
Wednesday 21 March 2012

Oh busy day but first........

A little bit of yesterday.  Here are the eight boxes I posted off yesterday.  Another two boxes going tomorrow including a big one with four quilts in it.  
and a small one with this laundry bag and treats in it. 
 Bit hard on the eyes huh! Just as well there is no alcohol allowed over there I would not like to be collecting my laundry in this laundry bag with a hangover!

And now for to today.  Ably supervised by Madam Porsche, Cynthia's dog,

 we emptied my pin tin - yes, this is normally almost full - and this lonely pin was only found on the floor AFTER we had folded the last pinned quilt.
 We layered this lovely quilt by Claire - I love all the Aussie fabrics.
 and this one by Marienne - such a simple pattern with three and a half inch squares but so effective.  We all kept saying just how much we liked this quilt.
 Another beauty by Claire - the special feature of this quilt is the THREE different shades of Zebra fabric.  It is so cool!
 and a fabulous batik one by Angella - now I really like batik but I just loved the gorgous cool colours in this one!
 And finally another of Claire's!  Again such a simple patter but striking results!
 At times we were working too hard to remember to take a picture but we ended up with this pile of layered and pinned quilts all ready to meet their quilter  - that would be me!  Some of you might recognise some of the backings you have donated.
This pile of quilts has been paired up with backings but is waiting for layering.  Maybe in two weeks time when we have our next Aussie Heroes sewing day.
We were surprised with a gorgeous big parcel today - ten quilt tops - YES TEN! from Angella.  Two gorgeous batik ones (one has been layered above) and three cute dog ones which I will label so that they go to dog handlers.

After all the pins ran out we took time to photograph the laundry bags that Cynthia has been making. Her son is in Afghanistan and she has collected initials and addresses of every son or daughter whose parents she has met at his farewell parade and various other functions since.  She still has 13 laundry bags to make but this is a good start.
 It was all too much for Snicker and Maisy departed for a soft spot on the sofa.
And now to an update on the quilt for our special little girl...
We are definitely going ahead with the girly quilt.  Of course you gorgeous Aussie Hero people didn't let me down.  There are plenty of you willing to make a contribution to this special little quilt.  The plan is the make two sorts of blocks as per Sue P's suggestion.

The first kind of block is a nine patch  - just like the ones we made for our February BOM.  You can refresh your memory here if you wish.  

The second block will be a nine and a half inch square with a heart appliqued on it. This is your chance to include your personality.  You can make it a simple heart using a pretty material or you can make it a bit fancy.  It can be hand appliqued, needle turn, button hole stitched or machine appliqued which will be my choice.  Add a little embroidery if you wish.  Whatever you like.

I am thinking soft and pretty with a heavy emphasis on pale pink.  Nothing heavy - fresh clean colours rather than dusky or what some people call "dirty colours".   This is what I am going to use.  Someone donated this fabric to the Gumnuts sometime ago and it has never been used and I have been just waiting for the excuse to use it - it is TOO CUTE!  I only have a fat quarter but that will be enough

 Not set number of blocks required.  If we get too many I will put some on the back - too few and I will pad them out with a few extra nine patches, sashing or plain blocks.  Let's aim for all blocks to be with me by April 11th.  Anyone from overseas who is sending some please let me know.  

Till next time...keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


  1. OMGoodnes so many boxes and so many quilts and laundry bags. What great folk there are in blog land.....

    Okay got the drum on the little girl blocks and have some lovley fabrics in soft colours.

  2. WOW OH WOW what a great hive of activity you all are... all those laundry bags and all personalised... super woman Angella big hugs to you for all those quilts... wonderful work by fellow Aussies xxx
