
Saturday 14 April 2012

None, Zip, Zero, Ziltch!

No more days left - our first posting period is over, and though I do not yet know the actual number of quilts that have actually made it to the Post Office it doesn't really matter.  What does matter is that in just the 105 days since Aussie Heroes was officially born we have made a mark.  The support and commitment that has been shown to this program by so many people has warmed my heart but also those of many of our wonderful servicemen and women in the Middle East and back here.  We may have sent 100 quilts (probably more!) but for every soldier that received a quilt there are mates serving alongside him and families back home that have also been cheered by the gesture.  

Well done all of you!  I am so proud of each and every one of you sewed, donated and supported this project.  

Now, you can take tomorrow off ........OK if you must, a few days....
and then we can start thinking about our Christmas parcels.  

I am going to go back over the emails I have received and try and get a feel, as close as possible, for how many quilts and laundry bags we sent.  I will let you know as soon as I have worked it out.

In the mean time - here are a few more pictures!

Happy stitching Singleton Quilters!  What a wonderful bunch of ladies.  One even commented on the Facebook page today that she is even sewing in her sleep - I said that means she must be making some DREAMY quilts!  DREAMY get it? Ok, fine......moving on
Here is the latest batch of quilts winging their way to the Middle East!

 Look closely - this one is quilted in a lovely leaf pattern!

This Laundry bag and quilt set were made by Carole from Vic 
 She has a nephew in the Navy and will be making one for him too.
And finally a lovely quilt by Colleen - who doesn't want to sleep under the Southern Cross!!!

Till next time..................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. Quilters are such caring giving folk. congratulations to all.....

  2. Wonderful Quilts. I love Colleen's southern cross. I have seen this before as she brought it to Roma to share but it is wonderful and I think it is a great idea. A few Southern Crosses will be finding their way into my quilts too.
