donated the strips. 
Speaking of donations, if anyone has some spare Australian fabrics that they don't want I would really like some more to make more WWQ quilt tops.  Feel free to send them my way.  

Finally here is my golfing quilt.  I don't normally do requests but this is for the head Chaplain and I think he deserves a little something special - plus I know he likes golf!
 I bought a bulk pack of 20 boxes today - did you know you get a discount if you do that?  My hubby and son kindly assembled the for me and stacked them almost to the ceiling in my dining room.  Not all of these will go off this week but I am ready to go now.
I probably won't be posting for the next couple of days.  It being Easter and all I am planning to spend some time with my hubby -would spend some time with my kids but at 15 they think that is lame so I will just enjoy hubby time instead.  We are planning a couple of movies - dinner with one and then Monday night my nephew from Perth is visiting for dinner.  In the mean time I doubt I will be sewing as i am trying to sort through 6 HUGE plastic bags of fabric we received from an elderly dressmaker who has gone to that light and bright sewing room in the sky.  All sorts of scraps and remnants are in those bags and it will take me quite a while to get through them so I will be concentrating on that for the next couple of days on and off.  
I will be back on Tuesday!

Don't forget one week today left for posting this time unless we get some personal addresses.  
So that is 5 actual posting days left.

Also if you are thinking pink please hurry up and get your blocks for our special little girly quilt in the mail.

Till next time................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Oh, Jan-Maree those quilts are lovely as usual. The WWQ by Claire is stunning. Great job on the ones you have finished. My 2 are in their boxes ready for the PO on Tuesday. I will email photos and place them on my blog.

  2. Sorry Jan-Maree, that was me as no reply blogger re the pink post and database. You already have my email.

    Mount Gambier

  3. Jan-Maree - enjoy your special time with hubby (don't worry - the boys will be happy to spend time with you when they get a bit older and wiser). Happy Easter!
