
Friday 20 April 2012

Rita's quilts

I have some great quilts to show you today.  These were made by Rita, a lovely American lady I met at Country Pickin's.  She has sewn Quilts of Valor Quilts and when she saw the Aussie Hero Quilt display at Country Pickin's she jumped right into sewing for us too.  She has made three really lovely quilts.  Unfortunately she sent me the photos but no explanation so I am going to have to guess.  This first one is obvious - a great scrap/crazy quilt.

Some really fun details in this one.
I think this is the backing for it.
Then there is this great sunflower quilt.  Again I am loving the traditional layout!
And finally, my favourite.  A quilt made from blue jeans!  Now I not sure which is the front and which is the back.  Love both sides actually.  Check out the Aussie Map stitched in the middle of this one.
Had to include this picture - cute pup!
And I think maybe this is the back?  Still really cool.  I might have to save some old jeans too.
Even if I have got the descriptions wrong they are all still wonderful quilts!  
Thanks so much Rita.

There hasn't been much talk about BOMs this month.  I am assuming that everyone has been too busy finishing off their quilts to get them in the mail and then taking a breather!  Yell out if you are planning to send some.  I bought some more reds and blues the other day and have got as far as cutting the squares out and the white strips.  Hopefully some sewing over the weekend.  

There just might be no time to post tomorrow as I have a hot date on the sofa catching up on the entire season of Amazing Race with my Amazing Travelling Hubby - not so amazing when he comments on places they are racing that he has been to and I haven't!  He has traveled all sorts of places over the last 16 years while I have been with the boys at home - even Mongolia!  Anyway, I will be back without fail on Sunday!

Till then............keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Enjoy your weekend with hubby, you deffinately deserve time off for good behaviour lol

  2. Wow Rita's quilts are lovely. I wonder how heavy that denim one is. I have a massive pile of denim but was reluctant to make them as I expected they would be over 2kg. I will have to make one and see.

    Enjoy your weekend off.

  3. Love the blue jeans quilt - amazing how creative some people are, and extremely generous sharing them.
    Hope the internet diet issue is not too painful.
