
Saturday 10 March 2012

Terrific Turramurra Quilters - What a lovely day!

Well, I told you I was going on a very special Aussie Heroes outing today and now I can reveal all. 
I went to join the Turramurra Quilters on a special Aussie Hero sewing day!  :-)   
It was wonderful.  The ladies were all lovely and very welcoming.  And we worked hard.  Heather, shown in the photo below, showed the girls how to do a quilt as you go quilt and they got to work.........
 and worked.....
 and worked.......
 and worked.......
 from about 10am till about 530pm.
In the end there was lots to show for their labour.   Aren't the colours in these blue quilts GORGEOUS!   Eleanor and Judy did one quilt each.

 And this was a joint effort and is also nearly done.
This one is for a soldier in Afghanistan with the Engineers.  His sister's future mother-in-law, Jess, has made this for him - can't you tell that she is marrying into a lovely family!  
 Another Heather worked on this one - can you see that it is made up of big nine patches which are cut in four and then a red strip is sewn down the middle and they are joined again.  Very striking!
Carol had made this one before she came and just needed to complete the binding - she had stipple quilted it too.
 And this is more of Eleanor's work, also completed before today.
Another of the ladies, Claire, had already made three fabulous quilt tops - here is a sneak of each of them. 

This one contains 24 nine patches Claire made for our BOM and has sewn together for me. 
 I can't wait to quilt these.  I will show you a picture of the whole quilts once they are finished.  I love them!

While the ladies worked on the quilts I made laundry bags.  Nine in all.  These first 8 I left with Jess to send with the quilts to the Engineers.

 And this last one I kept as there is a laundry bag with the same african mask fabric in it and I am going to send them off together.
This isn't an Aussie Heroes Quilt but I thought I would show it to you anyway as it is a disappearing nine patch quilt and having just done nine patches for our February BOM I thought it would be interesting for you to see it if you haven't seen one before.  You make big nine patch blocks, cut them in four and twist the blocks around.  I thought we might make some of these later in the year.
Of course with every quilt group get together there is usually some food and sustenance and the ladies provided lots of yummy things to eat for morning and afternoon tea - brownies, fruit cake and scones to name a few and lunch of sandwiches, meatballs, a pasta bake, and fruit.  I am sure I have forgotten something but everything was yummy!

While we ate this little fellow sat above us, watching us carefully, from the trees and when we finished and came back inside he hopped down and walked about looking for leftovers.
 He even serenaded us for part of the day.  
Thank you Turramurra Quilters it was a lovely day.  I will come back and sew with you any day!  It was an absolutely pleasure.  Thank you so much for getting involved!

Till next time..................keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. What a great excursion. I wish I could have joined you, but alas distance is a problem. Those ladies made some lovely quilts.

  2. Congratulations ladies you all did a fabulous job of sewing quilts.

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful day spent with other wonderful women!

  4. WOW so much sewing done... what a fantastic group of ladies... how lucky for you to be able to join in with them for the day... you all achieved so much for the day xxx

  5. What an AWESOME sewing day! You ladies really cranked out some lovely quilts and laundry bags for the soldiers. Kudos to all of you!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Everyone,

    You are always welcome to join us. We meet on Friday nights (7:30PM- 10:00PM) during the school term at the South Turramurra Baptist Church on the corner of Kissing Point Road and Saddington St. We try to have an all day Saturday workshop once a term. Bring your current project and a gold coin for a yummy supper :)

    Carry on Quilting!!

    Turramurra Quilters
