
Saturday 28 April 2012

A special request completed

Do you remember that lovely soldier that I told you about here who requested a quilt that he could enjoy in Afghanistan and then take back home and give to his daughter?  Well I put out a call for a volunteer to make it and Christine was the first one to put her hand up to make it.  Well, it is finished and on its way.
Gorgeous colours and a great touch having the Aussie Flag on it too.
And of course Christine made a laundry bag to go with it.

By the way if you are interested in seeing some of the ANZAC Day footage from various places around the world, including Tarin Kot and Al Minhad Air Base just look here.   One of the fellows that has requested a quilt was kind enough to send me the link.  He also sent me a picture of what ANZAC Day was where he is.
You might notice the gentleman and in the suit with his wife next to him.  They are Mr and Mrs McCarthy, the parents of Sig Sean McCarthy who was killed on active duty in Afghanistan in 2008. They attend the service at this location every year.  That is rather humbling isn't it.  What sort of trip must it be for them every year.
If you would like to see some other pictures from the day you can look here.  I haven't had a chance to trawl through them all yet but I will be and I will be searching to see if I see any familiar faces.

Till next time.................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Lovely job Christine !! beautiful quilt I'm sure the recipient will love it.

  2. Thanks , the fabrics for the front had been donated

  3. Even though i'm a soldier's wife & my husband is over there now, i still think it's much harder for the parents. Love Posie
