
Friday 6 January 2012

More offers of help today for both quilts and laundry bags.   There are a lot of good people out there you just need to let them know what is needed most of the time.  This lovely quilt was made in south Western Australia and more are underway!

Keep on spreading the word and commenting - I hear this is being read by a few of our guys and girls on the ground in Afghanistan and it is good for them to know what we are up to for them.

I have put a button on the left hand side of my blog so you can go to the Laundry bag tutorial - I am feeling quilt clever about this you know - and I think you can copy my button which is the Aussie Hero Quilt Label onto your blog if you like.  Let me know if you have any problems.  I am no tech expert!

Just for info my internet connection (thank you BIGPOND) is a bit unreliable at the moment and I am afraid that it is going to have to fail completely before they can find the problem.  The technician comes out for the third time on Tuesday but I just wanted to warn you so that if it does fail and you email me  and I don't reply that will be the reason!  Hopefully it will be fixed on Tuesday because this morning I had two hours of no emails going out and no internet coming in and my poor husband had a very important international conference call for which he had to access some documents and he was not happy!

Till next time..........happy stitching!

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