
Thursday 26 April 2012

Turramurra and Singleton Quilters and BOMs

I am still getting feedback on possible names for us - Aussie Hero Friend/Chum/Stitcher/Quilter/Mate/Sewing Angel/Pal/Sheila.......
Anyone have anything else?

I have more photos to share with you of quilts that are on their way to Afghanistan.
This one was made by Heather from the Turramurra Quilters.  It is a disappearing nine patch and I really like this layout!
This isn't a second quilt - this is actually the back of the above quilt.  
The next eight are from the Singleton Quilters.

What a great bunch of quilts!

If you have a few spare moments you should check out this blog.  Tracey at The Peony Teacup is having a give away and in the same post she has encouraged people to get behind and sew for Aussie Heroes.  Why don't you go over and check out her blog and say thanks for giving a shout out to us.

We have a few days left until the end of the month and that means a few days left to make some BOMs.  I have had a few emails about them in the last few days so I know there are some of you out their making some.  Leave me a comment if you are planning to send some so I know how many to expect.  This bunch was made by Claire from Turramurra Quilters and myself.  I think I might have taken a few people out of their comfort zone with this wonky block.  Well, nevermind, the next one will not be wonky I promise.  
And check out what Maria has been doing- two wonderful quilt tops!

Till next time................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. I would love to become involved, I am new to quilting and tink this is a brilliant idea for our Aussie soldiers.
    If i understand correctly the mailing time is limited and the next mailing date is coming up towards the end of the year.
    Can you please email me with what I can be doing and how to get involved with the block of the month.

  2. So many lovely quilts from everyone. I lived in Singleton many years ago when my DH was a soldier there.
